This workshop gave a taste of Dynamic Facilitation as a process in the “operating system” of the Citizens’ Councils recently featured in the OECD’s report on “Innovative Citizen Participation and New Democratic Institutions”. It was hosted and facilitated by Rosa Zubizarreta, Andy Paice, Martha Cuffy and Mark Spain.
The links on this page take you to the presentations, the videos and chat content of both workshops.
The material includes:
- the video of Andy’s presentation of Citizens Councils in Austria
- the video of the taster demonstration of Dynamic Facilitation
- the slide show of Citizens Councils in Austria in pdf
- the harvest google doc of the zoom chat and answers to people’s questions on 2 and 9 September,
- the harvest google doc of the Dynamic Facilitation demo on 2 and 9 September.
2nd September Session
Here is the responses to the zoom chat.
Here is the harvest of the Dynamic Facilitation demonstration.
Here’s the video of the session made into two sub-sections:
- Empathy and Collaborative Meaning-Making – Presentation and Q&A on Citizens’ Councils [Part 1 – 40mins]
- Empathy and Collaborative Meaning-Making – Demo of Dynamic Facilitation [Part 2 – 80mins]
Demo on 9 Sept
Here is the “light sort” of the chat.
Here is the harvest of the Dynamic Facilitation demonstration.
Here’s the video of the 2hr session.