Compare the candidates for the 2020 ACT Election to see who might represent you best.
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Candidates' Responses by Electorate
Canberra Liberals collective response: "Our candidates do not sign individual pledges ..." The full letter from the Canberra Liberals is available here.
Download a blank Candidate Statement.
At a glance: List of candidates who have/have not responded and links their full completed statements
Links to other election information
We would like to be able to provide contact details for candidates but this information is not systematically easy to come by.
Peter Tait's interviews on 2XX on Friday 28th August and Friday October 1st about CAPaD, democracy, the election and candidate statements.
The Smartvote Australia site helps you to see which candidates you best align with (smartvote Australia is a project of the Australian National University).
Elections ACT also host a set of candidate statements for general details about themselves.
In the 2XX Minor Party Series, the minor parties in this election talk about what is important to them.
Candidate Responses by Electorate by Question
Party | First Name | Family Name | Skills and experience for being an MLA |
ACT Labor | Judy | Anderson | When it comes to getting things done, I have delivered: - For families, I’ve lived in inner Canberra raising my children and working in the community for nearly 30 years. - In healthcare I’ve been a frontline nurse and driven better conditions of nurses. - In public policy I’ve championed research, lowered carbon emissions and brought investment to Canberra. - In business I continue to work tirelessly on boards and leadership roles creating positive change, including jobs in technology, health and energy. I believe right now, more than ever with COVID, we need representatives in the Legislative Assembly that have a wide range of experience to bring fresh thinking and perspectives to get things done. Canberra experience matters. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Joy | Angel | |
ACT Greens | Merlin | Baker | |
ACT Labor | Andrew | Barr | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Greg | Baynham | |
ACT Labor | Yvette | Berry | |
Canberra Progressives | Tim | Bohm | |
ACT Greens | Adriana | Boisen | |
ACT Greens | Andrew | Braddock | I am not a career politician or party hack. As a father with a young family and also as a carer, I get the daily juggle in life. I am the product of a public-school education looking to build a better future. I am also active in the community, having worked as secretary of the Gungahlin Community Council, and deputy chairman of my local primary school board. I also have the life experience and interpersonal skills to help me communicate and relate to constituents of various backgrounds, cultures, beliefs and perspectives. |
Animal Justice Party | Bernie | Brennan | |
ACT Greens | Michael | Brewer | I am proud to have served the student community during 2018 and 2019 as a Queer Representative and then Secretary on Residents' Committees. I have also served on the ACT Greens' Board since 2019. If elected, I will be a strong voice for young people across Canberra. We have historically been disenfranchised, and we need representatives to speak out to ensure we aren't the first generation to be worse off than our parents'. We have unique needs for healthcare, education, and housing, and having a young voice in the Assembly will help to address them. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Geoff | Buckmaster | |
ACT Labor | Joy | Burch | |
Canberra Liberals | Candice | Burch | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Rohan | Byrnes | |
Canberra Liberals | Peter | Cain | |
Independent | Fiona | Carrick | I am a local having lived in Woden for over 50 years. I studied a Bachelor of Commerce at ANU and Horticulture at the former Weston CIT. My working life has primarily been in finance and transport infrastructure. For nearly 4 years I have been an advocate for the community as President of the Woden Valley Community Council. We have had some great wins for the community, including a commitment to a new CIT in Woden. I understand planning and how it underpins how we balance jobs, public spaces, community facilities and the density of housing around our shopping hubs to ensure we can live, work and play locally. That we have a sense of identity and belonging, that everyone is included. |
Canberra Liberals | Leanne | Castley | |
ACT Labor | Tara | Cheyne | Before being elected, I was a Director in the APS but my passion was working with the Belconnen community. I served across a range of community roles, including on the Belconnen Community Council and Belconnen Arts Centre Board, as well as authoring a blog which promoted Canberra and Belconnen. As an MLA, I've helped thousands of residents, held hundreds of mobile offices, delivered on election commitments, and been an open, regular communicator. I've served on 13 committees (deputy chair of six and chair of two). Despite being a backbencher, I introduced legislation which passed with tripartisan support. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Andrew | Clapham | |
ACT Greens | Jo | Clay | I'm author of The Carbon Diet, a project in which I've cut my carbon footprint by 77%. I'm a practising artist and writer. I'm CEO and patented co-founder of recycling company, Send and Shred. As a climate change activist, l'm seriously worried about our future. But l've seen for myself that we can take real action when business, community and government all work together. I've worked in the private, government and non-profit sectors and I hold degrees in Creative Arts and Laws (Honours). A lifetime resident of Canberra, I live in Belconnen with my partner, my daughter and my two dogs. |
Canberra Liberals | Ed | Cocks | |
ACT Labor | Bec | Cody | |
Canberra Liberals | Alistair | Coe | |
Independent | Helen | Cross | |
Independent | Mignonne | Cullen | |
Independent | Marilena | Damiano | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Daniels | |
ACT Greens | Emma | Davidson | Working with people at risk in our community and in the community sector has given me insight to the interconnections between policy areas, and the complexity of people's lives. I value people's lived experience when considering policy changes, and I have experience in raising the voices of those most at risk in public policy conversations. I have advocated on public health, public education, access to community space, women's rights, and other issues in Canberra for many years, particularly on the southside. I have sought to raise the voices of those affected by change more than my own. |
ACT Greens | Johnathan | Davis | |
ACT Labor | Cathy | Day | |
Liberal Democrats | Dominic | De Luca | |
Animal Justice Party | Yana | del Valle | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Oksana | Demetrios | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Andrew | Demetrios | |
ACT Labor | Tim | Dobson | I've worked in the Learning Support Unit at Mawson Primary, and in Wollongong I helped start Green Connect - a social enterprise that trains youth, refugees and long-term unemployed people in environmentally sustainable jobs. As a teacher, I know how to listen to the needs of parents and students, and through my work I've supported those in our society who are often the first to be left behind. My work has created jobs and supported people from childhood to adulthood to get set up for fulfilling lives. |
Animal Justice Party | Lara | Drew | |
Animal Justice Party | Carolyne | Drew | |
Belco Party | Vijay | Dubey | |
ACT Labor | Sue | Ducker | |
ACT Greens | Sue | Ellerman | |
Animal Justice Party | Jannah | Fahiz | |
Canberra Progressives | Therese | Faulkner | I worked in the Australian Public Service for 30 years, commencing as an 18 year old school-leaver, and have worked in the private sector for the past 6 years. I went to university as a mature-age student and gained a Graduate Diploma in public policy from the ANU. I grew up in Canberra and raised my three daughters here. I have been an active participant in the arts and sport in the ACT and understand the Canberra community well through my diverse family and friends. I have a sound understanding of the role and responsibilities of being an elected representative. |
ACT Labor | Tom | Fischer | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Forde | We are lucky to live in a democracy, where anyone can seek public office. Skills and experience are less important than commitment and dedication to the community. Anyone truly seeking to represent and improve their community is already a good candidate. I grew up in Tuggeranong, attended local schools, graduated from ANU with an Asian Studies degree, majoring in Chinses politics. I also have a master’s degree from the ANU. I’ve worked in higher education, as a consultation on international aid, as an industrial representative for both white collar and blue collar workers. I understand how government works. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sophia | Forner | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Richard | Forner | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Paul | Gabriel | |
ACT Labor | Mick | Gentleman | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Mark | Gilmayer | |
ACT Greens | Tjanara | Goreng Goreng | I am academic University lecturer, a career passion since 1994 at six Australian Universities where I have been a lecturer, Senior lecturer and Assistant Professor, retiring from full time teaching at the University of Canberra in 2014. Since then I have attained my PhD from ANU in Sacred Leadership and began a Transformational Leadership company focusing on Indigenous and western ways of doing transformational leadership mentoring with executives and designing and running transformational leadership programs in government and non-government agencies in Australia with three Indigenous and non-Indigenous colleagues. I am a certified practitioner of Self Managing Leadership from the Oxford Leadership Academy and The Leadership Circle (TLC) which I utilised in my mentoring practice. |
Liberal Democrats | Jacob | Gowor | |
Canberra Liberals | Rattesh | Gumber | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Gunning | |
ACT Labor | Deepak-Raj | Gupta | |
Animal Justice Party | Edmund | Handby | |
Canberra Liberals | Jeremy | Hanson | |
ACT Greens | Mainul | Haque | An economist and public servant, I am also a father, husband and community worker. Following my education in Bangladesh, Malaysia, Canada and Australia, I settled in Canberra in 1993, becoming a local person serving local needs. For example, as President of the Canberra Muslim Community, I negotiated and managed the multi-million dollar Gungahlin Mosque project. I serve on the boards of the ACT Multicultural Advisory Council, Gold Creek Homestead Advisory Panel, Canberra Refugee Action Campaign, and Gungahlin Community Council. My skills and experiences enable me to communicate and relate to constituents from all backgrounds, irrespective of cultures, beliefs and perspectives. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Haydon | |
Labour DLP | Olivia | Helmore | |
Belco Party | Chic | Henry | |
Canberra Liberals | Jane | Hiatt | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jackson | Hillman | |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Alvin | Hopper | Alvin moved to Canberra in 1986, and he lives in Dickson. He is a lawyer and a retired public servant. Alvin’s work included drafting legislation. He has PhD in law from the University of Canberra. Alvin is actively involved in his church. He is a keen member of the Welsh Society of Canberra, and has a long-standing interest in the beautiful Welsh language. He is a bridge player, and for exercise he enjoys walking along our hill trails. |
Animal Justice Party | Francine | Horne | |
Australian Federation Party | Mohammad Munir | Hussain | |
ACT Labor | Jacob | Ingram | |
Liberal Democrats | Guy | Jakeman | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Johnson | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Petar | Johnson | |
Canberra Liberals | Giulia | Jones | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Kearsley | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Kikkert | |
Canberra Progressives | Robert | Knight | I have 21 years of service in the Australian Defence Force, with over 13 years in leadership and management positions. I also have 3 years' experience as a middle manager in the Australian Public Service and more than 12 months experience in private enterprise. I am an excellent communicator, strategic thinker, and hold tertiary qualifications in transport & logistics, as well as urban planning. |
Liberal Democrats | Matthew | Knight | |
Canberra Liberals | Kacey | Lam | |
Canberra Liberals | Nicole | Lawder | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Lee | |
Independent | Fuxin | Li | I have lived in Canberra for 19 years and in Yerrabi for 17 years. I understand the issues Canberrans and people living in Yerrabi have. I am here to listen to the community and stand for the community. I did my PhD in Education at Monash University and have been researching and working in education and cultural area for more than 27 years. I value Australia's multiculturalism and multilingualism. I believe we can do better in strengthening the diversified and harmonious society and in realizing social and economic benefits with the multicultural and multilingual resources in our community. |
ACT Greens | Tim | Liersch | I am an analyst, professionally capable of interrogating information to identify problems and expose solutions. Currently working in the public sector, I have a deep and personal commitment to working with truths. I am particularly well positioned to make difficult decisions based on complex information in a way that serves the public good. |
Canberra Progressives | Stephen | Lin | I have been admitted to practise law in Queensland since 2001 and worked mainly in community legal services. I held Principal License for or managed several of such legal services, including Central Queensland Community Legal Centre and Queensland Advocacy Inc. I have also worked as disability advocate in Queensland and ACT, promoting mental health and disability service into multicultural communities. I have keen interests in community service, public facilities for children, and overall wellbeing for the disadvantaged groups. I have also contributed my skills in Community Radio programs and multicultural projects development. |
ACT Labor | Greg | Lloyd | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Long | |
Belco Party | Angela | Lount | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Jill | ||
Labour DLP | Ian | McClure | |
Labour DLP | Helen | McClure | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Milligan | |
ACT Greens | Katt | Millner | I am a recent graduate with a Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics and a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in human rights. As a young queer woman, I have an understanding of a group which are systematically under-represented in politics. I have grown up with a brother with a disability, and have worked as a tutor with children from difficult backgrounds and a wide range of learning difficulties. My experience for being an MLA is my ability to bring these perspectives into the Assembly. |
Canberra Liberals | Krishna | Nadimpalli | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sok Kheng | Ngep | |
ACT Labor | Maddy | Northam | |
ACT Greens | Laura | Nuttall | I am currently completing a Bachelors in Asian Studies and Politics, Philosophy and Economics at the Australian National University. I have lived and worked around my electorate, and am thoroughly invested in the welfare of my community. I have a strong focus on ethics and social justice, which is hugely relevant to the issues faced by much of our community. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Mark | O'Connor | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Alix | O'Hara | Political leadership is meant to serve two functions: society housekeeping, and to steer us to a better future. The latter requires capacity for innovation underpinning a greater eye for coming challenges, than dedication to administration of outdated thinking. We are in times of unprecedented and accelerating change concerning climate change, technology, and economic influences. The majors are too slow to notice and have neglected real leadership for too long. Community needs are important, but innovative future-focussed thinking is critical. A vote for the majors is a vote wasted. Break the Duopoly. Vote for the minors, for fresh thinking and leadership. |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Matthew | Ogilvie | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Adrian | Olley | |
ACT Labor | Suzanne | Orr | |
Independent | Bruce | Paine | As a former member of the Australian Public Service, I regard myself as socially progressive, but financially responsible. I am very aware of the need for government to support public services, while ensuring that rates and taxes are affordable for the community over the long term. I have generally lived in Kurrajong since the 1970s, helped raise two children who benefitted from the ACT's public education system, and have experienced Parents and other people living in Aged Care. I was a Board member of Pedal Power ACT for several years. I enjoy Canberra's outdoor environment. |
Canberra Liberals | Mark | Parton | |
ACT Labor | Marisa | Paterson | I currently work at the Australian National University as a leading social policy researcher. I have spent the last 20 years working on a broad range of complex social and mental health issues, in both a professional and volunteer capacity. The part of my job that I excel at is listening and understanding people and complex situations, and navigating evidenced based policy solutions. I am an experienced leader and with strong communication and consultation skills. I will bring new, fresh ideas to the Assembly and be a strong advocate for the people of Murrumbidgee. |
Canberra Liberals | Patrick | Pentony | |
Independent | Lee | Perren-Leveridge | |
ACT Labor | Michael | Pettersson | |
ACT Labor | Georgia | Phillips | |
David Pollard Independent | David | Pollard | I work in my family software development business performing a range of duties, including software development, project management, contract negotiation and management, operations management, communications, and client relationships. I have a Bachelor of Engineering (Software Engineering) from University of Canberra. I practice Asset Based Community Development with the Crace Community Association (President), Gungahlin Community Council (Treasurer) and my school P&C (President). I have represented Gungahlin in democratic processes such as the Better Suburbs participatory budgeting forum. I contribute to submissions on government consultations, and development applications. Born and bred here, I have strong ties and networks in communities around Canberra. |
David Pollard Independent Party | Stephanie | Pollard | |
Australian Federation Party | Jason | Potter | I grew up in a large family and I now have a large family of my own. I have spent my working life helping others and I see the opportunity that politics provides to make an important contribution to our ACT Community. I have been a community leader, youth worker, manager of national and international projects in education and international aid and CEO of a Registered Training College. I have invested time in learning as well, including a master's degree in leadership and further Post Graduate study in Psychotherapy. |
ACT Labor | Gordon | Ramsay | After a 20 year career as a local community sector leader and advocate, I have been privileged to represent the people of Ginninderra since 2016 and be a Minister in the Government. I have worked not only to ensure Canberra can be a place where everyone belongs, everyone is valued, and everyone has the opportunity to participate but also in a number of challenging and important portfolio areas including making renting fairer, improving building quality, stronger social inclusion for seniors, more funding for the arts, and more employment for veterans, and addressing gambling harm, elder abuse and organised crime. |
ACT Greens | Shane | Rattenbury | When I was first elected, I said I wanted to ensure Canberra would be a city our children would thank us for. I continue to hold that motivation, determined to ensure the place we call home is environmentally sustainable, and is fair and equitable, both for today and for future generations. I have lived in Canberra since starting high school in the 80's, have worked in the public service and not-for-profit sector, have worked overseas, and have proudly represented my electorate since 2008. My family all live in Canberra, and I am deeply committed to this city. |
Canberra Liberals | Ignatius | Rozario | |
Animal Justice Party | Serrin | Rutledge-Prior | |
Australian Federation Party | Scott | Sandford | |
Canberra Liberals | Amardeep | Singh | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Oliver | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Julie | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Robyn | Soxsmith | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jonathan | Stavridis | |
ACT Labor | Chris | Steel | |
Belco Party | Bill | Stefaniac | |
Canberra Progressives | Mike | Stelzig | I worked for the Commonwealth for 11 years, six as a policy and five years as an internal auditor. I've been employed with the ACT Government for two years. Prior to joining the public service, I was employed in various roles in the private industry from management to senior executive. I have an insight into what makes government tick, how decisions are made and why they are made. |
ACT Labor | Rachel | Stephen-Smith | After more than 20 years working in public policy and volunteering in my community, I was elected to the Assembly in 2016. As a local member, I've listened to people and worked to deliver positive outcomes for the inner north and south. I have also served as Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs; Children, Youth and Families; Disability; Community Services; Multicultural Affairs; Employment and Workpsace Safety; Government Services and Procurement; Urban Renewal; and Health. It has been a privilege to serve the community in portfolios that make a difference in the lives of Canberra's workers and families. |
Labour DLP | Bernie | Strang | |
Canberra Liberals | Sarah | Suine | |
Canberra Progressives | Peta | Swarbrick | I would be a great MLA because I am a passionate Canberran with broad life, and work experience. I care deeply about the well being my community and our environment, and I want to every Canberran to have a voice. I have many skills, acquired over a lifetime of lived and business experience. I have expertise in developing strong relationships, strategic decision making, risk management and team dynamics. I have large community networks, and I am passionate about empowering all communities to build stronger connections and be active in participants in designing their solutions best practice, evidence based solutions. |
Belco Party | Alan | Tutt | |
Canberra Liberals | Jacob | Vadakkedathu | |
ACT Greens | Rebecca | Vassarotti | I am a Canberra native, long-term Kurrajong resident, Mum of three school-aged kids, and engaged member of my community. I have dedicated my professional life to reduce poverty, disadvantage and discrimination across our community. I bring a range of professional and volunteer experiences including leadership roles in our local community sector, volunteer roles on a range of not-for-profit board and committees and serving as a community member of the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal. These have fostered skills including community engagement, a commitment to evidence-based policy and a deep commitment to participatory democracy and people centred leadership. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Peter | Veenstra | |
Canberra Liberals | Andrew | Wall | |
ACT Labor | Taimus | Werner-Gibbings | |
Independent | Brendan | Whyte | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Bruce | Willett | |
Canberra Progressives | Bethany | Williams | My skills and experience to be an MLA stem from my real-life experience being a member of the Canberra community. I am a Canberra mother who has worked in the Australian Public Service for years and has contributed to the community through starting the Canberra Nippers program. My strengths are my persistence, my compassion, my willingness to ask the hard questions and pursue answers. I am not a career politician. I just want to make sure the government does the right thing by the community. I want to ensure political integrity and transparency in government. |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Robyn | Williams | I am Robyn Williams and I am pleased to be a candidate in Kurrajong for the Community Action Party (CAP). I am honoured to be CAP’s vice-president. I worked in museums and archaeology in New Zealand and New South Wales, including time in Griffith, NSW, which like Canberra, was planned by Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahoney. |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Gordon | Yeatman | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Scott | Young |
Party | First Name | Family Name | Skills and experience for ministry |
ACT Labor | Judy | Anderson | I have worked in and around government, including the ACT Government for many years, so I have extensive experience in how government works, including policy development and legislative process. In these roles, I have delivered better government services, including in health, technology policy, bringing investment to Canberra and creating new jobs and offering new training and education opportunities. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Joy | Angel | |
ACT Greens | Merlin | Baker | |
ACT Labor | Andrew | Barr | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Greg | Baynham | |
ACT Labor | Yvette | Berry | |
Canberra Progressives | Tim | Bohm | |
ACT Greens | Adriana | Boisen | |
ACT Greens | Andrew | Braddock | As an environmental engineer, I know how to make our city more sustainable. I have a professional understanding of the municipal systems that support Canberra's households including water, waste water, and traffic design. As a public servant, I also have hands on experience in developing policy and crafting legislation. |
Animal Justice Party | Bernie | Brennan | |
ACT Greens | Michael | Brewer | I am a political science student, so I have an intimate understanding of how government, the Assembly, and the bureaucracy operates. At 20 years old, I will bring a long-term perspective to any ministry position I hold, a perspective which I think is severely lacking in the current political class. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Geoff | Buckmaster | |
ACT Labor | Joy | Burch | |
Canberra Liberals | Candice | Burch | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Rohan | Byrnes | |
Canberra Liberals | Peter | Cain | |
Independent | Fiona | Carrick | I have a strong understanding of the social, economic and environmental needs of our community. I support open and transparent strategic planning in consultation with the community to provide guidance and confidence to both the public and private sector to invest in our community. My public sector and finance background provides me with a strong understanding of public budgeting and the machinery of government. |
Canberra Liberals | Leanne | Castley | |
ACT Labor | Tara | Cheyne | To best get results for my constituents, I've dedicated my first term to voraciously learning the how and why of Government - whether it's through an extensive committee inquiry or by joining a ranger out in the field. I've led large, diverse teams, have an MBA, and work hard. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Andrew | Clapham | |
ACT Greens | Jo | Clay | l'm a lawyer and communicator by profession. I've written and delivered programs, policy and legislation for the ACT and Federal governments. l've worked with ACT community groups and lobby groups. I have media experience. I run my own budgets and businesses. I have a general understanding of how to get things done. |
Canberra Liberals | Ed | Cocks | |
ACT Labor | Bec | Cody | |
Canberra Liberals | Alistair | Coe | |
Independent | Helen | Cross | |
Independent | Mignonne | Cullen | |
Independent | Marilena | Damiano | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Daniels | |
ACT Greens | Emma | Davidson | I have experience working in Commonwealth public service, small business, and community sector. I have worked in policy development, fair trade and environmentally sustainable retail, software development, social research and advocacy. A friend recently said to me "Emma, you've lived 76 lives!" and well... she's not wrong! Diversity of experiences is a strength. |
ACT Greens | Johnathan | Davis | |
ACT Labor | Cathy | Day | |
Liberal Democrats | Dominic | De Luca | |
Animal Justice Party | Yana | del Valle | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Oksana | Demetrios | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Andrew | Demetrios | |
ACT Labor | Tim | Dobson | I am not a career politician, but I have been politically active for the past twenty years. My background in Economics has given me the understanding and tools to deal with policy ideas and financial problems, and my frontline work with students and families has ensured I have an acute understand of the impact those big decisions have on ordinary community members. |
Animal Justice Party | Lara | Drew | |
Animal Justice Party | Carolyne | Drew | |
Belco Party | Vijay | Dubey | |
ACT Labor | Sue | Ducker | |
ACT Greens | Sue | Ellerman | |
Animal Justice Party | Jannah | Fahiz | |
Canberra Progressives | Therese | Faulkner | As a former Senior Executive Service officer, I led large programs of work, with complex budgets and staffing. I worked with ministers and their advisers, and know what works well, and what actions and behaviours to avoid. I know it takes hard work to make things happen – talk is cheap! |
ACT Labor | Tom | Fischer | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Forde | If I was ever fortunate enough to become a minister, I would bring my analytical skills, as well as my commitment to bettering our community, to the table. Above all, I would listen to and be guided by expert advice in formulating and executing policy. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sophia | Forner | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Richard | Forner | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Paul | Gabriel | |
ACT Labor | Mick | Gentleman | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Mark | Gilmayer | |
ACT Greens | Tjanara | Goreng Goreng | I am a therapist, social worker and community development designer and program designer by training, and I have completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Management from Melbourne Business School and a Master of Social Administration, majoring in community development, population health specifically addiction. I have written, designed and delivered programs, policy |
Liberal Democrats | Jacob | Gowor | |
Canberra Liberals | Rattesh | Gumber | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Gunning | |
ACT Labor | Deepak-Raj | Gupta | |
Animal Justice Party | Edmund | Handby | |
Canberra Liberals | Jeremy | Hanson | |
ACT Greens | Mainul | Haque | I have extensive experience in policy development and implementation and am experienced in managing large organisations. The challenges I have faced allow me to empathise with the sufferings of others, a quality that would benefit the ministry. I would also bring diversity as well as inclusiveness in the government. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Haydon | |
Labour DLP | Olivia | Helmore | |
Belco Party | Chic | Henry | |
Canberra Liberals | Jane | Hiatt | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jackson | Hillman | |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Alvin | Hopper | |
Animal Justice Party | Francine | Horne | |
Australian Federation Party | Mohammad Munir | Hussain | |
ACT Labor | Jacob | Ingram | |
Liberal Democrats | Guy | Jakeman | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Johnson | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Petar | Johnson | |
Canberra Liberals | Giulia | Jones | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Kearsley | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Kikkert | |
Canberra Progressives | Robert | Knight | I have proven strategic thinking, and stakeholder engagement skills, including the marshalling of expertise in the development of policy and operational aims. |
Liberal Democrats | Matthew | Knight | |
Canberra Liberals | Kacey | Lam | |
Canberra Liberals | Nicole | Lawder | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Lee | |
Independent | Fuxin | Li | I have worked in various leadership roles in the past 19 years at local and national levels. This enriched my experience in working with government agencies, politicians, community organizations, non-profits and the private sector. It helped me to build up my skills in working with people from different backgrounds and to enhance abilities in considering issues from different perspectives and at different levels. |
ACT Greens | Tim | Liersch | |
