SAVE THE DATE for AGM 25 November 2018 2–2:30pm)

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Annual General Meeting
Action Group Update

Sunday November 25th; AGM (2 – 2:30pm)
Action Group Update (2:30 – 5pm)
St James Hall, 40 Gillies St., Curtin.

This year has been a tremendous one for the Canberra Alliance.

Our Action Groups have made great strides including updating the Kitchen Table Conversation kit and holding lively meetings about what has been learnt from the ACT government’s use of citizen juries and other deliberative processes.
Our profile and network of alliances is growing.
We have an open ongoing dialogue with the ACT Chief Minister’s engagement team.
We have developed good working relationships with public servants, academics and various practitioners interested in the deliberative democracy space (Deliberate ACT).

  1. Next year we are focusing our actions on three domains:
    continuing to improve ways for citizens to participate in creating our future in Canberra and beyond,
  2. developing further a program for building more transparent and responsive relationships with our MLAs,
  3. continuing to support other community groups to better use and change the political system.

Please come and join us on Sunday, November 25th at our brief AGM (2 – 2:30pm) and Action Group update (2:30 – 5pm) at the St James Hall in Curtin (40 Gillies Street).

We will be sharing ideas about easy and actionable things people can do — there will be something (small) for everyone’s interests and skills.

And while we have your attention — please rejoin! Even if you can’t come to meetings it’s wonderful to know you are out there supporting our work, and the money we raise in memberships lets us maintain the website and do other important work.

Looking forward to seeing you on November 25th at 2pm, St James Curtin.


The CAPaD Committee

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