2024 ACT Election Democracy in Action Conversations

Democracy in Action! Conversations This year we asked the ACT community to help us define how we know our MLAs are doing a good job for the community. Then we worked with Canberrans to develop criteria and based on these a set of questions to ask candidates, to help you … Read More

What Canberrans Expect of their MLAs

From three Democracy in Action! Conversations, Canberrans reflected on and came up with a set of qualities and attributes they expect in their MLAs (and other representatives). CAPaD believes that where representatives show these characteristics, public trust in governments will improve. We also believe it will help good governance for … Read More

Know Your Candidates Forums

  We are inviting all candidates to the Know Your Candidate Forums, where they can publicly speak to the expectations which Canberrans have for them as representatives. We recognise that who you vote for is your choice. We want to help you, the voters, know your candidates as people.   … Read More

2024 ACT Election

Know Your Candidate Forums – details and registration here Canberrans expectations of MLAs, and questions for Candidates Return to Elections page Engagement by Candidates by Electorate Yerrabi Ginninderra Kurrajong Murrumbidgee Brindabella CandidateParty / Group / IndependentAttended BriefingAttended Candidate ForumPosted to VoteEasyPosted to Elections ACTDiA! Outputs in Campaign material Krishna NadimpalliLiberal … Read More

2022 Federal Election

This years election is vitally important for politics in Australia and our democracy. Our power as citizens is to choose (vote for) people to represent us in the parliament that is going to decide our immediate and long term future: political, environmental and economic.   If you care about the … Read More


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