Canberra Progressives | Stephen | Lin | |
ACT Labor | Greg | Lloyd | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Long | |
Belco Party | Angela | Lount | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Jill | ||
Labour DLP | Ian | McClure | |
Labour DLP | Helen | McClure | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Milligan | |
ACT Greens | Katt | Millner | blank in statement |
Canberra Liberals | Krishna | Nadimpalli | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sok Kheng | Ngep | |
ACT Labor | Maddy | Northam | |
ACT Greens | Laura | Nuttall | I have passion and commitment to represent my community, and am a strong believer in evidence-based approaches to policy making. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Mark | O'Connor | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Alix | O'Hara | My professional skillsets are enterprise level project management, leadership both of teams, and to open entire business categories. I specialize in innovation to bring several paradigm shifting technologies to market and hold several patents internationally. In general, I rapidly adapt to different technologies and landscapes, e.g. web administration to website and application development |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Matthew | Ogilvie | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Adrian | Olley | |
ACT Labor | Suzanne | Orr | |
Independent | Bruce | Paine | Skills and experience in: providing advice on matters including taxation competition policy, Federal-State financial relations; liaising with the private sector, not for profits, and community organisations; and considering issue from a whole of community perspective. However, as an Independent, I would not accept a role in the Ministry, but would cast an experienced eye over Ministers' decisions. |
Canberra Liberals | Mark | Parton | |
ACT Labor | Marisa | Paterson | My research career has instilled in me an evidence based approach to policy development and implementation. Further to this, I have a quest to understand and seek informed, innovative solutions to society's complex problems. This is based in the fundamental understanding that to promote change and growth, you have to bring people with you. |
Canberra Liberals | Patrick | Pentony | |
Independent | Lee | Perren-Leveridge | |
ACT Labor | Michael | Pettersson | |
ACT Labor | Georgia | Phillips | |
David Pollard Independent | David | Pollard | I commit to remaining Independent from the ministry. I believe an Independent should remain on the crossbench and vote on each issue on the merits. An Independent brings scrutiny and improves both sides of politics, but they cannot do that when compromised by a cabinet agreement. |
David Pollard Independent Party | Stephanie | Pollard | |
Australian Federation Party | Jason | Potter | Local Community Leader and Advocate A good listener who believes in making sure every person's voice is heard National Manager of Vocational Education for large Private Training Institution Manager of 3500 Volunteers across Australia and NZ for International Aid NGO Father, Husband, Uncle and avid Sports fan |
ACT Labor | Gordon | Ramsay | I believe everything comes from good listening - through conversations with people about the things that matter and meaningful consultation. With a long background in the community sector and as a lawyer, I fight for social justice and inclusion with a view to policy and legislation that puts people first. |
ACT Greens | Shane | Rattenbury | As a Minister since 2012, I have held a range of portfolios, working to bring good governance, transparency and fair decision making to the role. As a Greens Minister, I have demonstrated an ability to work collaboratively to form a multiparty government, ensuring stable government while delivering on the platform of my party. |
Canberra Liberals | Ignatius | Rozario | |
Animal Justice Party | Serrin | Rutledge-Prior | |
Australian Federation Party | Scott | Sandford | |
Canberra Liberals | Amardeep | Singh | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Oliver | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Julie | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Robyn | Soxsmith | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jonathan | Stavridis | |
ACT Labor | Chris | Steel | |
Belco Party | Bill | Stefaniac | |
Canberra Progressives | Mike | Stelzig | I have proven strategic thinking, and stakeholder engagement skills, including identification of, and problem solving skills. |
ACT Labor | Rachel | Stephen-Smith | As Minister for Health, I have seen our public servants and healthcare workers at their best in responding to COVID-19 and have worked hard to support them in protecting ACT residents. I've sought to listen to all sectors of our community and communicate clearly in an environment of great uncertainty. |
Labour DLP | Bernie | Strang | |
Canberra Liberals | Sarah | Suine | |
Canberra Progressives | Peta | Swarbrick | Attaining a Dip Ed in Community Services(Com Dev)has made me an avid proponent of Asset (Strengths) Based Community Development,. Thus giving me the skills to work closely within our wonderfully diverse Canberra community to identify innovative solutions that meet community needs. Employing evidence, providing transparency and being accountable to the Community whilst having the skills to manage competing interests in order to deliver the best policy, is key to being an effective Minister. |
Belco Party | Alan | Tutt | |
Canberra Liberals | Jacob | Vadakkedathu | |
ACT Greens | Rebecca | Vassarotti | I have been extremely fortunate to have had a diverse range of professional roles across a number of sectors which provides an understanding of the complexity of many issues. I am committed to understanding different perspectives and ensuring that evidence is a key driver of decision makers. My work in areas of disadvantage equip me to ensure that politics serve people. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Peter | Veenstra | |
Canberra Liberals | Andrew | Wall | |
ACT Labor | Taimus | Werner-Gibbings | |
Independent | Brendan | Whyte | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Bruce | Willett | |
Canberra Progressives | Bethany | Williams | A role in the ministry would be an incredible honour and responsibility, however, I would prefer to be honest and say that I would not immediately possess the skills and experience to take on such a role. What would make me suitable for a role in the ministry would be to be elected to the Legislative Assembly first, and spend several years listening and learning about issues of importance, particularly in a ministry where I might be able to make the most difference. |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Robyn | Williams | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Gordon | Yeatman | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Scott | Young |
Party | First Name | Family Name | Representing my constituents |
ACT Labor | Judy | Anderson | I believe the best way to create positive change is to engage closely with the community to understand their problems and work with them to develop creative solutions. This includes listening to a variety of views and actively bringing communities together to share perspectives, generate a deeper understanding and actively encourage collaboration for developing outcomes with the community. With extensive experience in a wide range of settings: community, business and government, I will be a highly effective representative of the community by relentlessly championing their needs because I have a deep understanding of what effective government looks like, and a strong appetite to continuously improve the delivery of government services. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Joy | Angel | |
ACT Greens | Merlin | Baker | |
ACT Labor | Andrew | Barr | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Greg | Baynham | |
ACT Labor | Yvette | Berry | |
Canberra Progressives | Tim | Bohm | |
ACT Greens | Adriana | Boisen | |
ACT Greens | Andrew | Braddock | With integrity, transparency and zeal. I am committed to putting the Yerrabi community first. That means putting the community and the environment we depend on ahead of big business, corporate interests and lobbyists. I will make myself readily available to all constituents, and actively seek out a diverse range of community views, even if contrarian to my own. I will attend all Community Council meetings that I possibly can. |
Animal Justice Party | Bernie | Brennan | |
ACT Greens | Michael | Brewer | I am scared for my future, and we must act now to save our planet. I believe that climate and social justice are intimately linked, and I will act to ensure the climate is considered when implementing all policies. We need housing that is sensitive to our changing environment, we need healthcare which considers future extremes like the bushfires we experienced last summer, and we need to transition our public transport away from fossil fuels to electric, hydrogen, and active options. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Geoff | Buckmaster | |
ACT Labor | Joy | Burch | |
Canberra Liberals | Candice | Burch | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Rohan | Byrnes | |
Canberra Liberals | Peter | Cain | |
Independent | Fiona | Carrick | I am standing as a candidate to bring a strong independent voice to the Legislative Assembly that is issues based and not aligned with party ideology and politics. I will continue to advocate for: planning for the people, not developers; and transparency and accountability in decision making. I will work with community organisations to identify problems and options to rectify them. I will apply planning principles to the options to ensure the proposed solutions meet the needs of the community. I am a viable alternative to the major parties because I will investigate issues and consider the merits of proposals in the context of the community. |
Canberra Liberals | Leanne | Castley | |
ACT Labor | Tara | Cheyne | As an MLA, I've prided myself on being available and accessible – and I will continue that. In addition to the multiple channels where constituents can reach me (email, social media, phoning and meetings), I proactively reach out to constituents, such as through regular mobile offices, volunteering at many fetes and community events and meetings, running numerous petitions, and engaging (not just broadcasting) through social media. In this way, I can best understand what's important, effectively pursue outcomes, and get results on the things that matter. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Andrew | Clapham | |
ACT Greens | Jo | Clay | I will seek a fairer and greener future for Ginninderra, Canberra, Australia and the planet. As we move beyond the summer climate change smoke and fire crisis and the current COVlD-19 crisis, I will use my political voice and practical experience to apply what we have learned. I will promote strong action on climate change and better adaptation to keep our houses, public spaces and city liveable in a changing climate. I will support public transport, education and health that is accessible for all. I will help communities and businesses work together to build a fairer and greener system. |
Canberra Liberals | Ed | Cocks | |
ACT Labor | Bec | Cody | |
Canberra Liberals | Alistair | Coe | |
Independent | Helen | Cross | |
Independent | Mignonne | Cullen | |
Independent | Marilena | Damiano | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Daniels | |
ACT Greens | Emma | Davidson | All policies underpinning ACT Greens decision-making in the ACT Legislative Assembly are developed in consultation with community groups and Canberra residents, and published on the ACT Greens website. Where an issue is complex or existing policy is unclear on the right approach, I will consult with all stakeholders, with the aim of finding a solution that best meets the needs of residents and our planet. ACT Greens do not accept corporate donations. I will push for greater transparency on donations, and corporate donations to all political parties to be banned.* |
ACT Greens | Johnathan | Davis | |
ACT Labor | Cathy | Day | |
Liberal Democrats | Dominic | De Luca | |
Animal Justice Party | Yana | del Valle | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Oksana | Demetrios | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Andrew | Demetrios | |
ACT Labor | Tim | Dobson | I want to support community organisers who are from the constituency, to initiate and maintain ongoing engagement with the broader population. Alongside them, I will facilitate participatory environments that opens an ongoing dialogue rather than merely consulting over issues. |
Animal Justice Party | Lara | Drew | |
Animal Justice Party | Carolyne | Drew | |
Belco Party | Vijay | Dubey | |
ACT Labor | Sue | Ducker | |
ACT Greens | Sue | Ellerman | |
Animal Justice Party | Jannah | Fahiz | |
Canberra Progressives | Therese | Faulkner | I plan to be a genuine representative of my constituents by staying grounded – having conversations with real people about their challenges and the impact of government actions on them and their families. I will also draw from advice and experiences of established community organisations covering a diversity of constituents, to ensure a well-rounded view of the issues, challenges and impacts from a range of perspectives. |
ACT Labor | Tom | Fischer | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Forde | I will always be present and available in the community to remain available to my constituents. I will do this through regular and frequent mobile offices across Tuggeranong. I will seek the view of the community on the policy questions before me, both through face to face meetings and also surveys. While I will not promise to be a perfect reflection of the will of the community, I will always form my decision with their views in mind, and then explain the rationale for my decision to them. I will be accountable for my actions to my constituents. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sophia | Forner | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Richard | Forner | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Paul | Gabriel | |
ACT Labor | Mick | Gentleman | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Mark | Gilmayer | |
ACT Greens | Tjanara | Goreng Goreng | blank in statement |
Liberal Democrats | Jacob | Gowor | |
Canberra Liberals | Rattesh | Gumber | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Gunning | |
ACT Labor | Deepak-Raj | Gupta | |
Animal Justice Party | Edmund | Handby | |
Canberra Liberals | Jeremy | Hanson | |
ACT Greens | Mainul | Haque | I will support “policies based on the needs of our community, not the greed of a few.” In Yerrabi this means we will: • plant many more trees • build a multipurpose community centre and revitalise Yerrabi Pond. These two initiatives will create jobs, support our local small businesses and will bring families and communities together • expand Gunghalin CIT campus to provide opportunities for all ages. • improve cycle paths and road infrastructures to reduce traffic congestion and better connect our suburbs • support sustainable development for Gungahlin • support female only swimming sessions in all public pools in Canberra • enhance efforts to address domestic violence, social isolation and mental health challenges, including in multicultural communities • establish a community garden in Gungahlin. These are policies based on need rather than greed. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Haydon | |
Labour DLP | Olivia | Helmore | |
Belco Party | Chic | Henry | |
Canberra Liberals | Jane | Hiatt | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jackson | Hillman | |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Alvin | Hopper | CAP is determined to improve the way Canberra is run. CAP stands for more community involvement, and transparency, in government. Our aim is to improve life in the ACT for everyone. We safeguard our distinct identity, but we are always ready to cooperate with others in the interests of good government. CAP will serve Canberra well – vote for us! |
Animal Justice Party | Francine | Horne | |
Australian Federation Party | Mohammad Munir | Hussain | |
ACT Labor | Jacob | Ingram | |
Liberal Democrats | Guy | Jakeman | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Johnson | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Petar | Johnson | |
Canberra Liberals | Giulia | Jones | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Kearsley | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Kikkert | |
Canberra Progressives | Robert | Knight | By genuinely engaging those who I seek to represent, and taking a values based leadership style within my community. |
Liberal Democrats | Matthew | Knight | |
Canberra Liberals | Kacey | Lam | |
Canberra Liberals | Nicole | Lawder | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Lee | |
Independent | Fuxin | Li | As an independent candidate, I will be not tied up by any party ideologies and restrictions. I will be able to represent and advocate first and foremost for my constituents and community. In particular, I will: make myself accessible to all the constituents and listen to their concerns and views through all available channels such as telephone, email, social media and meetings, so to understand their issues and concerns. consider issues from the perspectives of my constituents and community, supporting with research and analysis of the issues and consultation with the stakeholders. present an independent voice to ACT Legislative Assembly with proposals and solutions that meet the needs of the constituents and community. |
ACT Greens | Tim | Liersch | If elected, I plan to represent my constituents by making myself as available as possible to listen to and receive information from people across Ginninderra, with a particular emphasis on the views of individuals over organisations. I will make myself available by phone, email, and video at advertised intervals. I will operate on the basis that there is always new information that could come to light which can sway a government decision. |
Canberra Progressives | Stephen | Lin | If elected, I will get to know community groups and meet their representatives and members, and harness their current concerns and priorities for my future Bill proposals and law reform recommendations. I will maintain open communication channels with the public, represent their voices on various issues, be their referral hub to identify best mechanism to resolve their concerns, and follow up with the relevant agencies for better solution. I will also participate in various parliamentary committees and examine pressing issues in detail, and contribute to law reforms needed in our electorate and wider ACT. I will work with the constituents for improved social and cultural environment. |
ACT Labor | Greg | Lloyd | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Long | |
Belco Party | Angela | Lount | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Jill | ||
Labour DLP | Ian | McClure | |
Labour DLP | Helen | McClure | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Milligan | |
ACT Greens | Katt | Millner | I will always work to improve social, racial and climate justice within our community. I will always prioritise the needs of Ginninderra when pushing for action on climate change, and better access to public transport, housing and education. I will seek to continue the work of others in building an inclusive and supportive community in the ACT, striving to provide high quality and accessible physical and mental health care for all. |
Canberra Liberals | Krishna | Nadimpalli | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sok Kheng | Ngep | |
ACT Labor | Maddy | Northam | |
ACT Greens | Laura | Nuttall | I intend to remain fully accessible to all constituents through mobile and email contact, ideally in addition office hours in a local South-side electoral office (this policy is being championed by the Greens). I will advocate for my constituents first and foremost, and be critical regarding vested interests. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Mark | O'Connor | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Alix | O'Hara | Australian Climate Change Justice Party has a strong progressive agenda in climate change justice: mitigation of the impending economic, and social stratification impacts of climate change, as well as environmental challenges. This is exemplified through our United Solar Policy, bringing a solar unit and battery to every rooftop in Canberra, or otherwise upgrades of existing systems, or providing equivalent shares in solar wind farms. While the free market still makes the transition to clean energy prohibitively expensive for those who’d most benefit from solar power, the impacts will be to crime and other corollaries of poverty and the chronic stress it imposes. |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Matthew | Ogilvie | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Adrian | Olley | |
ACT Labor | Suzanne | Orr | |
Independent | Bruce | Paine | Listen, and carefully consider matter from the perspective of the whole community, before supporting an approach that benefits as much of the community as feasible while avoiding detrimental impacts particularly on people in need. Regularly hold open meetings with constituents and their representative organisations; regularly meet with peak bodies, regularly meet with other MLAs irrespective of their Party affiliation (or not) particularly those representing Kurrajong. |
Canberra Liberals | Mark | Parton | |
ACT Labor | Marisa | Paterson | I am inspired by the people, businesses, environment and community that is Murrumbidgee, and I plan to be an inspiring leader. This electorate has been my home for my adult life. I came here knowing no-one, and now I wouldn't live anywhere else. I am proud to bring my children up in this community. I will be a responsive and consultative representative. Embracing the diversity of views and values in our community, I will seek to listen, understand and make decisions with transparency and integrity that are in the best interests of Murrumbidgee residents. |
Canberra Liberals | Patrick | Pentony | |
Independent | Lee | Perren-Leveridge | |
ACT Labor | Michael | Pettersson | |
ACT Labor | Georgia | Phillips | |
David Pollard Independent | David | Pollard | A thriving Canberra is good for everyone, but my priority above all else is the people of Yerrabi. I intend to focus on local issues, people, business, entertainment, environment, education, sport, health, and safety. I will set the gold standard for what an Independent Crossbench can achieve for their electorate so that in 2024, every electorate wants to elect their own Independent. I will have a local presence like an electoral office, where I will be available to all constituents. I will continue to work with and promote the Community Councils as a conduit for community voice. |
David Pollard Independent Party | Stephanie | Pollard | |
Australian Federation Party | Jason | Potter | Our party is committed to implementing community sourced policies and plans. We seek to listen through meeting with individuals and groups and conducting extensive surveys to discover what the community wants. We will never vote against the majority view of the electorate we represent. This means our party comes second and the residents of our electorates come first. It is time to return representative democracy to the ACT. |
ACT Labor | Gordon | Ramsay | I will continue to listen to my constituents about what is important to them – from local municipal issues to big-picture policy questions – by making myself available at community events, weekend stalls at shopping centres, by contacting my office, or over social media. I will aim to get things fixed for you, make services better, and continue to be your voice in the running of the ACT so that is a great place to live, work, play and raise a family. |
ACT Greens | Shane | Rattenbury | I will seek to deliver the ideas outlined by myself and my party during the election campaign, and address issues that arise by listening to community views and looking for the solutions that are fair, equitable and sustainable. I will promote and implement improved community engagement in decision making, particularly through the use of deliberative democracy, and attend a broad range of community events, meetings and discussions to make sure I am available and connected to the community. |
Canberra Liberals | Ignatius | Rozario | |
Animal Justice Party | Serrin | Rutledge-Prior | |
Australian Federation Party | Scott | Sandford | |
Canberra Liberals | Amardeep | Singh | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Oliver | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Julie | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Robyn | Soxsmith | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jonathan | Stavridis | |
ACT Labor | Chris | Steel | |
Belco Party | Bill | Stefaniac | |
Canberra Progressives | Mike | Stelzig | By genuinely listening to my constituents and communicating with them in an open and transparent way and by making true democracy available to them. I work for the electorate; they don't work for me. |
ACT Labor | Rachel | Stephen-Smith | As a Member for Kurrajong, I have a strong record of engaging with the community, including through mobile offices throughout my four years in the Assembly. My office is responsive to constituent issues and I regularly attend community meetings and meet with individual constituents and representative groups. Just as importantly, I represent my constituents by pursuing outcomes that reflect the progressive values of my electorate - from secure local jobs to disability inclusion to self-determination for Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander peoples. If I'm re-elected, I'll continue to be a genuine, strong and progressive voice for the heart of Canberra. |
Labour DLP | Bernie | Strang | |
Canberra Liberals | Sarah | Suine | |
Canberra Progressives | Peta | Swarbrick | I plan to represent my constituents by ensuring that I seek a range of views, encourage participation in community dialogue across my constituency and seeking feedback about issues and priorities that effect my electorate. I plan to employ deliberative processes within my own electorate to ensure I am listening to my constituents closely so I can make the best decisions on their behalf. I am a very hands on, face to face person, and that is how I plan to stay connected with what my electorate wants, and needs. I plan to talk once, and listen twice. |
Belco Party | Alan | Tutt | |
Canberra Liberals | Jacob | Vadakkedathu | |
ACT Greens | Rebecca | Vassarotti | I plan to listen, be accessible and be connected to my local community. I commit to being transparent about how I am making decisions and be accountable back to the community who have put faith in me as their political representative. I commit to responding to evidence and ensuring that the positions I support are in the best interests of all our community members, ensuring that those who are most vulnerable are not left behind. I commit to ensuring I fight against those who seek to buy influence or favourable policy that serves private interests rather than the community. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Peter | Veenstra | |
Canberra Liberals | Andrew | Wall | |
ACT Labor | Taimus | Werner-Gibbings | |
Independent | Brendan | Whyte | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Bruce | Willett | |
Canberra Progressives | Bethany | Williams | Yerrabi is one of the fastest growing electorates in the ACT. But the infrastructure is not keeping pace with the growth, and the Yerrabi community are getting frustrated. Planning for roads lags suburb growth, causing gridlock and a massive time cost. We need to address school numbers and ensure that kids are getting the best education possible. We need a hospital in Gungahlin. The police station needs an upgrade. We need to make sure our emergency services are properly resourced. And Giralang needs shops! So, if elected, I will be pushing and prodding the government to make these things happen. |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Robyn | Williams | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Gordon | Yeatman | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Scott | Young |
Party | First Name | Family Name | Promote good government |
ACT Labor | Judy | Anderson | I believe in transparency and accountability by government and the best way to achieve these means is through effective scrutiny of government decisions through Assembly processes, including questioning, committees and reporting. I will fully support independent scrutiny processes are maintained, supported recommendations are acted on, including from the Auditor General and the Independent Commission Against Corruption. I fully support and will advocate for participative and deliberative democracy including in relation to complex and sometimes contentious matters. I will be actively alert to the pervasive influence of vested interests, to ensure my representation of the community and their interest are foremost. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Joy | Angel | |
ACT Greens | Merlin | Baker | |
ACT Labor | Andrew | Barr | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Greg | Baynham | |
ACT Labor | Yvette | Berry | |
Canberra Progressives | Tim | Bohm | |
ACT Greens | Adriana | Boisen | |
ACT Greens | Andrew | Braddock | The ACT Greens are proud to have led the way in increasing transparency of the political donations in the Territory, reducing the threshold and increasing the frequency of reporting and we already go beyond what the law requires. However, the ACT Greens do not believe that, on balance, real time disclosure of every single donation of any sum serves to improve democracy. In particular, the administrative imposition of such reporting would pose a barrier to entry to small political parties and independents who do not have the capacity to do such reporting. Additionally, in a city like Canberra, with many public servants and academics, we have a large number of citizens who legitimately fear reprisal for publicly supporting a political party or cause. We of course will continue to work to improve the donations system. |
Animal Justice Party | Bernie | Brennan | |
ACT Greens | Michael | Brewer | The ACT Greens are proud to have led the way in increasing transparency of political donations in the Territory, reducing the threshold and increasing the frequency of reporting and we already go beyond what the law requires. For example, we do not accept donations from developers, and we have a committee whose role is to examine any offer of a donation above $1000 for potential conflict of interest or perceived conflict. This committee has rejected a substantial number of donations over the years. However, the ACT Greens do not believe that, on balance, real time disclosure of every single donation of any sum serves to improve democracy. In particular, the administrative imposition of such reporting would pose a barrier to entry to small political parties and independents who do not have the capacity to do such reporting. Additionally, in a city like Canberra, with many public servants and academics, we have a large number of citizens who legitimately fear reprisal for publicly supporting a political party or cause. We of course will continue to work to improve the donations system. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Geoff | Buckmaster | |
ACT Labor | Joy | Burch | |
Canberra Liberals | Candice | Burch | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Rohan | Byrnes | |
Canberra Liberals | Peter | Cain | |
Independent | Fiona | Carrick | I will promote good government by being responsive to stakeholders and strengthening community consultation to include the communities views to reach a common understanding of the issues and options to implement solutions. I will require the development of transparent and accountable business cases for significant decisions, for example light rail, SPIRE and the Woden CIT to determine the problem, the policy objectives and the options to achieve the best result for the community. |
Canberra Liberals | Leanne | Castley | |
ACT Labor | Tara | Cheyne | Encourage and work to have as much information as possible available, accessible and easy to find across different media Provide regular updates or reports on implementation of policies, programs and election commitments Explain the how and why of parliamentary and Government processes and decisions Respond in a timely and candid way to constituent concerns or queries |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Andrew | Clapham | |
ACT Greens | Jo | Clay | The ACT Greens are commifted to continuous and open disclosure for a better democracy. The ACT Greens were instrumental in establishing the new ACT lntegrity Commission and the ban on property developer donations. We are pr6ud to have led the way in increasing transparency of political donations in the Territory, reducing the threshold and increasing the frequency of reporting and we already go beyond what the law requires. For example, we do not accept donations from developers, and we have a committee whose role is to examine any offer of a donation above $'1000 for potential conflict of interest or perceived conflict. This committee has rejected a substantial number of ' donations over the years. However, the ACT Greens do not believe that, on balance, real time disclosure of every single donation of any sum serves to improve democracy. ln particular, the administrative imposition of such reporting would pose a barrier to entry to small political parties and independents who do not have the capacity to do such reporting. Additionally, in a city like Canberra, with many public servants and academics, we have a large number of citizens who legitimately fear reprisal for publicly supporting a political party or cause. We of course will continue to work to improve the donations system. On a personal note, I'm available to constituents via email, Facebook, telephone, at public forums and via my participation in many Canberra groups. Community exchanges are essential to find out what issues are affecting people and how I can assist. |
