Membership is open to people and organisations who complete the membership application, agree to the objectives of the association and to comply with the Act and the Association’s rules, and pay the prescribed annual fee. CAPaD's membership year is 1 July to 30 June. Members who join in May or June, have their membership carried into the following membership year.

Membership Fees

  • Individual Member: $20
  • Passionate Member: $45
  • Concession card holder, full time student, pensioner: $10
  • Organisational member with < $10,000 annual revenue: $35
  • Organisational member with ≥ $10,000 annual revenue: $95
  • Student organisation with < $10,000 annual revenue: $25
  • Student organisation with ≥ $10,000 annual revenue: $65

All financial members, whether individual or organisational are entitled to one vote at CAPaD meetings and to stand for the Committee.

Please download and fill in the membership form (below), and email it to the Secretary, along with the receipt of your bank transfer. We will email a receipt. Snail mail works too - details in the form.

Membership Form for 2024 - 25

Complete and email or post the Membership Form (fillable)

Got a question?

Please email the Secretary

Donate to Support the Alliance

To awaken democracy does need funding, and CAPaD relies solely on member support for its operating income. We are not funded by political parties, governments, corporations or industries. At the moment donations are not tax deductible, but we are working on that.

To help us advance our aims, please transfer funds directly to our bank account:

Account Name: Canberra Alliance for Participatory Democracy
BSB: 633-000
Account Number: 156972770

Don't forget to put your family name in the information field to help our treasurer sort out the receipts.

Volunteer to support the Alliance

We always need help getting things done.

In 2024 we are planning to do a lot. Please see here how you might turn your care into a contribution.

If you want to help or have an idea you would like to take forward, please email the Secretary

Use your will to help Awaken Democracy

Making a gift to the Awakening Democracy Foundation in your will is a very special act of generosity and foresight that supports the Canberra Alliance for Participatory Democracy (CAPaD). Please read how you can do this here.