ACTCOSS: We need a renewed approach to governing the ACT

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by Susan Helyar, Director, ACT Council of Social Service As we start our round of formal meetings with members of the new ACT Legislative Assembly, our message is that while people frowned at the government’s long grip on power and was wary of the way it did business, they were … Read More

Will the ACT survive the 21st Century and will our local parliamentarians play a role?

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Julian Cribb has just published a book entitled Surviving the 21st-century. Humanity’s ten great challenges and how we can overcome them. The book has been unanimously praised by a cast reviewers that includes Paul Ehrlich, Robyn Williams, Clive Hamilton, Peter Doherty, former Governor-General Michael Jeffery, David Lindenmeyer, Mark Stafford-Smith, Bill … Read More

Representation: consent, legitimacy and accountability

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Representation: consent, legitimacy and accountability Peter Tait, member CAPAD At our current point in the evolution of human governance, a combination of factors (1) means that in nation states using a liberal democracy model, some form of representation in the decision making assembly is required. Further, for reasons of custom … Read More

Media Release: Citizen Jury re Tax Reform?

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Media Release: A Citizen Jury to Assist in Identifying Options for Tax Reform? The Co-Chair of the recently formed Canberra Alliance for Participatory Democracy (CAPaD), Ms Beth Slatyer, today welcomed the recent statement by the Treasurer, Scott Morrison, that the Commonwealth government is open to new thinking in the community … Read More

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