Canberra Liberals | Ed | Cocks | |
ACT Labor | Bec | Cody | |
Canberra Liberals | Alistair | Coe | |
Independent | Helen | Cross | |
Independent | Mignonne | Cullen | |
Independent | Marilena | Damiano | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Daniels | |
ACT Greens | Emma | Davidson | I will: Host skill-building workshops and provide support to community groups on advocacy, understanding the political process, and writing effective submissions and grant applications. Push for resourcing and support for communities to proactively develop community initiatives and plans, and for those plans to be appropriately considered by government and responded to in a timely and respectful manner. Work to promote greater transparency in Cabinet decisions, as well as active disclosure of data, analysis, research and other information of public interest by Government agencies, with protections for individual privacy. |
ACT Greens | Johnathan | Davis | |
ACT Labor | Cathy | Day | |
Liberal Democrats | Dominic | De Luca | |
Animal Justice Party | Yana | del Valle | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Oksana | Demetrios | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Andrew | Demetrios | |
ACT Labor | Tim | Dobson | - Employ deliberative democracy where possible, to maximise the community's say in governance. - Support the ACT government's planning review to ensure we have a planning system that responds to Canberra's growth and builds a city that is sustainable and leaves no Canberran behind. |
Animal Justice Party | Lara | Drew | |
Animal Justice Party | Carolyne | Drew | |
Belco Party | Vijay | Dubey | |
ACT Labor | Sue | Ducker | |
ACT Greens | Sue | Ellerman | |
Animal Justice Party | Jannah | Fahiz | |
Canberra Progressives | Therese | Faulkner | I will seek to introduce a Compact or Agreement between all MLAs (as a collective) and the people of the ACT which sets out on a page the vision, mission and actions we will take to promote good government and strengthen our responsiveness, accountability and transparency. This will be a publicly launched document, developed through a process of public consultation, with performance measured and reported annually. |
ACT Labor | Tom | Fischer | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Forde | - Respond to and address constituent matters in a timely manner; - Seek feedback on decision making through frequent surveys and town halls; - Engage the community through the work of committees; - Support the work of the integrity commission; -Commit to passing information/feedback/complaints from the community into the relevant parts of government; - Explain my own decision making on issues through various forms. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sophia | Forner | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Richard | Forner | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Paul | Gabriel | |
ACT Labor | Mick | Gentleman | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Mark | Gilmayer | |
ACT Greens | Tjanara | Goreng Goreng | If elected, I will use my networks, knowledge and ability to build collaborative relationship to undertake these measures to promote good government and strengthen the responsiveness, accountability and transparency of government in the ACT. As a member of the ACT Greens I am proud that my elected colleagues have led the way in increasing transparency of political donations in the Territory, reducing the threshold and increasing the frequency of reporting and we already go beyond what the law requires. For example, we do not accept donations from developers, and we have a committee whose role is to examine any offer of a donation above $1000 for potential conflict of interest or perceived conflict. |
Liberal Democrats | Jacob | Gowor | |
Canberra Liberals | Rattesh | Gumber | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Gunning | |
ACT Labor | Deepak-Raj | Gupta | |
Animal Justice Party | Edmund | Handby | |
Canberra Liberals | Jeremy | Hanson | |
ACT Greens | Mainul | Haque | The ACT Greens have a proud history of promoting good government and increasing accountability and transparency. On that vein I will advocate for stronger participatory budget processes, inviting interested organisations and individuals to provide their input. I would also work to ensure policy development is underpinned by appropriate and relevant consultation and decision-making processes as well as the decisions are transparent. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Haydon | |
Labour DLP | Olivia | Helmore | |
Belco Party | Chic | Henry | |
Canberra Liberals | Jane | Hiatt | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jackson | Hillman | |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Alvin | Hopper | If elected he will take a keen interest in examining proposed laws. With no house of review as a check on executive power, many ACT laws are pushed through without proper scrutiny. |
Animal Justice Party | Francine | Horne | |
Australian Federation Party | Mohammad Munir | Hussain | |
ACT Labor | Jacob | Ingram | |
Liberal Democrats | Guy | Jakeman | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Johnson | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Petar | Johnson | |
Canberra Liberals | Giulia | Jones | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Kearsley | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Kikkert | |
Canberra Progressives | Robert | Knight | I will seek to establish a culture and behaviors which put the Canberra community as a broad collective, front and centre in the Legislative Assemblys dealings. I will seek to develop genuine community engagement mechanisms which truly give a democratic voice to the people. |
Liberal Democrats | Matthew | Knight | |
Canberra Liberals | Kacey | Lam | |
Canberra Liberals | Nicole | Lawder | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Lee | |
Independent | Fuxin | Li | I am aware of the legislations and frameworks at territory and national levels that are in place to ensure good governance, performance, accountability and transparency of government, as well as the ACT governments practice of Open Government. If elected, I will examine the measures currently in place to ensure they are adequately safeguarding our democratic system and strengthening the responsiveness, accountability and transparency of government, for instance, reporting of donations, public access to governance resources and information. communicate and consult with the constituents and community regarding issues and policies. be responsive to stakeholders and community views of issues and solutions. |
ACT Greens | Tim | Liersch | The Greens are proud to have led the way in increasing transparency of political donations in the ACT, reducing the threshold and increasing the frequency of reporting and we already go beyond what the law requires. For example, we do not accept donations from developers, and we have a committee whose role is to examine any offer of a donation above $1000 for potential or perceived conflict of interest. This committee has rejected a substantial number of donations over the years. However, the Greens do not believe that, on balance, real time disclosure of every single donation of any sum serves to improve democracy. In particular, the administrative imposition of such reporting would pose a barrier to entry to small political parties and independents who do not have the capacity to do such reporting. Additionally, in a city like Canberra, with many public servants and academics, we have a large number of citizens who legitimately fear reprisal for publicly supporting a political party or cause, even if they do so in an entirely personal capacity. I will of course continue to work to improve the donations system and seek ways to improve donations transparency. Recognising that commonwealth laws currently constrain the ability of the ACT to make meaningful change in this area, I will collaborate with Federal Greens MPs and Senators to make the ACTs laws enforceable once again. |
Canberra Progressives | Stephen | Lin | I will learn fast and contribute in policy making widely, keep the government accountable for any policy and administrative mistakes. |
ACT Labor | Greg | Lloyd | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Long | |
Belco Party | Angela | Lount | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Jill | ||
Labour DLP | Ian | McClure | |
Labour DLP | Helen | McClure | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Milligan | |
ACT Greens | Katt | Millner | The ACT Greens support improving donations disclosure and transparency in the ACT. The Greens do not accept any corporate donations and examine any donation over $1000 from individuals to ensure we do not have any real or perceived conflicts of interest. We were integral in establishing the bon on donations from property developers and passing the ACT truth in political advertising laws. I will continue to fight for: A ban on donations from businesses profiting from gambling Improving government consultation with the community, including reporting back the results of community engagement and the impact it had on government decision making. |
Canberra Liberals | Krishna | Nadimpalli | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sok Kheng | Ngep | |
ACT Labor | Maddy | Northam | |
ACT Greens | Laura | Nuttall | I plan to be more active about consulting constituents by making myself easily accessible and engaging in outreach on social media. I will consult key bodies regarding policy suggestions, and be open and honest about who I engage with and why. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Mark | O'Connor | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Alix | O'Hara | I just heard from Shane Rattenbury that he couldn’t entirely block the mandate for non-renewable gas rollout to new Canberra suburbs, because gas lobbyists were calling every member of parliament to protect their interests. So why wasn’t this in media headlines? I don’t yet know much yet about standard transparency protocols, but I have an intense sense of justice and I would be leaning on every business and media connection that I have made in my startup journey to howl this stuff from the rooftops. I can at least start by making it known here. For example, did you know that Federal government is still incentivizing exploratory oil drilling via the R&D tax incentive? |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Matthew | Ogilvie | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Adrian | Olley | |
ACT Labor | Suzanne | Orr | |
Independent | Bruce | Paine | Actively seek out meeting(s) with all citizens and groups potentially affected by an issue before the Assembly. Consciously weigh up competing considerations from a wh0le of community perspective, and be explicit regarding my reasons for taking a particular position. Decide issues based on evidence, rather than based o the Party position. Abide by the intent, not just the letter, of all legislation relevant to good government. Encourage other MLAs to follow the above, and call out obvious examples of poor practice. |
Canberra Liberals | Mark | Parton | |
ACT Labor | Marisa | Paterson | I would seek to contribute to a culture in the Legislative Assembly that promotes good government practices, particularly in respect to integrity, transparency and accountability in decisions that are made. - I will promote and support an evidence based policy agenda that also recognizes the needs and complex workings of the community. - I undertake to be a highly consultative and accessible representative to ensure good governance and representativeness. - accountability, commitment and honesty are leadership qualities that I value highly and would seek to undertake as a representative for the people of Murrumbidgee to ensure good government. |
Canberra Liberals | Patrick | Pentony | |
Independent | Lee | Perren-Leveridge | |
ACT Labor | Michael | Pettersson | |
ACT Labor | Georgia | Phillips | |
David Pollard Independent | David | Pollard | - Prevent politicians from censoring reasonable debate on official channels, especially social media. - Strengthen the Integrity Commission with resourcing and legislation. - In my campaign I have implemented a service desk style ticketing system, which tracks correspondence and highlights responsiveness. I intend to use the same system as an MLA and will lobby to implement it at the Legislative Assembly for all MLAs. - Improve and support constructive legislation from both the government and opposition of the day, to motivate the opposition to contribute to good government |
David Pollard Independent Party | Stephanie | Pollard | |
Australian Federation Party | Jason | Potter | I will listen to the residents of Brindabella and take their needs and aspirations into the parliament and implement them. For example, residents in Brindabella have talked with me about the traffic jam that occurs on McBryde Cres in Wanniassa when three schools and a childcare centre have students picked up all at the same time. If elected, we will work with the schools and the childcare centre to fix this. I will make sure our party only chooses candidates of good character and integrity. |
ACT Labor | Gordon | Ramsay | I am, and will continue to be, fully engaged with transparency measures of government including freedom of information and integrity processes and the quarterly publication of my ministerial diary, if I am fortunate enough to be reelected and appointed to a portfolio role. I will continue to respond as quickly as I can to any issue raised with me and to advocate with colleagues to get the outcomes my constituents are seeking. |
ACT Greens | Shane | Rattenbury | Accountability and transparency have been a focus of my work in the Assembly. I introduced new Freedom of Information laws in 2016, which included a new push element, requiring government to proactively publish documents and reports. I also led the development of the ACT Integrity Commission, comitting to it during the last election, then chairing the Committee that designed the key features of the legislation. We have made our Parliamentary Agreements publicly available and reported regularly on the implementation of those Agreements. This is a unique approach in Australian politics for power-sharing governments. |
Canberra Liberals | Ignatius | Rozario | |
Animal Justice Party | Serrin | Rutledge-Prior | |
Australian Federation Party | Scott | Sandford | |
Canberra Liberals | Amardeep | Singh | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Oliver | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Julie | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Robyn | Soxsmith | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jonathan | Stavridis | |
ACT Labor | Chris | Steel | |
Belco Party | Bill | Stefaniac | |
Canberra Progressives | Mike | Stelzig | I will push for implementation of a full transparency law where commercial-in-confidence (except for national security matters) no longer exists. Canberrans have a right to know about all activities politicians undertake in the name of the people. |
ACT Labor | Rachel | Stephen-Smith | Promote deliberative democracy whre appropriate, recognising that transparency in these processes is vital, as demonstrated through the citizens' jury on motor accident insurance. Ensure the government reports back on community consultation in a timely and transparent way. Support the ACT Planning Review to deliver a planning system that enables population growth while protecting Canberras character and building a city that is liveable, sustainable, resilient, and diverse. Continue to work with the Human Rights Commission and stakeholders to create a more transparent and restorative child protection system. Support Legislative Assembly committees to examine comples issues in the interests of the |
Labour DLP | Bernie | Strang | |
Canberra Liberals | Sarah | Suine | |
Canberra Progressives | Peta | Swarbrick | Good government is one that gains the trust of its constituents. I would vigorously support the work done by CAPaD and ACTCOSS in 2018 on importance of trust and how deliberative democracy frameworks can promote better government, transparency and accountability. I stand on a platform of evidence based policy making as well as ethics and empowerment, so I am keen to consider recommendations of expert groups like CAPaD and ACTCOSS if elected. |
Belco Party | Alan | Tutt | |
Canberra Liberals | Jacob | Vadakkedathu | |
ACT Greens | Rebecca | Vassarotti | I am a strong supporter of open government, integrity measures and measures that improve transparency and responsiveness. I am proud to be part of the ACT Greens who have championed measures including establishing an integrity commission, strengthening freedom of information laws and banning developer donations. I also strongly support the introduction of measures that promote participative democratic process and consultative measures. There is more work to do in these areas and I would relish an opportunity to work collaboratively with community to further improve responsiveness, accountability and transparency of our Government. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Peter | Veenstra | |
Canberra Liberals | Andrew | Wall | |
ACT Labor | Taimus | Werner-Gibbings | |
Independent | Brendan | Whyte | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Bruce | Willett | |
Canberra Progressives | Bethany | Williams | I plan to be a representative of not just the people in my own electorate, but of all the people of Canberra. While I will make sure that I fight for the things that matter to my electorate, I also want to be a representative that holds the government of the day to account across the board. I want to know where the money is being spent. I want transparency about the deals that the government makes with large developers. I want to understand why the government is so reliant on rates and land tax and push for a decrease in both. |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Robyn | Williams | CAP is a truly local party, and it is wholly independent of any other political party. We are always happy to cooperate with other organisations, but we will never sacrifice our party’s autonomy. I am keen on protecting the Griffin-Mahoney vision for Canberra and I am strongly opposed to the West Basin project. This development threatens to be the thin end of the wedge. If it proceeds it will set a precendent for other infill and development along the foreshore of Lake Burley Griffin. |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Gordon | Yeatman | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Scott | Young |
Party | First Name | Family Name | Improve constituents participation |
ACT Labor | Judy | Anderson | I will continue to connect and listen to the community. I represent them in matters that are important to them and ensure the public officials take their views into active consideration in designing policies and legislation. I believe active engagement with the community is far more effective than consultation and working closely with the community to help facilitate finding better ways to deliver to the community in government. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Joy | Angel | |
ACT Greens | Merlin | Baker | |
ACT Labor | Andrew | Barr | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Greg | Baynham | |
ACT Labor | Yvette | Berry | |
Canberra Progressives | Tim | Bohm | |
ACT Greens | Adriana | Boisen | |
ACT Greens | Andrew | Braddock | I would advocate for the increasing the use of participatory budget setting and citizens juries in the ACT. Community consultation must be also meaningful and help prior to a decision been make by government; therefore I would hold the government to account for any decision made contrary to the communitys views. |
Animal Justice Party | Bernie | Brennan | |
ACT Greens | Michael | Brewer | As an MLA, I will work for my community, not for corporate interests or donors. I believe MLAs should be available for their constituents to reach out to, and the work Im most looking forward to, and I think is most important, is the ground-level, every day help constituents may need accessing government services. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Geoff | Buckmaster | |
ACT Labor | Joy | Burch | |
Canberra Liberals | Candice | Burch | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Rohan | Byrnes | |
Canberra Liberals | Peter | Cain | |
Independent | Fiona | Carrick | I will ensure community members and groups are informed with clear information about the issues associated with the development of policy. I will work towards on-going dialogue to capture all of the considerations involved in assuring that stakeholder interests are addressed and reflected in policy initiatives. |
Canberra Liberals | Leanne | Castley | |
ACT Labor | Tara | Cheyne | Proactively share information and work to make information easier to find Respond candidly to questions or concerns Highlight, promote and encourage participation in parliamentary or Government inquiries or consultations, and, where possible, work to make it easier and simpler to participate Support deliberative democracy processes where appropriate |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Andrew | Clapham | |
ACT Greens | Jo | Clay | COVID-1g restrictions are increasing online engagement through video calls, Facebook Live, community surveys and messaging. I'll use my entrepreneurlat and communication skills to expand these channels after restrictions are lifted. They bring grassroots and participatory democracy to a broader group. They give the community a new voice. |
Canberra Liberals | Ed | Cocks | |
ACT Labor | Bec | Cody | |
Canberra Liberals | Alistair | Coe | |
Independent | Helen | Cross | |
Independent | Mignonne | Cullen | |
Independent | Marilena | Damiano | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Daniels | |
ACT Greens | Emma | Davidson | In addition to information on the ACT Greens website explaining my activities and voting in the Assembly, I will hold regular community meetings throughout Murrumbidgee to seek input from residents, answer their questions, and hear from speakers with expertise on complex issues. |
ACT Greens | Johnathan | Davis | |
ACT Labor | Cathy | Day | |
Liberal Democrats | Dominic | De Luca | |
Animal Justice Party | Yana | del Valle | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Oksana | Demetrios | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Andrew | Demetrios | |
ACT Labor | Tim | Dobson | - Apply Asset Based Community Development principles in any engagement with the community. - Facilitate greater involvement of community members who are traditionally left out of community consultation: public housing tenants, migrants and refugees, people with disabilities and their carers, single parents, people with mental health issues, unemployed workers and young people. |
Animal Justice Party | Lara | Drew | |
Animal Justice Party | Carolyne | Drew | |
Belco Party | Vijay | Dubey | |
ACT Labor | Sue | Ducker | |
ACT Greens | Sue | Ellerman | |
Animal Justice Party | Jannah | Fahiz | |
Canberra Progressives | Therese | Faulkner | I will be proactive in contacting constituents about policy issues and decisions affecting the community instead of waiting for reactions. Methods for doing this will include: attending relevant community council meetings, holding virtual town hall meetings, letterboxing, and conducting nano-surveys via appropriate technology. |
ACT Labor | Tom | Fischer | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Forde | - Use surveys, mobile offices and town halls to seek feedback on policy in bot development and execution; - Actively involve the community in the committee process; - Participate in the Tuggeranong Community Council - Share any and all relevant government documentation with the community through an accessible means. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sophia | Forner | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Richard | Forner | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Paul | Gabriel | |
ACT Labor | Mick | Gentleman | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Mark | Gilmayer | |
ACT Greens | Tjanara | Goreng Goreng | If I am elected to the ACT Legislative Assembly, I will undertake these measures to promote and improve informed participation by my constituents in ACT policy development and decision making. I am a local member of a large extended First Nations community and I utilise particular ways of communication through social media, |
Liberal Democrats | Jacob | Gowor | |
Canberra Liberals | Rattesh | Gumber | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Gunning | |
ACT Labor | Deepak-Raj | Gupta | |
Animal Justice Party | Edmund | Handby | |
Canberra Liberals | Jeremy | Hanson | |
ACT Greens | Mainul | Haque | If elected, I will listen actively, consulting with the community through ongoing, open, honest and transparent dialogue to help me understand and advocate for the ‘burning issues’ or ‘concerns’ of my constituents. I will represent the average Canberran who wants this city and its communities to thrive and prosper. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Haydon | |
Labour DLP | Olivia | Helmore | |
Belco Party | Chic | Henry | |
Canberra Liberals | Jane | Hiatt | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jackson | Hillman | |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Alvin | Hopper | Canberrans need have more say in vital government matters. At present, decisions are taken behind closed doors, followed by merely nominal public consultation. We must stop this unhealthy process. We must jealously protect our wonderful bush land and our invaluable urban green spaces. CAP strongly opposes the government’s plans to develop the West Basin of Lake Burley Griffin and build apartment blocks along the shoreline. By supporting the project The Greens have forsaken their own environmental credentials. Prompt effective action is essential to protect our lake. Canberra’s runaway development must be regulated. As an MLA I will promote community participation in ACT affairs. |
Animal Justice Party | Francine | Horne | |
Australian Federation Party | Mohammad Munir | Hussain | |
ACT Labor | Jacob | Ingram | |
Liberal Democrats | Guy | Jakeman | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Johnson | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Petar | Johnson | |
Canberra Liberals | Giulia | Jones | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Kearsley | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Kikkert | |
Canberra Progressives | Robert | Knight | I will investigate mechanisms and procedures to improve public accountability and genuine community engagement. I will seek to establish citizens juries, public referenda, community councils and other initiatives which give the public a say on how were governed. |
Liberal Democrats | Matthew | Knight | |
Canberra Liberals | Kacey | Lam | |
Canberra Liberals | Nicole | Lawder | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Lee | |
Independent | Fuxin | Li | facilitate dissemination of information about government services and policies in the electorate, so to enhance understanding of the government services policies, and improve their involvement in policy development and decision making. |
ACT Greens | Tim | Liersch | I will work to expand the capacity of the community councils by seeking the provision of improved support mechanisms to engage with their community districts on broader matters that affect their communities. These will be politically independent and include reformed consultation processes on planning decisions. |
Canberra Progressives | Stephen | Lin | I will encourage community groups to participate in policy debates and make submissions whenever possible. I will inform and encourage residents from multicultural backgrounds to contribute into policy development and enrich our community. I will promote programs to advance the opportunities for disadvantage groups. I will inspire and guide children and young people to embrace our democratic value and acquire skills and pursue public roles to enhance our democratic structure and composition of the society. |
ACT Labor | Greg | Lloyd | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Long | |
Belco Party | Angela | Lount | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Jill | ||
Labour DLP | Ian | McClure | |
Labour DLP | Helen | McClure | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Milligan | |
ACT Greens | Katt | Millner | I will strive to achieve: Proactive and inclusive community consultation by the government for policy development and implementation Participatory democratic mechanisms to prioritise the spending of funds Clear communication of how the government as acted on the feedback of the community |
Canberra Liberals | Krishna | Nadimpalli | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sok Kheng | Ngep | |
ACT Labor | Maddy | Northam | |
ACT Greens | Laura | Nuttall | I will engage in regular social media outreach, be available in electoral office/s, and endeavour to conduct mobile offices and catch ups to keep in touch with constituents. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Mark | O'Connor | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Alix | O'Hara | There are – or should be – two levels of local government. There are housekeeping matters serving community interests. These include school funding, public transport, civic planning, minimizing urban infill and ensuring availability of community amenities. These should include support to give every member of society every opportunity to live their best life and offer their best back, |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Matthew | Ogilvie | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Adrian | Olley | |
ACT Labor | Suzanne | Orr | |
Independent | Bruce | Paine | Require whoever forms government to explain emerging issues and potential decisions in ways that are understandable and accessible by all constituents and that cover both the short to longer-term impacts. Meet with constituents to discuss emerging issues and potential decisions. Ensure that decisions by government are taken transparently including to hold government accountable. |
Canberra Liberals | Mark | Parton | |
ACT Labor | Marisa | Paterson | To promote and improve informed participation by constituents I will: - create a supportive culture and environment that welcomes diversity in views and perspectives - facilitate community and stakeholder engagement processes locally - promote communication and dialogue around decisions that are made |
Canberra Liberals | Patrick | Pentony | |
Independent | Lee | Perren-Leveridge | |
ACT Labor | Michael | Pettersson | |
ACT Labor | Georgia | Phillips | |
David Pollard Independent | David | Pollard | - I will establish public working groups. Interested constituents will have an opportunity to directly develop policy to be presented as private members bills. - I will vote against issues that have had inadequate, insincere, or deceptive community consultation. - I will attend and offer an Assembly update at Community Council meetings. |
David Pollard Independent Party | Stephanie | Pollard | |
Australian Federation Party | Jason | Potter | I will hold an open community meeting every month, that any resident can attend in person or via Zoom where issues can be raised with me that need to be addressed and I will then take those issues and raise them with the relevant minister or department. I will meet with any resident who seeks to have a meeting with me on any issue that concerns them. |
ACT Labor | Gordon | Ramsay | I have, and will continue to, welcome everyones input into how the ACT is run, continuing my track record of taking the issues that you raise with me into decision-making processes. From footpaths to restorative justice, intersection upgrades to arts funding, and everything else, Im here to serve. |
ACT Greens | Shane | Rattenbury | Aside from the above, deliver the Greens Neighbourhood Democracy program. We know that when people come together to discuss their vision for the place they call home, great things emerge. This fund will allow the members of every suburb to come together to determine how to spend an average annual budget of $100,000. |
Canberra Liberals | Ignatius | Rozario | |
Animal Justice Party | Serrin | Rutledge-Prior | |
Australian Federation Party | Scott | Sandford | |
Canberra Liberals | Amardeep | Singh | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Oliver | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Julie | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Robyn | Soxsmith | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jonathan | Stavridis | |
ACT Labor | Chris | Steel | |
Belco Party | Bill | Stefaniac | |
Canberra Progressives | Mike | Stelzig | I will push to legislate for a citizens assembly so that Canberrans can have an active role in making decisions that affect them. If the government is not open to a citizens assembly, I will make myself available publicly to hear feedback from my constituents which I will pass onto the government for actioning. |
ACT Labor | Rachel | Stephen-Smith | Use deliberative processes and explore new engagement opportunities to ensure diverse voices are heard, as demonstrated through the Caring for Carers and Disability Justice Strategies. Work with community councils, residents groups and constituents to make it easier fo kurrajong residents have a say in decisions that matter to them. |
Labour DLP | Bernie | Strang | |
Canberra Liberals | Sarah | Suine | |
Canberra Progressives | Peta | Swarbrick | Promote Your Say to a wider audience and increase engagement Promote Voice of Participants type events for each process Publicize Citizens Reviews and gain greater engagement Fund community engagement teams in every community (established and emerging) to support engagement and deliberative process participation Learn from Interstate and International Best Practice |
Belco Party | Alan | Tutt | |
Canberra Liberals | Jacob | Vadakkedathu | |
ACT Greens | Rebecca | Vassarotti | Continue the work to improve community consultation in planning decisions; Continue to work on political donations reform; Support work to introduce participatory democracy measures in government decision making Statement. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Peter | Veenstra | |
Canberra Liberals | Andrew | Wall | |
ACT Labor | Taimus | Werner-Gibbings | |
Independent | Brendan | Whyte | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Bruce | Willett | |
Canberra Progressives | Bethany | Williams | I want to make sure all constituents have a say, not just the ones with the loudest voices. I want to be accessible to my constituents and give them more opportunities to make their voices heard. I want to engage with them though social media, through my office and through hosting participatory events and by getting our more in my community. I want to staff my office with spokespeople from diverse sectors of the community (CALD, people with disability, First Nations People) so that people from these diverse groups feel like they are being represented, and to help inform policy ad decision making. |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Robyn | Williams | It is important to have community involvement in significant political decisions. Above all, this involvement must be real and effective – not merely nominal, as so often happens. We need to make Canberra a better place for everyone. In general Canberra is prosperous, but anyone can fall on hard times. Many people find life a struggle for one reason or another. CAP doesn’t have a solution to all of society’s problems, but we seek to serve all Canberrans to the best of our ability. |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Gordon | Yeatman | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Scott | Young |
Party | First Name | Family Name | Democratic Commitment |
ACT Labor | Judy | Anderson | Y |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Joy | Angel | |
ACT Greens | Merlin | Baker | |
ACT Labor | Andrew | Barr | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Greg | Baynham | |
ACT Labor | Yvette | Berry | |
Canberra Progressives | Tim | Bohm | |
ACT Greens | Adriana | Boisen | |
ACT Greens | Andrew | Braddock | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Animal Justice Party | Bernie | Brennan | |
ACT Greens | Michael | Brewer | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Geoff | Buckmaster | |
ACT Labor | Joy | Burch | |
Canberra Liberals | Candice | Burch | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Rohan | Byrnes | |
Canberra Liberals | Peter | Cain | |
Independent | Fiona | Carrick | Y |
Canberra Liberals | Leanne | Castley | |
ACT Labor | Tara | Cheyne | Y |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Andrew | Clapham | |
ACT Greens | Jo | Clay | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Canberra Liberals | Ed | Cocks | |
ACT Labor | Bec | Cody | |
Canberra Liberals | Alistair | Coe | |
Independent | Helen | Cross | |
Independent | Mignonne | Cullen | |
Independent | Marilena | Damiano | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Daniels | |
ACT Greens | Emma | Davidson | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
ACT Greens | Johnathan | Davis | |
ACT Labor | Cathy | Day | |
Liberal Democrats | Dominic | De Luca | |
Animal Justice Party | Yana | del Valle | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Oksana | Demetrios | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Andrew | Demetrios | |
ACT Labor | Tim | Dobson | Y |
Animal Justice Party | Lara | Drew | |
Animal Justice Party | Carolyne | Drew | |
Belco Party | Vijay | Dubey | |
ACT Labor | Sue | Ducker | |
ACT Greens | Sue | Ellerman | |
Animal Justice Party | Jannah | Fahiz | |
Canberra Progressives | Therese | Faulkner | Y |
ACT Labor | Tom | Fischer | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Forde | Y |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sophia | Forner | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Richard | Forner | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Paul | Gabriel | |
ACT Labor | Mick | Gentleman | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Mark | Gilmayer | |
ACT Greens | Tjanara | Goreng Goreng | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Liberal Democrats | Jacob | Gowor | |
Canberra Liberals | Rattesh | Gumber | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Gunning | |
ACT Labor | Deepak-Raj | Gupta | |
Animal Justice Party | Edmund | Handby | |
Canberra Liberals | Jeremy | Hanson | |
ACT Greens | Mainul | Haque | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability." |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Haydon | |
Labour DLP | Olivia | Helmore | |
Belco Party | Chic | Henry | |
Canberra Liberals | Jane | Hiatt | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jackson | Hillman | |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Alvin | Hopper | None supplied |
Animal Justice Party | Francine | Horne | |
Australian Federation Party | Mohammad Munir | Hussain | |
ACT Labor | Jacob | Ingram | |
Liberal Democrats | Guy | Jakeman | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Johnson | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Petar | Johnson | |
Canberra Liberals | Giulia | Jones | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Kearsley | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Kikkert | |
Canberra Progressives | Robert | Knight | Y |
Liberal Democrats | Matthew | Knight | |
Canberra Liberals | Kacey | Lam | |
Canberra Liberals | Nicole | Lawder | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Lee | |
Independent | Fuxin | Li | Y |
ACT Greens | Tim | Liersch | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Canberra Progressives | Stephen | Lin | Not made. |
ACT Labor | Greg | Lloyd | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Long | |
Belco Party | Angela | Lount | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Jill | ||
Labour DLP | Ian | McClure | |
Labour DLP | Helen | McClure | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Milligan | |
ACT Greens | Katt | Millner | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Canberra Liberals | Krishna | Nadimpalli | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sok Kheng | Ngep | |
ACT Labor | Maddy | Northam | |
ACT Greens | Laura | Nuttall | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Mark | O'Connor | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Alix | O'Hara | Y |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Matthew | Ogilvie | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Adrian | Olley | |
ACT Labor | Suzanne | Orr | |
Independent | Bruce | Paine | Y |
Canberra Liberals | Mark | Parton | |
ACT Labor | Marisa | Paterson | Y |
Canberra Liberals | Patrick | Pentony | |
Independent | Lee | Perren-Leveridge | |
ACT Labor | Michael | Pettersson | |
ACT Labor | Georgia | Phillips | |
David Pollard Independent | David | Pollard | Y |
David Pollard Independent Party | Stephanie | Pollard | |
Australian Federation Party | Jason | Potter | Y |
ACT Labor | Gordon | Ramsay | Y |
ACT Greens | Shane | Rattenbury | Y |
Canberra Liberals | Ignatius | Rozario | |
Animal Justice Party | Serrin | Rutledge-Prior | |
Australian Federation Party | Scott | Sandford | |
Canberra Liberals | Amardeep | Singh | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Oliver | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Julie | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Robyn | Soxsmith | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jonathan | Stavridis | |
ACT Labor | Chris | Steel | |
Belco Party | Bill | Stefaniac | |
Canberra Progressives | Mike | Stelzig | Y |
ACT Labor | Rachel | Stephen-Smith | Y |
Labour DLP | Bernie | Strang | |
Canberra Liberals | Sarah | Suine | |
Canberra Progressives | Peta | Swarbrick | Y |
Belco Party | Alan | Tutt | |
Canberra Liberals | Jacob | Vadakkedathu | |
ACT Greens | Rebecca | Vassarotti | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Peter | Veenstra | |
Canberra Liberals | Andrew | Wall | |
ACT Labor | Taimus | Werner-Gibbings | |
Independent | Brendan | Whyte | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Bruce | Willett | |
Canberra Progressives | Bethany | Williams | Y |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Robyn | Williams | None supplied. |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Gordon | Yeatman | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Scott | Young |
Party | First Name | Family Name | Skills and experience for being an MLA |
ACT Labor | Judy | Anderson | When it comes to getting things done, I have delivered: - For families, I’ve lived in inner Canberra raising my children and working in the community for nearly 30 years. - In healthcare I’ve been a frontline nurse and driven better conditions of nurses. - In public policy I’ve championed research, lowered carbon emissions and brought investment to Canberra. - In business I continue to work tirelessly on boards and leadership roles creating positive change, including jobs in technology, health and energy. I believe right now, more than ever with COVID, we need representatives in the Legislative Assembly that have a wide range of experience to bring fresh thinking and perspectives to get things done. Canberra experience matters. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Joy | Angel | |
ACT Greens | Merlin | Baker | |
ACT Labor | Andrew | Barr | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Greg | Baynham | |
ACT Labor | Yvette | Berry | |
Canberra Progressives | Tim | Bohm | |
ACT Greens | Adriana | Boisen | |
ACT Greens | Andrew | Braddock | I am not a career politician or party hack. As a father with a young family and also as a carer, I get the daily juggle in life. I am the product of a public-school education looking to build a better future. I am also active in the community, having worked as secretary of the Gungahlin Community Council, and deputy chairman of my local primary school board. I also have the life experience and interpersonal skills to help me communicate and relate to constituents of various backgrounds, cultures, beliefs and perspectives. |
Animal Justice Party | Bernie | Brennan | |
ACT Greens | Michael | Brewer | I am proud to have served the student community during 2018 and 2019 as a Queer Representative and then Secretary on Residents' Committees. I have also served on the ACT Greens' Board since 2019. If elected, I will be a strong voice for young people across Canberra. We have historically been disenfranchised, and we need representatives to speak out to ensure we aren't the first generation to be worse off than our parents'. We have unique needs for healthcare, education, and housing, and having a young voice in the Assembly will help to address them. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Geoff | Buckmaster | |
ACT Labor | Joy | Burch | |
Canberra Liberals | Candice | Burch | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Rohan | Byrnes | |
Canberra Liberals | Peter | Cain | |
Independent | Fiona | Carrick | I am a local having lived in Woden for over 50 years. I studied a Bachelor of Commerce at ANU and Horticulture at the former Weston CIT. My working life has primarily been in finance and transport infrastructure. For nearly 4 years I have been an advocate for the community as President of the Woden Valley Community Council. We have had some great wins for the community, including a commitment to a new CIT in Woden. I understand planning and how it underpins how we balance jobs, public spaces, community facilities and the density of housing around our shopping hubs to ensure we can live, work and play locally. That we have a sense of identity and belonging, that everyone is included. |
Canberra Liberals | Leanne | Castley | |
ACT Labor | Tara | Cheyne | Before being elected, I was a Director in the APS but my passion was working with the Belconnen community. I served across a range of community roles, including on the Belconnen Community Council and Belconnen Arts Centre Board, as well as authoring a blog which promoted Canberra and Belconnen. As an MLA, I've helped thousands of residents, held hundreds of mobile offices, delivered on election commitments, and been an open, regular communicator. I've served on 13 committees (deputy chair of six and chair of two). Despite being a backbencher, I introduced legislation which passed with tripartisan support. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Andrew | Clapham | |
ACT Greens | Jo | Clay | I'm author of The Carbon Diet, a project in which I've cut my carbon footprint by 77%. I'm a practising artist and writer. I'm CEO and patented co-founder of recycling company, Send and Shred. As a climate change activist, l'm seriously worried about our future. But l've seen for myself that we can take real action when business, community and government all work together. I've worked in the private, government and non-profit sectors and I hold degrees in Creative Arts and Laws (Honours). A lifetime resident of Canberra, I live in Belconnen with my partner, my daughter and my two dogs. |
Canberra Liberals | Ed | Cocks | |
ACT Labor | Bec | Cody | |
Canberra Liberals | Alistair | Coe | |
Independent | Helen | Cross | |
Independent | Mignonne | Cullen | |
Independent | Marilena | Damiano | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Daniels | |
ACT Greens | Emma | Davidson | Working with people at risk in our community and in the community sector has given me insight to the interconnections between policy areas, and the complexity of people's lives. I value people's lived experience when considering policy changes, and I have experience in raising the voices of those most at risk in public policy conversations. I have advocated on public health, public education, access to community space, women's rights, and other issues in Canberra for many years, particularly on the southside. I have sought to raise the voices of those affected by change more than my own. |
ACT Greens | Johnathan | Davis | |
ACT Labor | Cathy | Day | |
Liberal Democrats | Dominic | De Luca | |
Animal Justice Party | Yana | del Valle | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Oksana | Demetrios | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Andrew | Demetrios | |
ACT Labor | Tim | Dobson | I've worked in the Learning Support Unit at Mawson Primary, and in Wollongong I helped start Green Connect - a social enterprise that trains youth, refugees and long-term unemployed people in environmentally sustainable jobs. As a teacher, I know how to listen to the needs of parents and students, and through my work I've supported those in our society who are often the first to be left behind. My work has created jobs and supported people from childhood to adulthood to get set up for fulfilling lives. |
Animal Justice Party | Lara | Drew | |
Animal Justice Party | Carolyne | Drew | |
Belco Party | Vijay | Dubey | |
ACT Labor | Sue | Ducker | |
ACT Greens | Sue | Ellerman | |
Animal Justice Party | Jannah | Fahiz | |
Canberra Progressives | Therese | Faulkner | I worked in the Australian Public Service for 30 years, commencing as an 18 year old school-leaver, and have worked in the private sector for the past 6 years. I went to university as a mature-age student and gained a Graduate Diploma in public policy from the ANU. I grew up in Canberra and raised my three daughters here. I have been an active participant in the arts and sport in the ACT and understand the Canberra community well through my diverse family and friends. I have a sound understanding of the role and responsibilities of being an elected representative. |
ACT Labor | Tom | Fischer | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Forde | We are lucky to live in a democracy, where anyone can seek public office. Skills and experience are less important than commitment and dedication to the community. Anyone truly seeking to represent and improve their community is already a good candidate. I grew up in Tuggeranong, attended local schools, graduated from ANU with an Asian Studies degree, majoring in Chinses politics. I also have a master’s degree from the ANU. I’ve worked in higher education, as a consultation on international aid, as an industrial representative for both white collar and blue collar workers. I understand how government works. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sophia | Forner | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Richard | Forner | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Paul | Gabriel | |
ACT Labor | Mick | Gentleman | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Mark | Gilmayer | |
ACT Greens | Tjanara | Goreng Goreng | I am academic University lecturer, a career passion since 1994 at six Australian Universities where I have been a lecturer, Senior lecturer and Assistant Professor, retiring from full time teaching at the University of Canberra in 2014. Since then I have attained my PhD from ANU in Sacred Leadership and began a Transformational Leadership company focusing on Indigenous and western ways of doing transformational leadership mentoring with executives and designing and running transformational leadership programs in government and non-government agencies in Australia with three Indigenous and non-Indigenous colleagues. I am a certified practitioner of Self Managing Leadership from the Oxford Leadership Academy and The Leadership Circle (TLC) which I utilised in my mentoring practice. |
Liberal Democrats | Jacob | Gowor | |
Canberra Liberals | Rattesh | Gumber | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Gunning | |
ACT Labor | Deepak-Raj | Gupta | |
Animal Justice Party | Edmund | Handby | |
Canberra Liberals | Jeremy | Hanson | |
ACT Greens | Mainul | Haque | An economist and public servant, I am also a father, husband and community worker. Following my education in Bangladesh, Malaysia, Canada and Australia, I settled in Canberra in 1993, becoming a local person serving local needs. For example, as President of the Canberra Muslim Community, I negotiated and managed the multi-million dollar Gungahlin Mosque project. I serve on the boards of the ACT Multicultural Advisory Council, Gold Creek Homestead Advisory Panel, Canberra Refugee Action Campaign, and Gungahlin Community Council. My skills and experiences enable me to communicate and relate to constituents from all backgrounds, irrespective of cultures, beliefs and perspectives. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Haydon | |
Labour DLP | Olivia | Helmore | |
Belco Party | Chic | Henry | |
Canberra Liberals | Jane | Hiatt | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jackson | Hillman | |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Alvin | Hopper | Alvin moved to Canberra in 1986, and he lives in Dickson. He is a lawyer and a retired public servant. Alvin’s work included drafting legislation. He has PhD in law from the University of Canberra. Alvin is actively involved in his church. He is a keen member of the Welsh Society of Canberra, and has a long-standing interest in the beautiful Welsh language. He is a bridge player, and for exercise he enjoys walking along our hill trails. |
Animal Justice Party | Francine | Horne | |
Australian Federation Party | Mohammad Munir | Hussain | |
ACT Labor | Jacob | Ingram | |
Liberal Democrats | Guy | Jakeman | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Johnson | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Petar | Johnson | |
Canberra Liberals | Giulia | Jones | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Kearsley | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Kikkert | |
Canberra Progressives | Robert | Knight | I have 21 years of service in the Australian Defence Force, with over 13 years in leadership and management positions. I also have 3 years' experience as a middle manager in the Australian Public Service and more than 12 months experience in private enterprise. I am an excellent communicator, strategic thinker, and hold tertiary qualifications in transport & logistics, as well as urban planning. |
Liberal Democrats | Matthew | Knight | |
Canberra Liberals | Kacey | Lam | |
Canberra Liberals | Nicole | Lawder | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Lee | |
Independent | Fuxin | Li | I have lived in Canberra for 19 years and in Yerrabi for 17 years. I understand the issues Canberrans and people living in Yerrabi have. I am here to listen to the community and stand for the community. I did my PhD in Education at Monash University and have been researching and working in education and cultural area for more than 27 years. I value Australia's multiculturalism and multilingualism. I believe we can do better in strengthening the diversified and harmonious society and in realizing social and economic benefits with the multicultural and multilingual resources in our community. |
ACT Greens | Tim | Liersch | I am an analyst, professionally capable of interrogating information to identify problems and expose solutions. Currently working in the public sector, I have a deep and personal commitment to working with truths. I am particularly well positioned to make difficult decisions based on complex information in a way that serves the public good. |
Canberra Progressives | Stephen | Lin | I have been admitted to practise law in Queensland since 2001 and worked mainly in community legal services. I held Principal License for or managed several of such legal services, including Central Queensland Community Legal Centre and Queensland Advocacy Inc. I have also worked as disability advocate in Queensland and ACT, promoting mental health and disability service into multicultural communities. I have keen interests in community service, public facilities for children, and overall wellbeing for the disadvantaged groups. I have also contributed my skills in Community Radio programs and multicultural projects development. |
ACT Labor | Greg | Lloyd | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Long | |
Belco Party | Angela | Lount | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Jill | ||
Labour DLP | Ian | McClure | |
Labour DLP | Helen | McClure | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Milligan | |
ACT Greens | Katt | Millner | I am a recent graduate with a Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics and a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in human rights. As a young queer woman, I have an understanding of a group which are systematically under-represented in politics. I have grown up with a brother with a disability, and have worked as a tutor with children from difficult backgrounds and a wide range of learning difficulties. My experience for being an MLA is my ability to bring these perspectives into the Assembly. |
Canberra Liberals | Krishna | Nadimpalli | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sok Kheng | Ngep | |
ACT Labor | Maddy | Northam | |
ACT Greens | Laura | Nuttall | I am currently completing a Bachelors in Asian Studies and Politics, Philosophy and Economics at the Australian National University. I have lived and worked around my electorate, and am thoroughly invested in the welfare of my community. I have a strong focus on ethics and social justice, which is hugely relevant to the issues faced by much of our community. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Mark | O'Connor | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Alix | O'Hara | Political leadership is meant to serve two functions: society housekeeping, and to steer us to a better future. The latter requires capacity for innovation underpinning a greater eye for coming challenges, than dedication to administration of outdated thinking. We are in times of unprecedented and accelerating change concerning climate change, technology, and economic influences. The majors are too slow to notice and have neglected real leadership for too long. Community needs are important, but innovative future-focussed thinking is critical. A vote for the majors is a vote wasted. Break the Duopoly. Vote for the minors, for fresh thinking and leadership. |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Matthew | Ogilvie | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Adrian | Olley | |
ACT Labor | Suzanne | Orr | |
Independent | Bruce | Paine | As a former member of the Australian Public Service, I regard myself as socially progressive, but financially responsible. I am very aware of the need for government to support public services, while ensuring that rates and taxes are affordable for the community over the long term. I have generally lived in Kurrajong since the 1970s, helped raise two children who benefitted from the ACT's public education system, and have experienced Parents and other people living in Aged Care. I was a Board member of Pedal Power ACT for several years. I enjoy Canberra's outdoor environment. |
Canberra Liberals | Mark | Parton | |
ACT Labor | Marisa | Paterson | I currently work at the Australian National University as a leading social policy researcher. I have spent the last 20 years working on a broad range of complex social and mental health issues, in both a professional and volunteer capacity. The part of my job that I excel at is listening and understanding people and complex situations, and navigating evidenced based policy solutions. I am an experienced leader and with strong communication and consultation skills. I will bring new, fresh ideas to the Assembly and be a strong advocate for the people of Murrumbidgee. |
Canberra Liberals | Patrick | Pentony | |
Independent | Lee | Perren-Leveridge | |
ACT Labor | Michael | Pettersson | |
ACT Labor | Georgia | Phillips | |
David Pollard Independent | David | Pollard | I work in my family software development business performing a range of duties, including software development, project management, contract negotiation and management, operations management, communications, and client relationships. I have a Bachelor of Engineering (Software Engineering) from University of Canberra. I practice Asset Based Community Development with the Crace Community Association (President), Gungahlin Community Council (Treasurer) and my school P&C (President). I have represented Gungahlin in democratic processes such as the Better Suburbs participatory budgeting forum. I contribute to submissions on government consultations, and development applications. Born and bred here, I have strong ties and networks in communities around Canberra. |
David Pollard Independent Party | Stephanie | Pollard | |
Australian Federation Party | Jason | Potter | I grew up in a large family and I now have a large family of my own. I have spent my working life helping others and I see the opportunity that politics provides to make an important contribution to our ACT Community. I have been a community leader, youth worker, manager of national and international projects in education and international aid and CEO of a Registered Training College. I have invested time in learning as well, including a master's degree in leadership and further Post Graduate study in Psychotherapy. |
ACT Labor | Gordon | Ramsay | After a 20 year career as a local community sector leader and advocate, I have been privileged to represent the people of Ginninderra since 2016 and be a Minister in the Government. I have worked not only to ensure Canberra can be a place where everyone belongs, everyone is valued, and everyone has the opportunity to participate but also in a number of challenging and important portfolio areas including making renting fairer, improving building quality, stronger social inclusion for seniors, more funding for the arts, and more employment for veterans, and addressing gambling harm, elder abuse and organised crime. |
ACT Greens | Shane | Rattenbury | When I was first elected, I said I wanted to ensure Canberra would be a city our children would thank us for. I continue to hold that motivation, determined to ensure the place we call home is environmentally sustainable, and is fair and equitable, both for today and for future generations. I have lived in Canberra since starting high school in the 80's, have worked in the public service and not-for-profit sector, have worked overseas, and have proudly represented my electorate since 2008. My family all live in Canberra, and I am deeply committed to this city. |
Canberra Liberals | Ignatius | Rozario | |
Animal Justice Party | Serrin | Rutledge-Prior | |
Australian Federation Party | Scott | Sandford | |
Canberra Liberals | Amardeep | Singh | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Oliver | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Julie | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Robyn | Soxsmith | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jonathan | Stavridis | |
ACT Labor | Chris | Steel | |
Belco Party | Bill | Stefaniac | |
Canberra Progressives | Mike | Stelzig | I worked for the Commonwealth for 11 years, six as a policy and five years as an internal auditor. I've been employed with the ACT Government for two years. Prior to joining the public service, I was employed in various roles in the private industry from management to senior executive. I have an insight into what makes government tick, how decisions are made and why they are made. |
ACT Labor | Rachel | Stephen-Smith | After more than 20 years working in public policy and volunteering in my community, I was elected to the Assembly in 2016. As a local member, I've listened to people and worked to deliver positive outcomes for the inner north and south. I have also served as Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs; Children, Youth and Families; Disability; Community Services; Multicultural Affairs; Employment and Workpsace Safety; Government Services and Procurement; Urban Renewal; and Health. It has been a privilege to serve the community in portfolios that make a difference in the lives of Canberra's workers and families. |
Labour DLP | Bernie | Strang | |
Canberra Liberals | Sarah | Suine | |
Canberra Progressives | Peta | Swarbrick | I would be a great MLA because I am a passionate Canberran with broad life, and work experience. I care deeply about the well being my community and our environment, and I want to every Canberran to have a voice. I have many skills, acquired over a lifetime of lived and business experience. I have expertise in developing strong relationships, strategic decision making, risk management and team dynamics. I have large community networks, and I am passionate about empowering all communities to build stronger connections and be active in participants in designing their solutions best practice, evidence based solutions. |
Belco Party | Alan | Tutt | |
Canberra Liberals | Jacob | Vadakkedathu | |
ACT Greens | Rebecca | Vassarotti | I am a Canberra native, long-term Kurrajong resident, Mum of three school-aged kids, and engaged member of my community. I have dedicated my professional life to reduce poverty, disadvantage and discrimination across our community. I bring a range of professional and volunteer experiences including leadership roles in our local community sector, volunteer roles on a range of not-for-profit board and committees and serving as a community member of the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal. These have fostered skills including community engagement, a commitment to evidence-based policy and a deep commitment to participatory democracy and people centred leadership. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Peter | Veenstra | |
Canberra Liberals | Andrew | Wall | |
ACT Labor | Taimus | Werner-Gibbings | |
Independent | Brendan | Whyte | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Bruce | Willett | |
Canberra Progressives | Bethany | Williams | My skills and experience to be an MLA stem from my real-life experience being a member of the Canberra community. I am a Canberra mother who has worked in the Australian Public Service for years and has contributed to the community through starting the Canberra Nippers program. My strengths are my persistence, my compassion, my willingness to ask the hard questions and pursue answers. I am not a career politician. I just want to make sure the government does the right thing by the community. I want to ensure political integrity and transparency in government. |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Robyn | Williams | I am Robyn Williams and I am pleased to be a candidate in Kurrajong for the Community Action Party (CAP). I am honoured to be CAP’s vice-president. I worked in museums and archaeology in New Zealand and New South Wales, including time in Griffith, NSW, which like Canberra, was planned by Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahoney. |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Gordon | Yeatman | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Scott | Young |
Party | First Name | Family Name | Skills and experience for ministry |
ACT Labor | Judy | Anderson | I have worked in and around government, including the ACT Government for many years, so I have extensive experience in how government works, including policy development and legislative process. In these roles, I have delivered better government services, including in health, technology policy, bringing investment to Canberra and creating new jobs and offering new training and education opportunities. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Joy | Angel | |
ACT Greens | Merlin | Baker | |
ACT Labor | Andrew | Barr | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Greg | Baynham | |
ACT Labor | Yvette | Berry | |
Canberra Progressives | Tim | Bohm | |
ACT Greens | Adriana | Boisen | |
ACT Greens | Andrew | Braddock | As an environmental engineer, I know how to make our city more sustainable. I have a professional understanding of the municipal systems that support Canberra's households including water, waste water, and traffic design. As a public servant, I also have hands on experience in developing policy and crafting legislation. |
Animal Justice Party | Bernie | Brennan | |
ACT Greens | Michael | Brewer | I am a political science student, so I have an intimate understanding of how government, the Assembly, and the bureaucracy operates. At 20 years old, I will bring a long-term perspective to any ministry position I hold, a perspective which I think is severely lacking in the current political class. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Geoff | Buckmaster | |
ACT Labor | Joy | Burch | |
Canberra Liberals | Candice | Burch | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Rohan | Byrnes | |
Canberra Liberals | Peter | Cain | |
Independent | Fiona | Carrick | I have a strong understanding of the social, economic and environmental needs of our community. I support open and transparent strategic planning in consultation with the community to provide guidance and confidence to both the public and private sector to invest in our community. My public sector and finance background provides me with a strong understanding of public budgeting and the machinery of government. |
Canberra Liberals | Leanne | Castley | |
ACT Labor | Tara | Cheyne | To best get results for my constituents, I've dedicated my first term to voraciously learning the how and why of Government - whether it's through an extensive committee inquiry or by joining a ranger out in the field. I've led large, diverse teams, have an MBA, and work hard. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Andrew | Clapham | |
ACT Greens | Jo | Clay | l'm a lawyer and communicator by profession. I've written and delivered programs, policy and legislation for the ACT and Federal governments. l've worked with ACT community groups and lobby groups. I have media experience. I run my own budgets and businesses. I have a general understanding of how to get things done. |
Canberra Liberals | Ed | Cocks | |
ACT Labor | Bec | Cody | |
Canberra Liberals | Alistair | Coe | |
Independent | Helen | Cross | |
Independent | Mignonne | Cullen | |
Independent | Marilena | Damiano | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Daniels | |
ACT Greens | Emma | Davidson | I have experience working in Commonwealth public service, small business, and community sector. I have worked in policy development, fair trade and environmentally sustainable retail, software development, social research and advocacy. A friend recently said to me "Emma, you've lived 76 lives!" and well... she's not wrong! Diversity of experiences is a strength. |
ACT Greens | Johnathan | Davis | |
ACT Labor | Cathy | Day | |
Liberal Democrats | Dominic | De Luca | |
Animal Justice Party | Yana | del Valle | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Oksana | Demetrios | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Andrew | Demetrios | |
ACT Labor | Tim | Dobson | I am not a career politician, but I have been politically active for the past twenty years. My background in Economics has given me the understanding and tools to deal with policy ideas and financial problems, and my frontline work with students and families has ensured I have an acute understand of the impact those big decisions have on ordinary community members. |
Animal Justice Party | Lara | Drew | |
Animal Justice Party | Carolyne | Drew | |
Belco Party | Vijay | Dubey | |
ACT Labor | Sue | Ducker | |
ACT Greens | Sue | Ellerman | |
Animal Justice Party | Jannah | Fahiz | |
Canberra Progressives | Therese | Faulkner | As a former Senior Executive Service officer, I led large programs of work, with complex budgets and staffing. I worked with ministers and their advisers, and know what works well, and what actions and behaviours to avoid. I know it takes hard work to make things happen – talk is cheap! |
ACT Labor | Tom | Fischer | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Forde | If I was ever fortunate enough to become a minister, I would bring my analytical skills, as well as my commitment to bettering our community, to the table. Above all, I would listen to and be guided by expert advice in formulating and executing policy. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sophia | Forner | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Richard | Forner | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Paul | Gabriel | |
ACT Labor | Mick | Gentleman | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Mark | Gilmayer | |
ACT Greens | Tjanara | Goreng Goreng | I am a therapist, social worker and community development designer and program designer by training, and I have completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Management from Melbourne Business School and a Master of Social Administration, majoring in community development, population health specifically addiction. I have written, designed and delivered programs, policy |
Liberal Democrats | Jacob | Gowor | |
Canberra Liberals | Rattesh | Gumber | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Gunning | |
ACT Labor | Deepak-Raj | Gupta | |
Animal Justice Party | Edmund | Handby | |
Canberra Liberals | Jeremy | Hanson | |
ACT Greens | Mainul | Haque | I have extensive experience in policy development and implementation and am experienced in managing large organisations. The challenges I have faced allow me to empathise with the sufferings of others, a quality that would benefit the ministry. I would also bring diversity as well as inclusiveness in the government. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Haydon | |
Labour DLP | Olivia | Helmore | |
Belco Party | Chic | Henry | |
Canberra Liberals | Jane | Hiatt | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jackson | Hillman | |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Alvin | Hopper | |
Animal Justice Party | Francine | Horne | |
Australian Federation Party | Mohammad Munir | Hussain | |
ACT Labor | Jacob | Ingram | |
Liberal Democrats | Guy | Jakeman | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Johnson | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Petar | Johnson | |
Canberra Liberals | Giulia | Jones | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Kearsley | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Kikkert | |
Canberra Progressives | Robert | Knight | I have proven strategic thinking, and stakeholder engagement skills, including the marshalling of expertise in the development of policy and operational aims. |
Liberal Democrats | Matthew | Knight | |
Canberra Liberals | Kacey | Lam | |
Canberra Liberals | Nicole | Lawder | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Lee | |
Independent | Fuxin | Li | I have worked in various leadership roles in the past 19 years at local and national levels. This enriched my experience in working with government agencies, politicians, community organizations, non-profits and the private sector. It helped me to build up my skills in working with people from different backgrounds and to enhance abilities in considering issues from different perspectives and at different levels. |
ACT Greens | Tim | Liersch | |
Canberra Progressives | Stephen | Lin | |
ACT Labor | Greg | Lloyd | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Long | |
Belco Party | Angela | Lount | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Jill | ||
Labour DLP | Ian | McClure | |
Labour DLP | Helen | McClure | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Milligan | |
ACT Greens | Katt | Millner | blank in statement |
Canberra Liberals | Krishna | Nadimpalli | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sok Kheng | Ngep | |
ACT Labor | Maddy | Northam | |
ACT Greens | Laura | Nuttall | I have passion and commitment to represent my community, and am a strong believer in evidence-based approaches to policy making. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Mark | O'Connor | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Alix | O'Hara | My professional skillsets are enterprise level project management, leadership both of teams, and to open entire business categories. I specialize in innovation to bring several paradigm shifting technologies to market and hold several patents internationally. In general, I rapidly adapt to different technologies and landscapes, e.g. web administration to website and application development |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Matthew | Ogilvie | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Adrian | Olley | |
ACT Labor | Suzanne | Orr | |
Independent | Bruce | Paine | Skills and experience in: providing advice on matters including taxation competition policy, Federal-State financial relations; liaising with the private sector, not for profits, and community organisations; and considering issue from a whole of community perspective. However, as an Independent, I would not accept a role in the Ministry, but would cast an experienced eye over Ministers' decisions. |
Canberra Liberals | Mark | Parton | |
ACT Labor | Marisa | Paterson | My research career has instilled in me an evidence based approach to policy development and implementation. Further to this, I have a quest to understand and seek informed, innovative solutions to society's complex problems. This is based in the fundamental understanding that to promote change and growth, you have to bring people with you. |
Canberra Liberals | Patrick | Pentony | |
Independent | Lee | Perren-Leveridge | |
ACT Labor | Michael | Pettersson | |
ACT Labor | Georgia | Phillips | |
David Pollard Independent | David | Pollard | I commit to remaining Independent from the ministry. I believe an Independent should remain on the crossbench and vote on each issue on the merits. An Independent brings scrutiny and improves both sides of politics, but they cannot do that when compromised by a cabinet agreement. |
David Pollard Independent Party | Stephanie | Pollard | |
Australian Federation Party | Jason | Potter | Local Community Leader and Advocate A good listener who believes in making sure every person's voice is heard National Manager of Vocational Education for large Private Training Institution Manager of 3500 Volunteers across Australia and NZ for International Aid NGO Father, Husband, Uncle and avid Sports fan |
ACT Labor | Gordon | Ramsay | I believe everything comes from good listening - through conversations with people about the things that matter and meaningful consultation. With a long background in the community sector and as a lawyer, I fight for social justice and inclusion with a view to policy and legislation that puts people first. |
ACT Greens | Shane | Rattenbury | As a Minister since 2012, I have held a range of portfolios, working to bring good governance, transparency and fair decision making to the role. As a Greens Minister, I have demonstrated an ability to work collaboratively to form a multiparty government, ensuring stable government while delivering on the platform of my party. |
Canberra Liberals | Ignatius | Rozario | |
Animal Justice Party | Serrin | Rutledge-Prior | |
Australian Federation Party | Scott | Sandford | |
Canberra Liberals | Amardeep | Singh | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Oliver | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Julie | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Robyn | Soxsmith | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jonathan | Stavridis | |
ACT Labor | Chris | Steel | |
Belco Party | Bill | Stefaniac | |
Canberra Progressives | Mike | Stelzig | I have proven strategic thinking, and stakeholder engagement skills, including identification of, and problem solving skills. |
ACT Labor | Rachel | Stephen-Smith | As Minister for Health, I have seen our public servants and healthcare workers at their best in responding to COVID-19 and have worked hard to support them in protecting ACT residents. I've sought to listen to all sectors of our community and communicate clearly in an environment of great uncertainty. |
Labour DLP | Bernie | Strang | |
Canberra Liberals | Sarah | Suine | |
Canberra Progressives | Peta | Swarbrick | Attaining a Dip Ed in Community Services(Com Dev)has made me an avid proponent of Asset (Strengths) Based Community Development,. Thus giving me the skills to work closely within our wonderfully diverse Canberra community to identify innovative solutions that meet community needs. Employing evidence, providing transparency and being accountable to the Community whilst having the skills to manage competing interests in order to deliver the best policy, is key to being an effective Minister. |
Belco Party | Alan | Tutt | |
Canberra Liberals | Jacob | Vadakkedathu | |
ACT Greens | Rebecca | Vassarotti | I have been extremely fortunate to have had a diverse range of professional roles across a number of sectors which provides an understanding of the complexity of many issues. I am committed to understanding different perspectives and ensuring that evidence is a key driver of decision makers. My work in areas of disadvantage equip me to ensure that politics serve people. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Peter | Veenstra | |
Canberra Liberals | Andrew | Wall | |
ACT Labor | Taimus | Werner-Gibbings | |
Independent | Brendan | Whyte | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Bruce | Willett | |
Canberra Progressives | Bethany | Williams | A role in the ministry would be an incredible honour and responsibility, however, I would prefer to be honest and say that I would not immediately possess the skills and experience to take on such a role. What would make me suitable for a role in the ministry would be to be elected to the Legislative Assembly first, and spend several years listening and learning about issues of importance, particularly in a ministry where I might be able to make the most difference. |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Robyn | Williams | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Gordon | Yeatman | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Scott | Young |
Party | First Name | Family Name | Representing my constituents |
ACT Labor | Judy | Anderson | I believe the best way to create positive change is to engage closely with the community to understand their problems and work with them to develop creative solutions. This includes listening to a variety of views and actively bringing communities together to share perspectives, generate a deeper understanding and actively encourage collaboration for developing outcomes with the community. With extensive experience in a wide range of settings: community, business and government, I will be a highly effective representative of the community by relentlessly championing their needs because I have a deep understanding of what effective government looks like, and a strong appetite to continuously improve the delivery of government services. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Joy | Angel | |
ACT Greens | Merlin | Baker | |
ACT Labor | Andrew | Barr | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Greg | Baynham | |
ACT Labor | Yvette | Berry | |
Canberra Progressives | Tim | Bohm | |
ACT Greens | Adriana | Boisen | |
ACT Greens | Andrew | Braddock | With integrity, transparency and zeal. I am committed to putting the Yerrabi community first. That means putting the community and the environment we depend on ahead of big business, corporate interests and lobbyists. I will make myself readily available to all constituents, and actively seek out a diverse range of community views, even if contrarian to my own. I will attend all Community Council meetings that I possibly can. |
Animal Justice Party | Bernie | Brennan | |
ACT Greens | Michael | Brewer | I am scared for my future, and we must act now to save our planet. I believe that climate and social justice are intimately linked, and I will act to ensure the climate is considered when implementing all policies. We need housing that is sensitive to our changing environment, we need healthcare which considers future extremes like the bushfires we experienced last summer, and we need to transition our public transport away from fossil fuels to electric, hydrogen, and active options. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Geoff | Buckmaster | |
ACT Labor | Joy | Burch | |
Canberra Liberals | Candice | Burch | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Rohan | Byrnes | |
Canberra Liberals | Peter | Cain | |
Independent | Fiona | Carrick | I am standing as a candidate to bring a strong independent voice to the Legislative Assembly that is issues based and not aligned with party ideology and politics. I will continue to advocate for: planning for the people, not developers; and transparency and accountability in decision making. I will work with community organisations to identify problems and options to rectify them. I will apply planning principles to the options to ensure the proposed solutions meet the needs of the community. I am a viable alternative to the major parties because I will investigate issues and consider the merits of proposals in the context of the community. |
Canberra Liberals | Leanne | Castley | |
ACT Labor | Tara | Cheyne | As an MLA, I've prided myself on being available and accessible – and I will continue that. In addition to the multiple channels where constituents can reach me (email, social media, phoning and meetings), I proactively reach out to constituents, such as through regular mobile offices, volunteering at many fetes and community events and meetings, running numerous petitions, and engaging (not just broadcasting) through social media. In this way, I can best understand what's important, effectively pursue outcomes, and get results on the things that matter. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Andrew | Clapham | |
ACT Greens | Jo | Clay | I will seek a fairer and greener future for Ginninderra, Canberra, Australia and the planet. As we move beyond the summer climate change smoke and fire crisis and the current COVlD-19 crisis, I will use my political voice and practical experience to apply what we have learned. I will promote strong action on climate change and better adaptation to keep our houses, public spaces and city liveable in a changing climate. I will support public transport, education and health that is accessible for all. I will help communities and businesses work together to build a fairer and greener system. |
Canberra Liberals | Ed | Cocks | |
ACT Labor | Bec | Cody | |
Canberra Liberals | Alistair | Coe | |
Independent | Helen | Cross | |
Independent | Mignonne | Cullen | |
Independent | Marilena | Damiano | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Daniels | |
ACT Greens | Emma | Davidson | All policies underpinning ACT Greens decision-making in the ACT Legislative Assembly are developed in consultation with community groups and Canberra residents, and published on the ACT Greens website. Where an issue is complex or existing policy is unclear on the right approach, I will consult with all stakeholders, with the aim of finding a solution that best meets the needs of residents and our planet. ACT Greens do not accept corporate donations. I will push for greater transparency on donations, and corporate donations to all political parties to be banned.* |
ACT Greens | Johnathan | Davis | |
ACT Labor | Cathy | Day | |
Liberal Democrats | Dominic | De Luca | |
Animal Justice Party | Yana | del Valle | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Oksana | Demetrios | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Andrew | Demetrios | |
ACT Labor | Tim | Dobson | I want to support community organisers who are from the constituency, to initiate and maintain ongoing engagement with the broader population. Alongside them, I will facilitate participatory environments that opens an ongoing dialogue rather than merely consulting over issues. |
Animal Justice Party | Lara | Drew | |
Animal Justice Party | Carolyne | Drew | |
Belco Party | Vijay | Dubey | |
ACT Labor | Sue | Ducker | |
ACT Greens | Sue | Ellerman | |
Animal Justice Party | Jannah | Fahiz | |
Canberra Progressives | Therese | Faulkner | I plan to be a genuine representative of my constituents by staying grounded – having conversations with real people about their challenges and the impact of government actions on them and their families. I will also draw from advice and experiences of established community organisations covering a diversity of constituents, to ensure a well-rounded view of the issues, challenges and impacts from a range of perspectives. |
ACT Labor | Tom | Fischer | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Forde | I will always be present and available in the community to remain available to my constituents. I will do this through regular and frequent mobile offices across Tuggeranong. I will seek the view of the community on the policy questions before me, both through face to face meetings and also surveys. While I will not promise to be a perfect reflection of the will of the community, I will always form my decision with their views in mind, and then explain the rationale for my decision to them. I will be accountable for my actions to my constituents. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sophia | Forner | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Richard | Forner | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Paul | Gabriel | |
ACT Labor | Mick | Gentleman | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Mark | Gilmayer | |
ACT Greens | Tjanara | Goreng Goreng | blank in statement |
Liberal Democrats | Jacob | Gowor | |
Canberra Liberals | Rattesh | Gumber | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Gunning | |
ACT Labor | Deepak-Raj | Gupta | |
Animal Justice Party | Edmund | Handby | |
Canberra Liberals | Jeremy | Hanson | |
ACT Greens | Mainul | Haque | I will support “policies based on the needs of our community, not the greed of a few.” In Yerrabi this means we will: • plant many more trees • build a multipurpose community centre and revitalise Yerrabi Pond. These two initiatives will create jobs, support our local small businesses and will bring families and communities together • expand Gunghalin CIT campus to provide opportunities for all ages. • improve cycle paths and road infrastructures to reduce traffic congestion and better connect our suburbs • support sustainable development for Gungahlin • support female only swimming sessions in all public pools in Canberra • enhance efforts to address domestic violence, social isolation and mental health challenges, including in multicultural communities • establish a community garden in Gungahlin. These are policies based on need rather than greed. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Haydon | |
Labour DLP | Olivia | Helmore | |
Belco Party | Chic | Henry | |
Canberra Liberals | Jane | Hiatt | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jackson | Hillman | |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Alvin | Hopper | CAP is determined to improve the way Canberra is run. CAP stands for more community involvement, and transparency, in government. Our aim is to improve life in the ACT for everyone. We safeguard our distinct identity, but we are always ready to cooperate with others in the interests of good government. CAP will serve Canberra well – vote for us! |
Animal Justice Party | Francine | Horne | |
Australian Federation Party | Mohammad Munir | Hussain | |
ACT Labor | Jacob | Ingram | |
Liberal Democrats | Guy | Jakeman | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Johnson | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Petar | Johnson | |
Canberra Liberals | Giulia | Jones | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Kearsley | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Kikkert | |
Canberra Progressives | Robert | Knight | By genuinely engaging those who I seek to represent, and taking a values based leadership style within my community. |
Liberal Democrats | Matthew | Knight | |
Canberra Liberals | Kacey | Lam | |
Canberra Liberals | Nicole | Lawder | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Lee | |
Independent | Fuxin | Li | As an independent candidate, I will be not tied up by any party ideologies and restrictions. I will be able to represent and advocate first and foremost for my constituents and community. In particular, I will: make myself accessible to all the constituents and listen to their concerns and views through all available channels such as telephone, email, social media and meetings, so to understand their issues and concerns. consider issues from the perspectives of my constituents and community, supporting with research and analysis of the issues and consultation with the stakeholders. present an independent voice to ACT Legislative Assembly with proposals and solutions that meet the needs of the constituents and community. |
ACT Greens | Tim | Liersch | If elected, I plan to represent my constituents by making myself as available as possible to listen to and receive information from people across Ginninderra, with a particular emphasis on the views of individuals over organisations. I will make myself available by phone, email, and video at advertised intervals. I will operate on the basis that there is always new information that could come to light which can sway a government decision. |
Canberra Progressives | Stephen | Lin | If elected, I will get to know community groups and meet their representatives and members, and harness their current concerns and priorities for my future Bill proposals and law reform recommendations. I will maintain open communication channels with the public, represent their voices on various issues, be their referral hub to identify best mechanism to resolve their concerns, and follow up with the relevant agencies for better solution. I will also participate in various parliamentary committees and examine pressing issues in detail, and contribute to law reforms needed in our electorate and wider ACT. I will work with the constituents for improved social and cultural environment. |
ACT Labor | Greg | Lloyd | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Long | |
Belco Party | Angela | Lount | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Jill | ||
Labour DLP | Ian | McClure | |
Labour DLP | Helen | McClure | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Milligan | |
ACT Greens | Katt | Millner | I will always work to improve social, racial and climate justice within our community. I will always prioritise the needs of Ginninderra when pushing for action on climate change, and better access to public transport, housing and education. I will seek to continue the work of others in building an inclusive and supportive community in the ACT, striving to provide high quality and accessible physical and mental health care for all. |
Canberra Liberals | Krishna | Nadimpalli | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sok Kheng | Ngep | |
ACT Labor | Maddy | Northam | |
ACT Greens | Laura | Nuttall | I intend to remain fully accessible to all constituents through mobile and email contact, ideally in addition office hours in a local South-side electoral office (this policy is being championed by the Greens). I will advocate for my constituents first and foremost, and be critical regarding vested interests. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Mark | O'Connor | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Alix | O'Hara | Australian Climate Change Justice Party has a strong progressive agenda in climate change justice: mitigation of the impending economic, and social stratification impacts of climate change, as well as environmental challenges. This is exemplified through our United Solar Policy, bringing a solar unit and battery to every rooftop in Canberra, or otherwise upgrades of existing systems, or providing equivalent shares in solar wind farms. While the free market still makes the transition to clean energy prohibitively expensive for those who’d most benefit from solar power, the impacts will be to crime and other corollaries of poverty and the chronic stress it imposes. |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Matthew | Ogilvie | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Adrian | Olley | |
ACT Labor | Suzanne | Orr | |
Independent | Bruce | Paine | Listen, and carefully consider matter from the perspective of the whole community, before supporting an approach that benefits as much of the community as feasible while avoiding detrimental impacts particularly on people in need. Regularly hold open meetings with constituents and their representative organisations; regularly meet with peak bodies, regularly meet with other MLAs irrespective of their Party affiliation (or not) particularly those representing Kurrajong. |
Canberra Liberals | Mark | Parton | |
ACT Labor | Marisa | Paterson | I am inspired by the people, businesses, environment and community that is Murrumbidgee, and I plan to be an inspiring leader. This electorate has been my home for my adult life. I came here knowing no-one, and now I wouldn't live anywhere else. I am proud to bring my children up in this community. I will be a responsive and consultative representative. Embracing the diversity of views and values in our community, I will seek to listen, understand and make decisions with transparency and integrity that are in the best interests of Murrumbidgee residents. |
Canberra Liberals | Patrick | Pentony | |
Independent | Lee | Perren-Leveridge | |
ACT Labor | Michael | Pettersson | |
ACT Labor | Georgia | Phillips | |
David Pollard Independent | David | Pollard | A thriving Canberra is good for everyone, but my priority above all else is the people of Yerrabi. I intend to focus on local issues, people, business, entertainment, environment, education, sport, health, and safety. I will set the gold standard for what an Independent Crossbench can achieve for their electorate so that in 2024, every electorate wants to elect their own Independent. I will have a local presence like an electoral office, where I will be available to all constituents. I will continue to work with and promote the Community Councils as a conduit for community voice. |
David Pollard Independent Party | Stephanie | Pollard | |
Australian Federation Party | Jason | Potter | Our party is committed to implementing community sourced policies and plans. We seek to listen through meeting with individuals and groups and conducting extensive surveys to discover what the community wants. We will never vote against the majority view of the electorate we represent. This means our party comes second and the residents of our electorates come first. It is time to return representative democracy to the ACT. |
ACT Labor | Gordon | Ramsay | I will continue to listen to my constituents about what is important to them – from local municipal issues to big-picture policy questions – by making myself available at community events, weekend stalls at shopping centres, by contacting my office, or over social media. I will aim to get things fixed for you, make services better, and continue to be your voice in the running of the ACT so that is a great place to live, work, play and raise a family. |
ACT Greens | Shane | Rattenbury | I will seek to deliver the ideas outlined by myself and my party during the election campaign, and address issues that arise by listening to community views and looking for the solutions that are fair, equitable and sustainable. I will promote and implement improved community engagement in decision making, particularly through the use of deliberative democracy, and attend a broad range of community events, meetings and discussions to make sure I am available and connected to the community. |
Canberra Liberals | Ignatius | Rozario | |
Animal Justice Party | Serrin | Rutledge-Prior | |
Australian Federation Party | Scott | Sandford | |
Canberra Liberals | Amardeep | Singh | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Oliver | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Julie | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Robyn | Soxsmith | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jonathan | Stavridis | |
ACT Labor | Chris | Steel | |
Belco Party | Bill | Stefaniac | |
Canberra Progressives | Mike | Stelzig | By genuinely listening to my constituents and communicating with them in an open and transparent way and by making true democracy available to them. I work for the electorate; they don't work for me. |
ACT Labor | Rachel | Stephen-Smith | As a Member for Kurrajong, I have a strong record of engaging with the community, including through mobile offices throughout my four years in the Assembly. My office is responsive to constituent issues and I regularly attend community meetings and meet with individual constituents and representative groups. Just as importantly, I represent my constituents by pursuing outcomes that reflect the progressive values of my electorate - from secure local jobs to disability inclusion to self-determination for Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander peoples. If I'm re-elected, I'll continue to be a genuine, strong and progressive voice for the heart of Canberra. |
Labour DLP | Bernie | Strang | |
Canberra Liberals | Sarah | Suine | |
Canberra Progressives | Peta | Swarbrick | I plan to represent my constituents by ensuring that I seek a range of views, encourage participation in community dialogue across my constituency and seeking feedback about issues and priorities that effect my electorate. I plan to employ deliberative processes within my own electorate to ensure I am listening to my constituents closely so I can make the best decisions on their behalf. I am a very hands on, face to face person, and that is how I plan to stay connected with what my electorate wants, and needs. I plan to talk once, and listen twice. |
Belco Party | Alan | Tutt | |
Canberra Liberals | Jacob | Vadakkedathu | |
ACT Greens | Rebecca | Vassarotti | I plan to listen, be accessible and be connected to my local community. I commit to being transparent about how I am making decisions and be accountable back to the community who have put faith in me as their political representative. I commit to responding to evidence and ensuring that the positions I support are in the best interests of all our community members, ensuring that those who are most vulnerable are not left behind. I commit to ensuring I fight against those who seek to buy influence or favourable policy that serves private interests rather than the community. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Peter | Veenstra | |
Canberra Liberals | Andrew | Wall | |
ACT Labor | Taimus | Werner-Gibbings | |
Independent | Brendan | Whyte | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Bruce | Willett | |
Canberra Progressives | Bethany | Williams | Yerrabi is one of the fastest growing electorates in the ACT. But the infrastructure is not keeping pace with the growth, and the Yerrabi community are getting frustrated. Planning for roads lags suburb growth, causing gridlock and a massive time cost. We need to address school numbers and ensure that kids are getting the best education possible. We need a hospital in Gungahlin. The police station needs an upgrade. We need to make sure our emergency services are properly resourced. And Giralang needs shops! So, if elected, I will be pushing and prodding the government to make these things happen. |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Robyn | Williams | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Gordon | Yeatman | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Scott | Young |
Party | First Name | Family Name | Promote good government |
ACT Labor | Judy | Anderson | I believe in transparency and accountability by government and the best way to achieve these means is through effective scrutiny of government decisions through Assembly processes, including questioning, committees and reporting. I will fully support independent scrutiny processes are maintained, supported recommendations are acted on, including from the Auditor General and the Independent Commission Against Corruption. I fully support and will advocate for participative and deliberative democracy including in relation to complex and sometimes contentious matters. I will be actively alert to the pervasive influence of vested interests, to ensure my representation of the community and their interest are foremost. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Joy | Angel | |
ACT Greens | Merlin | Baker | |
ACT Labor | Andrew | Barr | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Greg | Baynham | |
ACT Labor | Yvette | Berry | |
Canberra Progressives | Tim | Bohm | |
ACT Greens | Adriana | Boisen | |
ACT Greens | Andrew | Braddock | The ACT Greens are proud to have led the way in increasing transparency of the political donations in the Territory, reducing the threshold and increasing the frequency of reporting and we already go beyond what the law requires. However, the ACT Greens do not believe that, on balance, real time disclosure of every single donation of any sum serves to improve democracy. In particular, the administrative imposition of such reporting would pose a barrier to entry to small political parties and independents who do not have the capacity to do such reporting. Additionally, in a city like Canberra, with many public servants and academics, we have a large number of citizens who legitimately fear reprisal for publicly supporting a political party or cause. We of course will continue to work to improve the donations system. |
Animal Justice Party | Bernie | Brennan | |
ACT Greens | Michael | Brewer | The ACT Greens are proud to have led the way in increasing transparency of political donations in the Territory, reducing the threshold and increasing the frequency of reporting and we already go beyond what the law requires. For example, we do not accept donations from developers, and we have a committee whose role is to examine any offer of a donation above $1000 for potential conflict of interest or perceived conflict. This committee has rejected a substantial number of donations over the years. However, the ACT Greens do not believe that, on balance, real time disclosure of every single donation of any sum serves to improve democracy. In particular, the administrative imposition of such reporting would pose a barrier to entry to small political parties and independents who do not have the capacity to do such reporting. Additionally, in a city like Canberra, with many public servants and academics, we have a large number of citizens who legitimately fear reprisal for publicly supporting a political party or cause. We of course will continue to work to improve the donations system. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Geoff | Buckmaster | |
ACT Labor | Joy | Burch | |
Canberra Liberals | Candice | Burch | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Rohan | Byrnes | |
Canberra Liberals | Peter | Cain | |
Independent | Fiona | Carrick | I will promote good government by being responsive to stakeholders and strengthening community consultation to include the communities views to reach a common understanding of the issues and options to implement solutions. I will require the development of transparent and accountable business cases for significant decisions, for example light rail, SPIRE and the Woden CIT to determine the problem, the policy objectives and the options to achieve the best result for the community. |
Canberra Liberals | Leanne | Castley | |
ACT Labor | Tara | Cheyne | Encourage and work to have as much information as possible available, accessible and easy to find across different media Provide regular updates or reports on implementation of policies, programs and election commitments Explain the how and why of parliamentary and Government processes and decisions Respond in a timely and candid way to constituent concerns or queries |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Andrew | Clapham | |
ACT Greens | Jo | Clay | The ACT Greens are commifted to continuous and open disclosure for a better democracy. The ACT Greens were instrumental in establishing the new ACT lntegrity Commission and the ban on property developer donations. We are pr6ud to have led the way in increasing transparency of political donations in the Territory, reducing the threshold and increasing the frequency of reporting and we already go beyond what the law requires. For example, we do not accept donations from developers, and we have a committee whose role is to examine any offer of a donation above $'1000 for potential conflict of interest or perceived conflict. This committee has rejected a substantial number of ' donations over the years. However, the ACT Greens do not believe that, on balance, real time disclosure of every single donation of any sum serves to improve democracy. ln particular, the administrative imposition of such reporting would pose a barrier to entry to small political parties and independents who do not have the capacity to do such reporting. Additionally, in a city like Canberra, with many public servants and academics, we have a large number of citizens who legitimately fear reprisal for publicly supporting a political party or cause. We of course will continue to work to improve the donations system. On a personal note, I'm available to constituents via email, Facebook, telephone, at public forums and via my participation in many Canberra groups. Community exchanges are essential to find out what issues are affecting people and how I can assist. |
Canberra Liberals | Ed | Cocks | |
ACT Labor | Bec | Cody | |
Canberra Liberals | Alistair | Coe | |
Independent | Helen | Cross | |
Independent | Mignonne | Cullen | |
Independent | Marilena | Damiano | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Daniels | |
ACT Greens | Emma | Davidson | I will: Host skill-building workshops and provide support to community groups on advocacy, understanding the political process, and writing effective submissions and grant applications. Push for resourcing and support for communities to proactively develop community initiatives and plans, and for those plans to be appropriately considered by government and responded to in a timely and respectful manner. Work to promote greater transparency in Cabinet decisions, as well as active disclosure of data, analysis, research and other information of public interest by Government agencies, with protections for individual privacy. |
ACT Greens | Johnathan | Davis | |
ACT Labor | Cathy | Day | |
Liberal Democrats | Dominic | De Luca | |
Animal Justice Party | Yana | del Valle | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Oksana | Demetrios | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Andrew | Demetrios | |
ACT Labor | Tim | Dobson | - Employ deliberative democracy where possible, to maximise the community's say in governance. - Support the ACT government's planning review to ensure we have a planning system that responds to Canberra's growth and builds a city that is sustainable and leaves no Canberran behind. |
Animal Justice Party | Lara | Drew | |
Animal Justice Party | Carolyne | Drew | |
Belco Party | Vijay | Dubey | |
ACT Labor | Sue | Ducker | |
ACT Greens | Sue | Ellerman | |
Animal Justice Party | Jannah | Fahiz | |
Canberra Progressives | Therese | Faulkner | I will seek to introduce a Compact or Agreement between all MLAs (as a collective) and the people of the ACT which sets out on a page the vision, mission and actions we will take to promote good government and strengthen our responsiveness, accountability and transparency. This will be a publicly launched document, developed through a process of public consultation, with performance measured and reported annually. |
ACT Labor | Tom | Fischer | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Forde | - Respond to and address constituent matters in a timely manner; - Seek feedback on decision making through frequent surveys and town halls; - Engage the community through the work of committees; - Support the work of the integrity commission; -Commit to passing information/feedback/complaints from the community into the relevant parts of government; - Explain my own decision making on issues through various forms. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sophia | Forner | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Richard | Forner | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Paul | Gabriel | |
ACT Labor | Mick | Gentleman | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Mark | Gilmayer | |
ACT Greens | Tjanara | Goreng Goreng | If elected, I will use my networks, knowledge and ability to build collaborative relationship to undertake these measures to promote good government and strengthen the responsiveness, accountability and transparency of government in the ACT. As a member of the ACT Greens I am proud that my elected colleagues have led the way in increasing transparency of political donations in the Territory, reducing the threshold and increasing the frequency of reporting and we already go beyond what the law requires. For example, we do not accept donations from developers, and we have a committee whose role is to examine any offer of a donation above $1000 for potential conflict of interest or perceived conflict. |
Liberal Democrats | Jacob | Gowor | |
Canberra Liberals | Rattesh | Gumber | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Gunning | |
ACT Labor | Deepak-Raj | Gupta | |
Animal Justice Party | Edmund | Handby | |
Canberra Liberals | Jeremy | Hanson | |
ACT Greens | Mainul | Haque | The ACT Greens have a proud history of promoting good government and increasing accountability and transparency. On that vein I will advocate for stronger participatory budget processes, inviting interested organisations and individuals to provide their input. I would also work to ensure policy development is underpinned by appropriate and relevant consultation and decision-making processes as well as the decisions are transparent. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Haydon | |
Labour DLP | Olivia | Helmore | |
Belco Party | Chic | Henry | |
Canberra Liberals | Jane | Hiatt | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jackson | Hillman | |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Alvin | Hopper | If elected he will take a keen interest in examining proposed laws. With no house of review as a check on executive power, many ACT laws are pushed through without proper scrutiny. |
Animal Justice Party | Francine | Horne | |
Australian Federation Party | Mohammad Munir | Hussain | |
ACT Labor | Jacob | Ingram | |
Liberal Democrats | Guy | Jakeman | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Johnson | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Petar | Johnson | |
Canberra Liberals | Giulia | Jones | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Kearsley | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Kikkert | |
Canberra Progressives | Robert | Knight | I will seek to establish a culture and behaviors which put the Canberra community as a broad collective, front and centre in the Legislative Assemblys dealings. I will seek to develop genuine community engagement mechanisms which truly give a democratic voice to the people. |
Liberal Democrats | Matthew | Knight | |
Canberra Liberals | Kacey | Lam | |
Canberra Liberals | Nicole | Lawder | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Lee | |
Independent | Fuxin | Li | I am aware of the legislations and frameworks at territory and national levels that are in place to ensure good governance, performance, accountability and transparency of government, as well as the ACT governments practice of Open Government. If elected, I will examine the measures currently in place to ensure they are adequately safeguarding our democratic system and strengthening the responsiveness, accountability and transparency of government, for instance, reporting of donations, public access to governance resources and information. communicate and consult with the constituents and community regarding issues and policies. be responsive to stakeholders and community views of issues and solutions. |
ACT Greens | Tim | Liersch | The Greens are proud to have led the way in increasing transparency of political donations in the ACT, reducing the threshold and increasing the frequency of reporting and we already go beyond what the law requires. For example, we do not accept donations from developers, and we have a committee whose role is to examine any offer of a donation above $1000 for potential or perceived conflict of interest. This committee has rejected a substantial number of donations over the years. However, the Greens do not believe that, on balance, real time disclosure of every single donation of any sum serves to improve democracy. In particular, the administrative imposition of such reporting would pose a barrier to entry to small political parties and independents who do not have the capacity to do such reporting. Additionally, in a city like Canberra, with many public servants and academics, we have a large number of citizens who legitimately fear reprisal for publicly supporting a political party or cause, even if they do so in an entirely personal capacity. I will of course continue to work to improve the donations system and seek ways to improve donations transparency. Recognising that commonwealth laws currently constrain the ability of the ACT to make meaningful change in this area, I will collaborate with Federal Greens MPs and Senators to make the ACTs laws enforceable once again. |
Canberra Progressives | Stephen | Lin | I will learn fast and contribute in policy making widely, keep the government accountable for any policy and administrative mistakes. |
ACT Labor | Greg | Lloyd | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Long | |
Belco Party | Angela | Lount | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Jill | ||
Labour DLP | Ian | McClure | |
Labour DLP | Helen | McClure | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Milligan | |
ACT Greens | Katt | Millner | The ACT Greens support improving donations disclosure and transparency in the ACT. The Greens do not accept any corporate donations and examine any donation over $1000 from individuals to ensure we do not have any real or perceived conflicts of interest. We were integral in establishing the bon on donations from property developers and passing the ACT truth in political advertising laws. I will continue to fight for: A ban on donations from businesses profiting from gambling Improving government consultation with the community, including reporting back the results of community engagement and the impact it had on government decision making. |
Canberra Liberals | Krishna | Nadimpalli | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sok Kheng | Ngep | |
ACT Labor | Maddy | Northam | |
ACT Greens | Laura | Nuttall | I plan to be more active about consulting constituents by making myself easily accessible and engaging in outreach on social media. I will consult key bodies regarding policy suggestions, and be open and honest about who I engage with and why. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Mark | O'Connor | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Alix | O'Hara | I just heard from Shane Rattenbury that he couldn’t entirely block the mandate for non-renewable gas rollout to new Canberra suburbs, because gas lobbyists were calling every member of parliament to protect their interests. So why wasn’t this in media headlines? I don’t yet know much yet about standard transparency protocols, but I have an intense sense of justice and I would be leaning on every business and media connection that I have made in my startup journey to howl this stuff from the rooftops. I can at least start by making it known here. For example, did you know that Federal government is still incentivizing exploratory oil drilling via the R&D tax incentive? |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Matthew | Ogilvie | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Adrian | Olley | |
ACT Labor | Suzanne | Orr | |
Independent | Bruce | Paine | Actively seek out meeting(s) with all citizens and groups potentially affected by an issue before the Assembly. Consciously weigh up competing considerations from a wh0le of community perspective, and be explicit regarding my reasons for taking a particular position. Decide issues based on evidence, rather than based o the Party position. Abide by the intent, not just the letter, of all legislation relevant to good government. Encourage other MLAs to follow the above, and call out obvious examples of poor practice. |
Canberra Liberals | Mark | Parton | |
ACT Labor | Marisa | Paterson | I would seek to contribute to a culture in the Legislative Assembly that promotes good government practices, particularly in respect to integrity, transparency and accountability in decisions that are made. - I will promote and support an evidence based policy agenda that also recognizes the needs and complex workings of the community. - I undertake to be a highly consultative and accessible representative to ensure good governance and representativeness. - accountability, commitment and honesty are leadership qualities that I value highly and would seek to undertake as a representative for the people of Murrumbidgee to ensure good government. |
Canberra Liberals | Patrick | Pentony | |
Independent | Lee | Perren-Leveridge | |
ACT Labor | Michael | Pettersson | |
ACT Labor | Georgia | Phillips | |
David Pollard Independent | David | Pollard | - Prevent politicians from censoring reasonable debate on official channels, especially social media. - Strengthen the Integrity Commission with resourcing and legislation. - In my campaign I have implemented a service desk style ticketing system, which tracks correspondence and highlights responsiveness. I intend to use the same system as an MLA and will lobby to implement it at the Legislative Assembly for all MLAs. - Improve and support constructive legislation from both the government and opposition of the day, to motivate the opposition to contribute to good government |
David Pollard Independent Party | Stephanie | Pollard | |
Australian Federation Party | Jason | Potter | I will listen to the residents of Brindabella and take their needs and aspirations into the parliament and implement them. For example, residents in Brindabella have talked with me about the traffic jam that occurs on McBryde Cres in Wanniassa when three schools and a childcare centre have students picked up all at the same time. If elected, we will work with the schools and the childcare centre to fix this. I will make sure our party only chooses candidates of good character and integrity. |
ACT Labor | Gordon | Ramsay | I am, and will continue to be, fully engaged with transparency measures of government including freedom of information and integrity processes and the quarterly publication of my ministerial diary, if I am fortunate enough to be reelected and appointed to a portfolio role. I will continue to respond as quickly as I can to any issue raised with me and to advocate with colleagues to get the outcomes my constituents are seeking. |
ACT Greens | Shane | Rattenbury | Accountability and transparency have been a focus of my work in the Assembly. I introduced new Freedom of Information laws in 2016, which included a new push element, requiring government to proactively publish documents and reports. I also led the development of the ACT Integrity Commission, comitting to it during the last election, then chairing the Committee that designed the key features of the legislation. We have made our Parliamentary Agreements publicly available and reported regularly on the implementation of those Agreements. This is a unique approach in Australian politics for power-sharing governments. |
Canberra Liberals | Ignatius | Rozario | |
Animal Justice Party | Serrin | Rutledge-Prior | |
Australian Federation Party | Scott | Sandford | |
Canberra Liberals | Amardeep | Singh | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Oliver | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Julie | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Robyn | Soxsmith | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jonathan | Stavridis | |
ACT Labor | Chris | Steel | |
Belco Party | Bill | Stefaniac | |
Canberra Progressives | Mike | Stelzig | I will push for implementation of a full transparency law where commercial-in-confidence (except for national security matters) no longer exists. Canberrans have a right to know about all activities politicians undertake in the name of the people. |
ACT Labor | Rachel | Stephen-Smith | Promote deliberative democracy whre appropriate, recognising that transparency in these processes is vital, as demonstrated through the citizens' jury on motor accident insurance. Ensure the government reports back on community consultation in a timely and transparent way. Support the ACT Planning Review to deliver a planning system that enables population growth while protecting Canberras character and building a city that is liveable, sustainable, resilient, and diverse. Continue to work with the Human Rights Commission and stakeholders to create a more transparent and restorative child protection system. Support Legislative Assembly committees to examine comples issues in the interests of the |
Labour DLP | Bernie | Strang | |
Canberra Liberals | Sarah | Suine | |
Canberra Progressives | Peta | Swarbrick | Good government is one that gains the trust of its constituents. I would vigorously support the work done by CAPaD and ACTCOSS in 2018 on importance of trust and how deliberative democracy frameworks can promote better government, transparency and accountability. I stand on a platform of evidence based policy making as well as ethics and empowerment, so I am keen to consider recommendations of expert groups like CAPaD and ACTCOSS if elected. |
Belco Party | Alan | Tutt | |
Canberra Liberals | Jacob | Vadakkedathu | |
ACT Greens | Rebecca | Vassarotti | I am a strong supporter of open government, integrity measures and measures that improve transparency and responsiveness. I am proud to be part of the ACT Greens who have championed measures including establishing an integrity commission, strengthening freedom of information laws and banning developer donations. I also strongly support the introduction of measures that promote participative democratic process and consultative measures. There is more work to do in these areas and I would relish an opportunity to work collaboratively with community to further improve responsiveness, accountability and transparency of our Government. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Peter | Veenstra | |
Canberra Liberals | Andrew | Wall | |
ACT Labor | Taimus | Werner-Gibbings | |
Independent | Brendan | Whyte | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Bruce | Willett | |
Canberra Progressives | Bethany | Williams | I plan to be a representative of not just the people in my own electorate, but of all the people of Canberra. While I will make sure that I fight for the things that matter to my electorate, I also want to be a representative that holds the government of the day to account across the board. I want to know where the money is being spent. I want transparency about the deals that the government makes with large developers. I want to understand why the government is so reliant on rates and land tax and push for a decrease in both. |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Robyn | Williams | CAP is a truly local party, and it is wholly independent of any other political party. We are always happy to cooperate with other organisations, but we will never sacrifice our party’s autonomy. I am keen on protecting the Griffin-Mahoney vision for Canberra and I am strongly opposed to the West Basin project. This development threatens to be the thin end of the wedge. If it proceeds it will set a precendent for other infill and development along the foreshore of Lake Burley Griffin. |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Gordon | Yeatman | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Scott | Young |
Party | First Name | Family Name | Improve constituents participation |
ACT Labor | Judy | Anderson | I will continue to connect and listen to the community. I represent them in matters that are important to them and ensure the public officials take their views into active consideration in designing policies and legislation. I believe active engagement with the community is far more effective than consultation and working closely with the community to help facilitate finding better ways to deliver to the community in government. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Joy | Angel | |
ACT Greens | Merlin | Baker | |
ACT Labor | Andrew | Barr | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Greg | Baynham | |
ACT Labor | Yvette | Berry | |
Canberra Progressives | Tim | Bohm | |
ACT Greens | Adriana | Boisen | |
ACT Greens | Andrew | Braddock | I would advocate for the increasing the use of participatory budget setting and citizens juries in the ACT. Community consultation must be also meaningful and help prior to a decision been make by government; therefore I would hold the government to account for any decision made contrary to the communitys views. |
Animal Justice Party | Bernie | Brennan | |
ACT Greens | Michael | Brewer | As an MLA, I will work for my community, not for corporate interests or donors. I believe MLAs should be available for their constituents to reach out to, and the work Im most looking forward to, and I think is most important, is the ground-level, every day help constituents may need accessing government services. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Geoff | Buckmaster | |
ACT Labor | Joy | Burch | |
Canberra Liberals | Candice | Burch | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Rohan | Byrnes | |
Canberra Liberals | Peter | Cain | |
Independent | Fiona | Carrick | I will ensure community members and groups are informed with clear information about the issues associated with the development of policy. I will work towards on-going dialogue to capture all of the considerations involved in assuring that stakeholder interests are addressed and reflected in policy initiatives. |
Canberra Liberals | Leanne | Castley | |
ACT Labor | Tara | Cheyne | Proactively share information and work to make information easier to find Respond candidly to questions or concerns Highlight, promote and encourage participation in parliamentary or Government inquiries or consultations, and, where possible, work to make it easier and simpler to participate Support deliberative democracy processes where appropriate |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Andrew | Clapham | |
ACT Greens | Jo | Clay | COVID-1g restrictions are increasing online engagement through video calls, Facebook Live, community surveys and messaging. I'll use my entrepreneurlat and communication skills to expand these channels after restrictions are lifted. They bring grassroots and participatory democracy to a broader group. They give the community a new voice. |
Canberra Liberals | Ed | Cocks | |
ACT Labor | Bec | Cody | |
Canberra Liberals | Alistair | Coe | |
Independent | Helen | Cross | |
Independent | Mignonne | Cullen | |
Independent | Marilena | Damiano | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Daniels | |
ACT Greens | Emma | Davidson | In addition to information on the ACT Greens website explaining my activities and voting in the Assembly, I will hold regular community meetings throughout Murrumbidgee to seek input from residents, answer their questions, and hear from speakers with expertise on complex issues. |
ACT Greens | Johnathan | Davis | |
ACT Labor | Cathy | Day | |
Liberal Democrats | Dominic | De Luca | |
Animal Justice Party | Yana | del Valle | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Oksana | Demetrios | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Andrew | Demetrios | |
ACT Labor | Tim | Dobson | - Apply Asset Based Community Development principles in any engagement with the community. - Facilitate greater involvement of community members who are traditionally left out of community consultation: public housing tenants, migrants and refugees, people with disabilities and their carers, single parents, people with mental health issues, unemployed workers and young people. |
Animal Justice Party | Lara | Drew | |
Animal Justice Party | Carolyne | Drew | |
Belco Party | Vijay | Dubey | |
ACT Labor | Sue | Ducker | |
ACT Greens | Sue | Ellerman | |
Animal Justice Party | Jannah | Fahiz | |
Canberra Progressives | Therese | Faulkner | I will be proactive in contacting constituents about policy issues and decisions affecting the community instead of waiting for reactions. Methods for doing this will include: attending relevant community council meetings, holding virtual town hall meetings, letterboxing, and conducting nano-surveys via appropriate technology. |
ACT Labor | Tom | Fischer | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Forde | - Use surveys, mobile offices and town halls to seek feedback on policy in bot development and execution; - Actively involve the community in the committee process; - Participate in the Tuggeranong Community Council - Share any and all relevant government documentation with the community through an accessible means. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sophia | Forner | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Richard | Forner | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Paul | Gabriel | |
ACT Labor | Mick | Gentleman | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Mark | Gilmayer | |
ACT Greens | Tjanara | Goreng Goreng | If I am elected to the ACT Legislative Assembly, I will undertake these measures to promote and improve informed participation by my constituents in ACT policy development and decision making. I am a local member of a large extended First Nations community and I utilise particular ways of communication through social media, |
Liberal Democrats | Jacob | Gowor | |
Canberra Liberals | Rattesh | Gumber | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Gunning | |
ACT Labor | Deepak-Raj | Gupta | |
Animal Justice Party | Edmund | Handby | |
Canberra Liberals | Jeremy | Hanson | |
ACT Greens | Mainul | Haque | If elected, I will listen actively, consulting with the community through ongoing, open, honest and transparent dialogue to help me understand and advocate for the ‘burning issues’ or ‘concerns’ of my constituents. I will represent the average Canberran who wants this city and its communities to thrive and prosper. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Haydon | |
Labour DLP | Olivia | Helmore | |
Belco Party | Chic | Henry | |
Canberra Liberals | Jane | Hiatt | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jackson | Hillman | |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Alvin | Hopper | Canberrans need have more say in vital government matters. At present, decisions are taken behind closed doors, followed by merely nominal public consultation. We must stop this unhealthy process. We must jealously protect our wonderful bush land and our invaluable urban green spaces. CAP strongly opposes the government’s plans to develop the West Basin of Lake Burley Griffin and build apartment blocks along the shoreline. By supporting the project The Greens have forsaken their own environmental credentials. Prompt effective action is essential to protect our lake. Canberra’s runaway development must be regulated. As an MLA I will promote community participation in ACT affairs. |
Animal Justice Party | Francine | Horne | |
Australian Federation Party | Mohammad Munir | Hussain | |
ACT Labor | Jacob | Ingram | |
Liberal Democrats | Guy | Jakeman | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Johnson | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Petar | Johnson | |
Canberra Liberals | Giulia | Jones | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Kearsley | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Kikkert | |
Canberra Progressives | Robert | Knight | I will investigate mechanisms and procedures to improve public accountability and genuine community engagement. I will seek to establish citizens juries, public referenda, community councils and other initiatives which give the public a say on how were governed. |
Liberal Democrats | Matthew | Knight | |
Canberra Liberals | Kacey | Lam | |
Canberra Liberals | Nicole | Lawder | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Lee | |
Independent | Fuxin | Li | facilitate dissemination of information about government services and policies in the electorate, so to enhance understanding of the government services policies, and improve their involvement in policy development and decision making. |
ACT Greens | Tim | Liersch | I will work to expand the capacity of the community councils by seeking the provision of improved support mechanisms to engage with their community districts on broader matters that affect their communities. These will be politically independent and include reformed consultation processes on planning decisions. |
Canberra Progressives | Stephen | Lin | I will encourage community groups to participate in policy debates and make submissions whenever possible. I will inform and encourage residents from multicultural backgrounds to contribute into policy development and enrich our community. I will promote programs to advance the opportunities for disadvantage groups. I will inspire and guide children and young people to embrace our democratic value and acquire skills and pursue public roles to enhance our democratic structure and composition of the society. |
ACT Labor | Greg | Lloyd | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Long | |
Belco Party | Angela | Lount | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Jill | ||
Labour DLP | Ian | McClure | |
Labour DLP | Helen | McClure | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Milligan | |
ACT Greens | Katt | Millner | I will strive to achieve: Proactive and inclusive community consultation by the government for policy development and implementation Participatory democratic mechanisms to prioritise the spending of funds Clear communication of how the government as acted on the feedback of the community |
Canberra Liberals | Krishna | Nadimpalli | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sok Kheng | Ngep | |
ACT Labor | Maddy | Northam | |
ACT Greens | Laura | Nuttall | I will engage in regular social media outreach, be available in electoral office/s, and endeavour to conduct mobile offices and catch ups to keep in touch with constituents. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Mark | O'Connor | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Alix | O'Hara | There are – or should be – two levels of local government. There are housekeeping matters serving community interests. These include school funding, public transport, civic planning, minimizing urban infill and ensuring availability of community amenities. These should include support to give every member of society every opportunity to live their best life and offer their best back, |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Matthew | Ogilvie | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Adrian | Olley | |
ACT Labor | Suzanne | Orr | |
Independent | Bruce | Paine | Require whoever forms government to explain emerging issues and potential decisions in ways that are understandable and accessible by all constituents and that cover both the short to longer-term impacts. Meet with constituents to discuss emerging issues and potential decisions. Ensure that decisions by government are taken transparently including to hold government accountable. |
Canberra Liberals | Mark | Parton | |
ACT Labor | Marisa | Paterson | To promote and improve informed participation by constituents I will: - create a supportive culture and environment that welcomes diversity in views and perspectives - facilitate community and stakeholder engagement processes locally - promote communication and dialogue around decisions that are made |
Canberra Liberals | Patrick | Pentony | |
Independent | Lee | Perren-Leveridge | |
ACT Labor | Michael | Pettersson | |
ACT Labor | Georgia | Phillips | |
David Pollard Independent | David | Pollard | - I will establish public working groups. Interested constituents will have an opportunity to directly develop policy to be presented as private members bills. - I will vote against issues that have had inadequate, insincere, or deceptive community consultation. - I will attend and offer an Assembly update at Community Council meetings. |
David Pollard Independent Party | Stephanie | Pollard | |
Australian Federation Party | Jason | Potter | I will hold an open community meeting every month, that any resident can attend in person or via Zoom where issues can be raised with me that need to be addressed and I will then take those issues and raise them with the relevant minister or department. I will meet with any resident who seeks to have a meeting with me on any issue that concerns them. |
ACT Labor | Gordon | Ramsay | I have, and will continue to, welcome everyones input into how the ACT is run, continuing my track record of taking the issues that you raise with me into decision-making processes. From footpaths to restorative justice, intersection upgrades to arts funding, and everything else, Im here to serve. |
ACT Greens | Shane | Rattenbury | Aside from the above, deliver the Greens Neighbourhood Democracy program. We know that when people come together to discuss their vision for the place they call home, great things emerge. This fund will allow the members of every suburb to come together to determine how to spend an average annual budget of $100,000. |
Canberra Liberals | Ignatius | Rozario | |
Animal Justice Party | Serrin | Rutledge-Prior | |
Australian Federation Party | Scott | Sandford | |
Canberra Liberals | Amardeep | Singh | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Oliver | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Julie | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Robyn | Soxsmith | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jonathan | Stavridis | |
ACT Labor | Chris | Steel | |
Belco Party | Bill | Stefaniac | |
Canberra Progressives | Mike | Stelzig | I will push to legislate for a citizens assembly so that Canberrans can have an active role in making decisions that affect them. If the government is not open to a citizens assembly, I will make myself available publicly to hear feedback from my constituents which I will pass onto the government for actioning. |
ACT Labor | Rachel | Stephen-Smith | Use deliberative processes and explore new engagement opportunities to ensure diverse voices are heard, as demonstrated through the Caring for Carers and Disability Justice Strategies. Work with community councils, residents groups and constituents to make it easier fo kurrajong residents have a say in decisions that matter to them. |
Labour DLP | Bernie | Strang | |
Canberra Liberals | Sarah | Suine | |
Canberra Progressives | Peta | Swarbrick | Promote Your Say to a wider audience and increase engagement Promote Voice of Participants type events for each process Publicize Citizens Reviews and gain greater engagement Fund community engagement teams in every community (established and emerging) to support engagement and deliberative process participation Learn from Interstate and International Best Practice |
Belco Party | Alan | Tutt | |
Canberra Liberals | Jacob | Vadakkedathu | |
ACT Greens | Rebecca | Vassarotti | Continue the work to improve community consultation in planning decisions; Continue to work on political donations reform; Support work to introduce participatory democracy measures in government decision making Statement. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Peter | Veenstra | |
Canberra Liberals | Andrew | Wall | |
ACT Labor | Taimus | Werner-Gibbings | |
Independent | Brendan | Whyte | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Bruce | Willett | |
Canberra Progressives | Bethany | Williams | I want to make sure all constituents have a say, not just the ones with the loudest voices. I want to be accessible to my constituents and give them more opportunities to make their voices heard. I want to engage with them though social media, through my office and through hosting participatory events and by getting our more in my community. I want to staff my office with spokespeople from diverse sectors of the community (CALD, people with disability, First Nations People) so that people from these diverse groups feel like they are being represented, and to help inform policy ad decision making. |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Robyn | Williams | It is important to have community involvement in significant political decisions. Above all, this involvement must be real and effective – not merely nominal, as so often happens. We need to make Canberra a better place for everyone. In general Canberra is prosperous, but anyone can fall on hard times. Many people find life a struggle for one reason or another. CAP doesn’t have a solution to all of society’s problems, but we seek to serve all Canberrans to the best of our ability. |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Gordon | Yeatman | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Scott | Young |
Party | First Name | Family Name | Democratic Commitment |
ACT Labor | Judy | Anderson | Y |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Joy | Angel | |
ACT Greens | Merlin | Baker | |
ACT Labor | Andrew | Barr | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Greg | Baynham | |
ACT Labor | Yvette | Berry | |
Canberra Progressives | Tim | Bohm | |
ACT Greens | Adriana | Boisen | |
ACT Greens | Andrew | Braddock | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Animal Justice Party | Bernie | Brennan | |
ACT Greens | Michael | Brewer | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Geoff | Buckmaster | |
ACT Labor | Joy | Burch | |
Canberra Liberals | Candice | Burch | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Rohan | Byrnes | |
Canberra Liberals | Peter | Cain | |
Independent | Fiona | Carrick | Y |
Canberra Liberals | Leanne | Castley | |
ACT Labor | Tara | Cheyne | Y |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Andrew | Clapham | |
ACT Greens | Jo | Clay | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Canberra Liberals | Ed | Cocks | |
ACT Labor | Bec | Cody | |
Canberra Liberals | Alistair | Coe | |
Independent | Helen | Cross | |
Independent | Mignonne | Cullen | |
Independent | Marilena | Damiano | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Daniels | |
ACT Greens | Emma | Davidson | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
ACT Greens | Johnathan | Davis | |
ACT Labor | Cathy | Day | |
Liberal Democrats | Dominic | De Luca | |
Animal Justice Party | Yana | del Valle | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Oksana | Demetrios | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Andrew | Demetrios | |
ACT Labor | Tim | Dobson | Y |
Animal Justice Party | Lara | Drew | |
Animal Justice Party | Carolyne | Drew | |
Belco Party | Vijay | Dubey | |
ACT Labor | Sue | Ducker | |
ACT Greens | Sue | Ellerman | |
Animal Justice Party | Jannah | Fahiz | |
Canberra Progressives | Therese | Faulkner | Y |
ACT Labor | Tom | Fischer | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Forde | Y |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sophia | Forner | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Richard | Forner | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Paul | Gabriel | |
ACT Labor | Mick | Gentleman | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Mark | Gilmayer | |
ACT Greens | Tjanara | Goreng Goreng | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Liberal Democrats | Jacob | Gowor | |
Canberra Liberals | Rattesh | Gumber | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Gunning | |
ACT Labor | Deepak-Raj | Gupta | |
Animal Justice Party | Edmund | Handby | |
Canberra Liberals | Jeremy | Hanson | |
ACT Greens | Mainul | Haque | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability." |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Haydon | |
Labour DLP | Olivia | Helmore | |
Belco Party | Chic | Henry | |
Canberra Liberals | Jane | Hiatt | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jackson | Hillman | |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Alvin | Hopper | None supplied |
Animal Justice Party | Francine | Horne | |
Australian Federation Party | Mohammad Munir | Hussain | |
ACT Labor | Jacob | Ingram | |
Liberal Democrats | Guy | Jakeman | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Johnson | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Petar | Johnson | |
Canberra Liberals | Giulia | Jones | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Kearsley | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Kikkert | |
Canberra Progressives | Robert | Knight | Y |
Liberal Democrats | Matthew | Knight | |
Canberra Liberals | Kacey | Lam | |
Canberra Liberals | Nicole | Lawder | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Lee | |
Independent | Fuxin | Li | Y |
ACT Greens | Tim | Liersch | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Canberra Progressives | Stephen | Lin | Not made. |
ACT Labor | Greg | Lloyd | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Long | |
Belco Party | Angela | Lount | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Jill | ||
Labour DLP | Ian | McClure | |
Labour DLP | Helen | McClure | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Milligan | |
ACT Greens | Katt | Millner | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Canberra Liberals | Krishna | Nadimpalli | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sok Kheng | Ngep | |
ACT Labor | Maddy | Northam | |
ACT Greens | Laura | Nuttall | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Mark | O'Connor | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Alix | O'Hara | Y |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Matthew | Ogilvie | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Adrian | Olley | |
ACT Labor | Suzanne | Orr | |
Independent | Bruce | Paine | Y |
Canberra Liberals | Mark | Parton | |
ACT Labor | Marisa | Paterson | Y |
Canberra Liberals | Patrick | Pentony | |
Independent | Lee | Perren-Leveridge | |
ACT Labor | Michael | Pettersson | |
ACT Labor | Georgia | Phillips | |
David Pollard Independent | David | Pollard | Y |
David Pollard Independent Party | Stephanie | Pollard | |
Australian Federation Party | Jason | Potter | Y |
ACT Labor | Gordon | Ramsay | Y |
ACT Greens | Shane | Rattenbury | Y |
Canberra Liberals | Ignatius | Rozario | |
Animal Justice Party | Serrin | Rutledge-Prior | |
Australian Federation Party | Scott | Sandford | |
Canberra Liberals | Amardeep | Singh | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Oliver | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Julie | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Robyn | Soxsmith | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jonathan | Stavridis | |
ACT Labor | Chris | Steel | |
Belco Party | Bill | Stefaniac | |
Canberra Progressives | Mike | Stelzig | Y |
ACT Labor | Rachel | Stephen-Smith | Y |
Labour DLP | Bernie | Strang | |
Canberra Liberals | Sarah | Suine | |
Canberra Progressives | Peta | Swarbrick | Y |
Belco Party | Alan | Tutt | |
Canberra Liberals | Jacob | Vadakkedathu | |
ACT Greens | Rebecca | Vassarotti | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Peter | Veenstra | |
Canberra Liberals | Andrew | Wall | |
ACT Labor | Taimus | Werner-Gibbings | |
Independent | Brendan | Whyte | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Bruce | Willett | |
Canberra Progressives | Bethany | Williams | Y |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Robyn | Williams | None supplied. |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Gordon | Yeatman | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Scott | Young |
Party | First Name | Family Name | Skills and experience for being an MLA |
ACT Labor | Judy | Anderson | When it comes to getting things done, I have delivered: - For families, I’ve lived in inner Canberra raising my children and working in the community for nearly 30 years. - In healthcare I’ve been a frontline nurse and driven better conditions of nurses. - In public policy I’ve championed research, lowered carbon emissions and brought investment to Canberra. - In business I continue to work tirelessly on boards and leadership roles creating positive change, including jobs in technology, health and energy. I believe right now, more than ever with COVID, we need representatives in the Legislative Assembly that have a wide range of experience to bring fresh thinking and perspectives to get things done. Canberra experience matters. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Joy | Angel | |
ACT Greens | Merlin | Baker | |
ACT Labor | Andrew | Barr | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Greg | Baynham | |
ACT Labor | Yvette | Berry | |
Canberra Progressives | Tim | Bohm | |
ACT Greens | Adriana | Boisen | |
ACT Greens | Andrew | Braddock | I am not a career politician or party hack. As a father with a young family and also as a carer, I get the daily juggle in life. I am the product of a public-school education looking to build a better future. I am also active in the community, having worked as secretary of the Gungahlin Community Council, and deputy chairman of my local primary school board. I also have the life experience and interpersonal skills to help me communicate and relate to constituents of various backgrounds, cultures, beliefs and perspectives. |
Animal Justice Party | Bernie | Brennan | |
ACT Greens | Michael | Brewer | I am proud to have served the student community during 2018 and 2019 as a Queer Representative and then Secretary on Residents' Committees. I have also served on the ACT Greens' Board since 2019. If elected, I will be a strong voice for young people across Canberra. We have historically been disenfranchised, and we need representatives to speak out to ensure we aren't the first generation to be worse off than our parents'. We have unique needs for healthcare, education, and housing, and having a young voice in the Assembly will help to address them. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Geoff | Buckmaster | |
ACT Labor | Joy | Burch | |
Canberra Liberals | Candice | Burch | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Rohan | Byrnes | |
Canberra Liberals | Peter | Cain | |
Independent | Fiona | Carrick | I am a local having lived in Woden for over 50 years. I studied a Bachelor of Commerce at ANU and Horticulture at the former Weston CIT. My working life has primarily been in finance and transport infrastructure. For nearly 4 years I have been an advocate for the community as President of the Woden Valley Community Council. We have had some great wins for the community, including a commitment to a new CIT in Woden. I understand planning and how it underpins how we balance jobs, public spaces, community facilities and the density of housing around our shopping hubs to ensure we can live, work and play locally. That we have a sense of identity and belonging, that everyone is included. |
Canberra Liberals | Leanne | Castley | |
ACT Labor | Tara | Cheyne | Before being elected, I was a Director in the APS but my passion was working with the Belconnen community. I served across a range of community roles, including on the Belconnen Community Council and Belconnen Arts Centre Board, as well as authoring a blog which promoted Canberra and Belconnen. As an MLA, I've helped thousands of residents, held hundreds of mobile offices, delivered on election commitments, and been an open, regular communicator. I've served on 13 committees (deputy chair of six and chair of two). Despite being a backbencher, I introduced legislation which passed with tripartisan support. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Andrew | Clapham | |
ACT Greens | Jo | Clay | I'm author of The Carbon Diet, a project in which I've cut my carbon footprint by 77%. I'm a practising artist and writer. I'm CEO and patented co-founder of recycling company, Send and Shred. As a climate change activist, l'm seriously worried about our future. But l've seen for myself that we can take real action when business, community and government all work together. I've worked in the private, government and non-profit sectors and I hold degrees in Creative Arts and Laws (Honours). A lifetime resident of Canberra, I live in Belconnen with my partner, my daughter and my two dogs. |
Canberra Liberals | Ed | Cocks | |
ACT Labor | Bec | Cody | |
Canberra Liberals | Alistair | Coe | |
Independent | Helen | Cross | |
Independent | Mignonne | Cullen | |
Independent | Marilena | Damiano | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Daniels | |
ACT Greens | Emma | Davidson | Working with people at risk in our community and in the community sector has given me insight to the interconnections between policy areas, and the complexity of people's lives. I value people's lived experience when considering policy changes, and I have experience in raising the voices of those most at risk in public policy conversations. I have advocated on public health, public education, access to community space, women's rights, and other issues in Canberra for many years, particularly on the southside. I have sought to raise the voices of those affected by change more than my own. |
ACT Greens | Johnathan | Davis | |
ACT Labor | Cathy | Day | |
Liberal Democrats | Dominic | De Luca | |
Animal Justice Party | Yana | del Valle | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Oksana | Demetrios | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Andrew | Demetrios | |
ACT Labor | Tim | Dobson | I've worked in the Learning Support Unit at Mawson Primary, and in Wollongong I helped start Green Connect - a social enterprise that trains youth, refugees and long-term unemployed people in environmentally sustainable jobs. As a teacher, I know how to listen to the needs of parents and students, and through my work I've supported those in our society who are often the first to be left behind. My work has created jobs and supported people from childhood to adulthood to get set up for fulfilling lives. |
Animal Justice Party | Lara | Drew | |
Animal Justice Party | Carolyne | Drew | |
Belco Party | Vijay | Dubey | |
ACT Labor | Sue | Ducker | |
ACT Greens | Sue | Ellerman | |
Animal Justice Party | Jannah | Fahiz | |
Canberra Progressives | Therese | Faulkner | I worked in the Australian Public Service for 30 years, commencing as an 18 year old school-leaver, and have worked in the private sector for the past 6 years. I went to university as a mature-age student and gained a Graduate Diploma in public policy from the ANU. I grew up in Canberra and raised my three daughters here. I have been an active participant in the arts and sport in the ACT and understand the Canberra community well through my diverse family and friends. I have a sound understanding of the role and responsibilities of being an elected representative. |
ACT Labor | Tom | Fischer | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Forde | We are lucky to live in a democracy, where anyone can seek public office. Skills and experience are less important than commitment and dedication to the community. Anyone truly seeking to represent and improve their community is already a good candidate. I grew up in Tuggeranong, attended local schools, graduated from ANU with an Asian Studies degree, majoring in Chinses politics. I also have a master’s degree from the ANU. I’ve worked in higher education, as a consultation on international aid, as an industrial representative for both white collar and blue collar workers. I understand how government works. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sophia | Forner | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Richard | Forner | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Paul | Gabriel | |
ACT Labor | Mick | Gentleman | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Mark | Gilmayer | |
ACT Greens | Tjanara | Goreng Goreng | I am academic University lecturer, a career passion since 1994 at six Australian Universities where I have been a lecturer, Senior lecturer and Assistant Professor, retiring from full time teaching at the University of Canberra in 2014. Since then I have attained my PhD from ANU in Sacred Leadership and began a Transformational Leadership company focusing on Indigenous and western ways of doing transformational leadership mentoring with executives and designing and running transformational leadership programs in government and non-government agencies in Australia with three Indigenous and non-Indigenous colleagues. I am a certified practitioner of Self Managing Leadership from the Oxford Leadership Academy and The Leadership Circle (TLC) which I utilised in my mentoring practice. |
Liberal Democrats | Jacob | Gowor | |
Canberra Liberals | Rattesh | Gumber | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Gunning | |
ACT Labor | Deepak-Raj | Gupta | |
Animal Justice Party | Edmund | Handby | |
Canberra Liberals | Jeremy | Hanson | |
ACT Greens | Mainul | Haque | An economist and public servant, I am also a father, husband and community worker. Following my education in Bangladesh, Malaysia, Canada and Australia, I settled in Canberra in 1993, becoming a local person serving local needs. For example, as President of the Canberra Muslim Community, I negotiated and managed the multi-million dollar Gungahlin Mosque project. I serve on the boards of the ACT Multicultural Advisory Council, Gold Creek Homestead Advisory Panel, Canberra Refugee Action Campaign, and Gungahlin Community Council. My skills and experiences enable me to communicate and relate to constituents from all backgrounds, irrespective of cultures, beliefs and perspectives. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Haydon | |
Labour DLP | Olivia | Helmore | |
Belco Party | Chic | Henry | |
Canberra Liberals | Jane | Hiatt | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jackson | Hillman | |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Alvin | Hopper | Alvin moved to Canberra in 1986, and he lives in Dickson. He is a lawyer and a retired public servant. Alvin’s work included drafting legislation. He has PhD in law from the University of Canberra. Alvin is actively involved in his church. He is a keen member of the Welsh Society of Canberra, and has a long-standing interest in the beautiful Welsh language. He is a bridge player, and for exercise he enjoys walking along our hill trails. |
Animal Justice Party | Francine | Horne | |
Australian Federation Party | Mohammad Munir | Hussain | |
ACT Labor | Jacob | Ingram | |
Liberal Democrats | Guy | Jakeman | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Johnson | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Petar | Johnson | |
Canberra Liberals | Giulia | Jones | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Kearsley | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Kikkert | |
Canberra Progressives | Robert | Knight | I have 21 years of service in the Australian Defence Force, with over 13 years in leadership and management positions. I also have 3 years' experience as a middle manager in the Australian Public Service and more than 12 months experience in private enterprise. I am an excellent communicator, strategic thinker, and hold tertiary qualifications in transport & logistics, as well as urban planning. |
Liberal Democrats | Matthew | Knight | |
Canberra Liberals | Kacey | Lam | |
Canberra Liberals | Nicole | Lawder | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Lee | |
Independent | Fuxin | Li | I have lived in Canberra for 19 years and in Yerrabi for 17 years. I understand the issues Canberrans and people living in Yerrabi have. I am here to listen to the community and stand for the community. I did my PhD in Education at Monash University and have been researching and working in education and cultural area for more than 27 years. I value Australia's multiculturalism and multilingualism. I believe we can do better in strengthening the diversified and harmonious society and in realizing social and economic benefits with the multicultural and multilingual resources in our community. |
ACT Greens | Tim | Liersch | I am an analyst, professionally capable of interrogating information to identify problems and expose solutions. Currently working in the public sector, I have a deep and personal commitment to working with truths. I am particularly well positioned to make difficult decisions based on complex information in a way that serves the public good. |
Canberra Progressives | Stephen | Lin | I have been admitted to practise law in Queensland since 2001 and worked mainly in community legal services. I held Principal License for or managed several of such legal services, including Central Queensland Community Legal Centre and Queensland Advocacy Inc. I have also worked as disability advocate in Queensland and ACT, promoting mental health and disability service into multicultural communities. I have keen interests in community service, public facilities for children, and overall wellbeing for the disadvantaged groups. I have also contributed my skills in Community Radio programs and multicultural projects development. |
ACT Labor | Greg | Lloyd | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Long | |
Belco Party | Angela | Lount | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Jill | ||
Labour DLP | Ian | McClure | |
Labour DLP | Helen | McClure | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Milligan | |
ACT Greens | Katt | Millner | I am a recent graduate with a Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics and a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in human rights. As a young queer woman, I have an understanding of a group which are systematically under-represented in politics. I have grown up with a brother with a disability, and have worked as a tutor with children from difficult backgrounds and a wide range of learning difficulties. My experience for being an MLA is my ability to bring these perspectives into the Assembly. |
Canberra Liberals | Krishna | Nadimpalli | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sok Kheng | Ngep | |
ACT Labor | Maddy | Northam | |
ACT Greens | Laura | Nuttall | I am currently completing a Bachelors in Asian Studies and Politics, Philosophy and Economics at the Australian National University. I have lived and worked around my electorate, and am thoroughly invested in the welfare of my community. I have a strong focus on ethics and social justice, which is hugely relevant to the issues faced by much of our community. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Mark | O'Connor | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Alix | O'Hara | Political leadership is meant to serve two functions: society housekeeping, and to steer us to a better future. The latter requires capacity for innovation underpinning a greater eye for coming challenges, than dedication to administration of outdated thinking. We are in times of unprecedented and accelerating change concerning climate change, technology, and economic influences. The majors are too slow to notice and have neglected real leadership for too long. Community needs are important, but innovative future-focussed thinking is critical. A vote for the majors is a vote wasted. Break the Duopoly. Vote for the minors, for fresh thinking and leadership. |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Matthew | Ogilvie | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Adrian | Olley | |
ACT Labor | Suzanne | Orr | |
Independent | Bruce | Paine | As a former member of the Australian Public Service, I regard myself as socially progressive, but financially responsible. I am very aware of the need for government to support public services, while ensuring that rates and taxes are affordable for the community over the long term. I have generally lived in Kurrajong since the 1970s, helped raise two children who benefitted from the ACT's public education system, and have experienced Parents and other people living in Aged Care. I was a Board member of Pedal Power ACT for several years. I enjoy Canberra's outdoor environment. |
Canberra Liberals | Mark | Parton | |
ACT Labor | Marisa | Paterson | I currently work at the Australian National University as a leading social policy researcher. I have spent the last 20 years working on a broad range of complex social and mental health issues, in both a professional and volunteer capacity. The part of my job that I excel at is listening and understanding people and complex situations, and navigating evidenced based policy solutions. I am an experienced leader and with strong communication and consultation skills. I will bring new, fresh ideas to the Assembly and be a strong advocate for the people of Murrumbidgee. |
Canberra Liberals | Patrick | Pentony | |
Independent | Lee | Perren-Leveridge | |
ACT Labor | Michael | Pettersson | |
ACT Labor | Georgia | Phillips | |
David Pollard Independent | David | Pollard | I work in my family software development business performing a range of duties, including software development, project management, contract negotiation and management, operations management, communications, and client relationships. I have a Bachelor of Engineering (Software Engineering) from University of Canberra. I practice Asset Based Community Development with the Crace Community Association (President), Gungahlin Community Council (Treasurer) and my school P&C (President). I have represented Gungahlin in democratic processes such as the Better Suburbs participatory budgeting forum. I contribute to submissions on government consultations, and development applications. Born and bred here, I have strong ties and networks in communities around Canberra. |
David Pollard Independent Party | Stephanie | Pollard | |
Australian Federation Party | Jason | Potter | I grew up in a large family and I now have a large family of my own. I have spent my working life helping others and I see the opportunity that politics provides to make an important contribution to our ACT Community. I have been a community leader, youth worker, manager of national and international projects in education and international aid and CEO of a Registered Training College. I have invested time in learning as well, including a master's degree in leadership and further Post Graduate study in Psychotherapy. |
ACT Labor | Gordon | Ramsay | After a 20 year career as a local community sector leader and advocate, I have been privileged to represent the people of Ginninderra since 2016 and be a Minister in the Government. I have worked not only to ensure Canberra can be a place where everyone belongs, everyone is valued, and everyone has the opportunity to participate but also in a number of challenging and important portfolio areas including making renting fairer, improving building quality, stronger social inclusion for seniors, more funding for the arts, and more employment for veterans, and addressing gambling harm, elder abuse and organised crime. |
ACT Greens | Shane | Rattenbury | When I was first elected, I said I wanted to ensure Canberra would be a city our children would thank us for. I continue to hold that motivation, determined to ensure the place we call home is environmentally sustainable, and is fair and equitable, both for today and for future generations. I have lived in Canberra since starting high school in the 80's, have worked in the public service and not-for-profit sector, have worked overseas, and have proudly represented my electorate since 2008. My family all live in Canberra, and I am deeply committed to this city. |
Canberra Liberals | Ignatius | Rozario | |
Animal Justice Party | Serrin | Rutledge-Prior | |
Australian Federation Party | Scott | Sandford | |
Canberra Liberals | Amardeep | Singh | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Oliver | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Julie | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Robyn | Soxsmith | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jonathan | Stavridis | |
ACT Labor | Chris | Steel | |
Belco Party | Bill | Stefaniac | |
Canberra Progressives | Mike | Stelzig | I worked for the Commonwealth for 11 years, six as a policy and five years as an internal auditor. I've been employed with the ACT Government for two years. Prior to joining the public service, I was employed in various roles in the private industry from management to senior executive. I have an insight into what makes government tick, how decisions are made and why they are made. |
ACT Labor | Rachel | Stephen-Smith | After more than 20 years working in public policy and volunteering in my community, I was elected to the Assembly in 2016. As a local member, I've listened to people and worked to deliver positive outcomes for the inner north and south. I have also served as Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs; Children, Youth and Families; Disability; Community Services; Multicultural Affairs; Employment and Workpsace Safety; Government Services and Procurement; Urban Renewal; and Health. It has been a privilege to serve the community in portfolios that make a difference in the lives of Canberra's workers and families. |
Labour DLP | Bernie | Strang | |
Canberra Liberals | Sarah | Suine | |
Canberra Progressives | Peta | Swarbrick | I would be a great MLA because I am a passionate Canberran with broad life, and work experience. I care deeply about the well being my community and our environment, and I want to every Canberran to have a voice. I have many skills, acquired over a lifetime of lived and business experience. I have expertise in developing strong relationships, strategic decision making, risk management and team dynamics. I have large community networks, and I am passionate about empowering all communities to build stronger connections and be active in participants in designing their solutions best practice, evidence based solutions. |
Belco Party | Alan | Tutt | |
Canberra Liberals | Jacob | Vadakkedathu | |
ACT Greens | Rebecca | Vassarotti | I am a Canberra native, long-term Kurrajong resident, Mum of three school-aged kids, and engaged member of my community. I have dedicated my professional life to reduce poverty, disadvantage and discrimination across our community. I bring a range of professional and volunteer experiences including leadership roles in our local community sector, volunteer roles on a range of not-for-profit board and committees and serving as a community member of the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal. These have fostered skills including community engagement, a commitment to evidence-based policy and a deep commitment to participatory democracy and people centred leadership. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Peter | Veenstra | |
Canberra Liberals | Andrew | Wall | |
ACT Labor | Taimus | Werner-Gibbings | |
Independent | Brendan | Whyte | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Bruce | Willett | |
Canberra Progressives | Bethany | Williams | My skills and experience to be an MLA stem from my real-life experience being a member of the Canberra community. I am a Canberra mother who has worked in the Australian Public Service for years and has contributed to the community through starting the Canberra Nippers program. My strengths are my persistence, my compassion, my willingness to ask the hard questions and pursue answers. I am not a career politician. I just want to make sure the government does the right thing by the community. I want to ensure political integrity and transparency in government. |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Robyn | Williams | I am Robyn Williams and I am pleased to be a candidate in Kurrajong for the Community Action Party (CAP). I am honoured to be CAP’s vice-president. I worked in museums and archaeology in New Zealand and New South Wales, including time in Griffith, NSW, which like Canberra, was planned by Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahoney. |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Gordon | Yeatman | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Scott | Young |
Party | First Name | Family Name | Skills and experience for ministry |
ACT Labor | Judy | Anderson | I have worked in and around government, including the ACT Government for many years, so I have extensive experience in how government works, including policy development and legislative process. In these roles, I have delivered better government services, including in health, technology policy, bringing investment to Canberra and creating new jobs and offering new training and education opportunities. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Joy | Angel | |
ACT Greens | Merlin | Baker | |
ACT Labor | Andrew | Barr | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Greg | Baynham | |
ACT Labor | Yvette | Berry | |
Canberra Progressives | Tim | Bohm | |
ACT Greens | Adriana | Boisen | |
ACT Greens | Andrew | Braddock | As an environmental engineer, I know how to make our city more sustainable. I have a professional understanding of the municipal systems that support Canberra's households including water, waste water, and traffic design. As a public servant, I also have hands on experience in developing policy and crafting legislation. |
Animal Justice Party | Bernie | Brennan | |
ACT Greens | Michael | Brewer | I am a political science student, so I have an intimate understanding of how government, the Assembly, and the bureaucracy operates. At 20 years old, I will bring a long-term perspective to any ministry position I hold, a perspective which I think is severely lacking in the current political class. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Geoff | Buckmaster | |
ACT Labor | Joy | Burch | |
Canberra Liberals | Candice | Burch | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Rohan | Byrnes | |
Canberra Liberals | Peter | Cain | |
Independent | Fiona | Carrick | I have a strong understanding of the social, economic and environmental needs of our community. I support open and transparent strategic planning in consultation with the community to provide guidance and confidence to both the public and private sector to invest in our community. My public sector and finance background provides me with a strong understanding of public budgeting and the machinery of government. |
Canberra Liberals | Leanne | Castley | |
ACT Labor | Tara | Cheyne | To best get results for my constituents, I've dedicated my first term to voraciously learning the how and why of Government - whether it's through an extensive committee inquiry or by joining a ranger out in the field. I've led large, diverse teams, have an MBA, and work hard. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Andrew | Clapham | |
ACT Greens | Jo | Clay | l'm a lawyer and communicator by profession. I've written and delivered programs, policy and legislation for the ACT and Federal governments. l've worked with ACT community groups and lobby groups. I have media experience. I run my own budgets and businesses. I have a general understanding of how to get things done. |
Canberra Liberals | Ed | Cocks | |
ACT Labor | Bec | Cody | |
Canberra Liberals | Alistair | Coe | |
Independent | Helen | Cross | |
Independent | Mignonne | Cullen | |
Independent | Marilena | Damiano | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Daniels | |
ACT Greens | Emma | Davidson | I have experience working in Commonwealth public service, small business, and community sector. I have worked in policy development, fair trade and environmentally sustainable retail, software development, social research and advocacy. A friend recently said to me "Emma, you've lived 76 lives!" and well... she's not wrong! Diversity of experiences is a strength. |
ACT Greens | Johnathan | Davis | |
ACT Labor | Cathy | Day | |
Liberal Democrats | Dominic | De Luca | |
Animal Justice Party | Yana | del Valle | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Oksana | Demetrios | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Andrew | Demetrios | |
ACT Labor | Tim | Dobson | I am not a career politician, but I have been politically active for the past twenty years. My background in Economics has given me the understanding and tools to deal with policy ideas and financial problems, and my frontline work with students and families has ensured I have an acute understand of the impact those big decisions have on ordinary community members. |
Animal Justice Party | Lara | Drew | |
Animal Justice Party | Carolyne | Drew | |
Belco Party | Vijay | Dubey | |
ACT Labor | Sue | Ducker | |
ACT Greens | Sue | Ellerman | |
Animal Justice Party | Jannah | Fahiz | |
Canberra Progressives | Therese | Faulkner | As a former Senior Executive Service officer, I led large programs of work, with complex budgets and staffing. I worked with ministers and their advisers, and know what works well, and what actions and behaviours to avoid. I know it takes hard work to make things happen – talk is cheap! |
ACT Labor | Tom | Fischer | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Forde | If I was ever fortunate enough to become a minister, I would bring my analytical skills, as well as my commitment to bettering our community, to the table. Above all, I would listen to and be guided by expert advice in formulating and executing policy. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sophia | Forner | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Richard | Forner | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Paul | Gabriel | |
ACT Labor | Mick | Gentleman | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Mark | Gilmayer | |
ACT Greens | Tjanara | Goreng Goreng | I am a therapist, social worker and community development designer and program designer by training, and I have completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Management from Melbourne Business School and a Master of Social Administration, majoring in community development, population health specifically addiction. I have written, designed and delivered programs, policy |
Liberal Democrats | Jacob | Gowor | |
Canberra Liberals | Rattesh | Gumber | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Gunning | |
ACT Labor | Deepak-Raj | Gupta | |
Animal Justice Party | Edmund | Handby | |
Canberra Liberals | Jeremy | Hanson | |
ACT Greens | Mainul | Haque | I have extensive experience in policy development and implementation and am experienced in managing large organisations. The challenges I have faced allow me to empathise with the sufferings of others, a quality that would benefit the ministry. I would also bring diversity as well as inclusiveness in the government. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Haydon | |
Labour DLP | Olivia | Helmore | |
Belco Party | Chic | Henry | |
Canberra Liberals | Jane | Hiatt | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jackson | Hillman | |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Alvin | Hopper | |
Animal Justice Party | Francine | Horne | |
Australian Federation Party | Mohammad Munir | Hussain | |
ACT Labor | Jacob | Ingram | |
Liberal Democrats | Guy | Jakeman | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Johnson | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Petar | Johnson | |
Canberra Liberals | Giulia | Jones | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Kearsley | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Kikkert | |
Canberra Progressives | Robert | Knight | I have proven strategic thinking, and stakeholder engagement skills, including the marshalling of expertise in the development of policy and operational aims. |
Liberal Democrats | Matthew | Knight | |
Canberra Liberals | Kacey | Lam | |
Canberra Liberals | Nicole | Lawder | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Lee | |
Independent | Fuxin | Li | I have worked in various leadership roles in the past 19 years at local and national levels. This enriched my experience in working with government agencies, politicians, community organizations, non-profits and the private sector. It helped me to build up my skills in working with people from different backgrounds and to enhance abilities in considering issues from different perspectives and at different levels. |
ACT Greens | Tim | Liersch | |
Canberra Progressives | Stephen | Lin | |
ACT Labor | Greg | Lloyd | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Long | |
Belco Party | Angela | Lount | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Jill | ||
Labour DLP | Ian | McClure | |
Labour DLP | Helen | McClure | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Milligan | |
ACT Greens | Katt | Millner | blank in statement |
Canberra Liberals | Krishna | Nadimpalli | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sok Kheng | Ngep | |
ACT Labor | Maddy | Northam | |
ACT Greens | Laura | Nuttall | I have passion and commitment to represent my community, and am a strong believer in evidence-based approaches to policy making. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Mark | O'Connor | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Alix | O'Hara | My professional skillsets are enterprise level project management, leadership both of teams, and to open entire business categories. I specialize in innovation to bring several paradigm shifting technologies to market and hold several patents internationally. In general, I rapidly adapt to different technologies and landscapes, e.g. web administration to website and application development |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Matthew | Ogilvie | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Adrian | Olley | |
ACT Labor | Suzanne | Orr | |
Independent | Bruce | Paine | Skills and experience in: providing advice on matters including taxation competition policy, Federal-State financial relations; liaising with the private sector, not for profits, and community organisations; and considering issue from a whole of community perspective. However, as an Independent, I would not accept a role in the Ministry, but would cast an experienced eye over Ministers' decisions. |
Canberra Liberals | Mark | Parton | |
ACT Labor | Marisa | Paterson | My research career has instilled in me an evidence based approach to policy development and implementation. Further to this, I have a quest to understand and seek informed, innovative solutions to society's complex problems. This is based in the fundamental understanding that to promote change and growth, you have to bring people with you. |
Canberra Liberals | Patrick | Pentony | |
Independent | Lee | Perren-Leveridge | |
ACT Labor | Michael | Pettersson | |
ACT Labor | Georgia | Phillips | |
David Pollard Independent | David | Pollard | I commit to remaining Independent from the ministry. I believe an Independent should remain on the crossbench and vote on each issue on the merits. An Independent brings scrutiny and improves both sides of politics, but they cannot do that when compromised by a cabinet agreement. |
David Pollard Independent Party | Stephanie | Pollard | |
Australian Federation Party | Jason | Potter | Local Community Leader and Advocate A good listener who believes in making sure every person's voice is heard National Manager of Vocational Education for large Private Training Institution Manager of 3500 Volunteers across Australia and NZ for International Aid NGO Father, Husband, Uncle and avid Sports fan |
ACT Labor | Gordon | Ramsay | I believe everything comes from good listening - through conversations with people about the things that matter and meaningful consultation. With a long background in the community sector and as a lawyer, I fight for social justice and inclusion with a view to policy and legislation that puts people first. |
ACT Greens | Shane | Rattenbury | As a Minister since 2012, I have held a range of portfolios, working to bring good governance, transparency and fair decision making to the role. As a Greens Minister, I have demonstrated an ability to work collaboratively to form a multiparty government, ensuring stable government while delivering on the platform of my party. |
Canberra Liberals | Ignatius | Rozario | |
Animal Justice Party | Serrin | Rutledge-Prior | |
Australian Federation Party | Scott | Sandford | |
Canberra Liberals | Amardeep | Singh | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Oliver | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Julie | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Robyn | Soxsmith | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jonathan | Stavridis | |
ACT Labor | Chris | Steel | |
Belco Party | Bill | Stefaniac | |
Canberra Progressives | Mike | Stelzig | I have proven strategic thinking, and stakeholder engagement skills, including identification of, and problem solving skills. |
ACT Labor | Rachel | Stephen-Smith | As Minister for Health, I have seen our public servants and healthcare workers at their best in responding to COVID-19 and have worked hard to support them in protecting ACT residents. I've sought to listen to all sectors of our community and communicate clearly in an environment of great uncertainty. |
Labour DLP | Bernie | Strang | |
Canberra Liberals | Sarah | Suine | |
Canberra Progressives | Peta | Swarbrick | Attaining a Dip Ed in Community Services(Com Dev)has made me an avid proponent of Asset (Strengths) Based Community Development,. Thus giving me the skills to work closely within our wonderfully diverse Canberra community to identify innovative solutions that meet community needs. Employing evidence, providing transparency and being accountable to the Community whilst having the skills to manage competing interests in order to deliver the best policy, is key to being an effective Minister. |
Belco Party | Alan | Tutt | |
Canberra Liberals | Jacob | Vadakkedathu | |
ACT Greens | Rebecca | Vassarotti | I have been extremely fortunate to have had a diverse range of professional roles across a number of sectors which provides an understanding of the complexity of many issues. I am committed to understanding different perspectives and ensuring that evidence is a key driver of decision makers. My work in areas of disadvantage equip me to ensure that politics serve people. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Peter | Veenstra | |
Canberra Liberals | Andrew | Wall | |
ACT Labor | Taimus | Werner-Gibbings | |
Independent | Brendan | Whyte | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Bruce | Willett | |
Canberra Progressives | Bethany | Williams | A role in the ministry would be an incredible honour and responsibility, however, I would prefer to be honest and say that I would not immediately possess the skills and experience to take on such a role. What would make me suitable for a role in the ministry would be to be elected to the Legislative Assembly first, and spend several years listening and learning about issues of importance, particularly in a ministry where I might be able to make the most difference. |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Robyn | Williams | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Gordon | Yeatman | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Scott | Young |
Party | First Name | Family Name | Representing my constituents |
ACT Labor | Judy | Anderson | I believe the best way to create positive change is to engage closely with the community to understand their problems and work with them to develop creative solutions. This includes listening to a variety of views and actively bringing communities together to share perspectives, generate a deeper understanding and actively encourage collaboration for developing outcomes with the community. With extensive experience in a wide range of settings: community, business and government, I will be a highly effective representative of the community by relentlessly championing their needs because I have a deep understanding of what effective government looks like, and a strong appetite to continuously improve the delivery of government services. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Joy | Angel | |
ACT Greens | Merlin | Baker | |
ACT Labor | Andrew | Barr | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Greg | Baynham | |
ACT Labor | Yvette | Berry | |
Canberra Progressives | Tim | Bohm | |
ACT Greens | Adriana | Boisen | |
ACT Greens | Andrew | Braddock | With integrity, transparency and zeal. I am committed to putting the Yerrabi community first. That means putting the community and the environment we depend on ahead of big business, corporate interests and lobbyists. I will make myself readily available to all constituents, and actively seek out a diverse range of community views, even if contrarian to my own. I will attend all Community Council meetings that I possibly can. |
Animal Justice Party | Bernie | Brennan | |
ACT Greens | Michael | Brewer | I am scared for my future, and we must act now to save our planet. I believe that climate and social justice are intimately linked, and I will act to ensure the climate is considered when implementing all policies. We need housing that is sensitive to our changing environment, we need healthcare which considers future extremes like the bushfires we experienced last summer, and we need to transition our public transport away from fossil fuels to electric, hydrogen, and active options. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Geoff | Buckmaster | |
ACT Labor | Joy | Burch | |
Canberra Liberals | Candice | Burch | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Rohan | Byrnes | |
Canberra Liberals | Peter | Cain | |
Independent | Fiona | Carrick | I am standing as a candidate to bring a strong independent voice to the Legislative Assembly that is issues based and not aligned with party ideology and politics. I will continue to advocate for: planning for the people, not developers; and transparency and accountability in decision making. I will work with community organisations to identify problems and options to rectify them. I will apply planning principles to the options to ensure the proposed solutions meet the needs of the community. I am a viable alternative to the major parties because I will investigate issues and consider the merits of proposals in the context of the community. |
Canberra Liberals | Leanne | Castley | |
ACT Labor | Tara | Cheyne | As an MLA, I've prided myself on being available and accessible – and I will continue that. In addition to the multiple channels where constituents can reach me (email, social media, phoning and meetings), I proactively reach out to constituents, such as through regular mobile offices, volunteering at many fetes and community events and meetings, running numerous petitions, and engaging (not just broadcasting) through social media. In this way, I can best understand what's important, effectively pursue outcomes, and get results on the things that matter. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Andrew | Clapham | |
ACT Greens | Jo | Clay | I will seek a fairer and greener future for Ginninderra, Canberra, Australia and the planet. As we move beyond the summer climate change smoke and fire crisis and the current COVlD-19 crisis, I will use my political voice and practical experience to apply what we have learned. I will promote strong action on climate change and better adaptation to keep our houses, public spaces and city liveable in a changing climate. I will support public transport, education and health that is accessible for all. I will help communities and businesses work together to build a fairer and greener system. |
Canberra Liberals | Ed | Cocks | |
ACT Labor | Bec | Cody | |
Canberra Liberals | Alistair | Coe | |
Independent | Helen | Cross | |
Independent | Mignonne | Cullen | |
Independent | Marilena | Damiano | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Daniels | |
ACT Greens | Emma | Davidson | All policies underpinning ACT Greens decision-making in the ACT Legislative Assembly are developed in consultation with community groups and Canberra residents, and published on the ACT Greens website. Where an issue is complex or existing policy is unclear on the right approach, I will consult with all stakeholders, with the aim of finding a solution that best meets the needs of residents and our planet. ACT Greens do not accept corporate donations. I will push for greater transparency on donations, and corporate donations to all political parties to be banned.* |
ACT Greens | Johnathan | Davis | |
ACT Labor | Cathy | Day | |
Liberal Democrats | Dominic | De Luca | |
Animal Justice Party | Yana | del Valle | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Oksana | Demetrios | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Andrew | Demetrios | |
ACT Labor | Tim | Dobson | I want to support community organisers who are from the constituency, to initiate and maintain ongoing engagement with the broader population. Alongside them, I will facilitate participatory environments that opens an ongoing dialogue rather than merely consulting over issues. |
Animal Justice Party | Lara | Drew | |
Animal Justice Party | Carolyne | Drew | |
Belco Party | Vijay | Dubey | |
ACT Labor | Sue | Ducker | |
ACT Greens | Sue | Ellerman | |
Animal Justice Party | Jannah | Fahiz | |
Canberra Progressives | Therese | Faulkner | I plan to be a genuine representative of my constituents by staying grounded – having conversations with real people about their challenges and the impact of government actions on them and their families. I will also draw from advice and experiences of established community organisations covering a diversity of constituents, to ensure a well-rounded view of the issues, challenges and impacts from a range of perspectives. |
ACT Labor | Tom | Fischer | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Forde | I will always be present and available in the community to remain available to my constituents. I will do this through regular and frequent mobile offices across Tuggeranong. I will seek the view of the community on the policy questions before me, both through face to face meetings and also surveys. While I will not promise to be a perfect reflection of the will of the community, I will always form my decision with their views in mind, and then explain the rationale for my decision to them. I will be accountable for my actions to my constituents. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sophia | Forner | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Richard | Forner | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Paul | Gabriel | |
ACT Labor | Mick | Gentleman | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Mark | Gilmayer | |
ACT Greens | Tjanara | Goreng Goreng | blank in statement |
Liberal Democrats | Jacob | Gowor | |
Canberra Liberals | Rattesh | Gumber | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Gunning | |
ACT Labor | Deepak-Raj | Gupta | |
Animal Justice Party | Edmund | Handby | |
Canberra Liberals | Jeremy | Hanson | |
ACT Greens | Mainul | Haque | I will support “policies based on the needs of our community, not the greed of a few.” In Yerrabi this means we will: • plant many more trees • build a multipurpose community centre and revitalise Yerrabi Pond. These two initiatives will create jobs, support our local small businesses and will bring families and communities together • expand Gunghalin CIT campus to provide opportunities for all ages. • improve cycle paths and road infrastructures to reduce traffic congestion and better connect our suburbs • support sustainable development for Gungahlin • support female only swimming sessions in all public pools in Canberra • enhance efforts to address domestic violence, social isolation and mental health challenges, including in multicultural communities • establish a community garden in Gungahlin. These are policies based on need rather than greed. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Haydon | |
Labour DLP | Olivia | Helmore | |
Belco Party | Chic | Henry | |
Canberra Liberals | Jane | Hiatt | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jackson | Hillman | |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Alvin | Hopper | CAP is determined to improve the way Canberra is run. CAP stands for more community involvement, and transparency, in government. Our aim is to improve life in the ACT for everyone. We safeguard our distinct identity, but we are always ready to cooperate with others in the interests of good government. CAP will serve Canberra well – vote for us! |
Animal Justice Party | Francine | Horne | |
Australian Federation Party | Mohammad Munir | Hussain | |
ACT Labor | Jacob | Ingram | |
Liberal Democrats | Guy | Jakeman | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Johnson | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Petar | Johnson | |
Canberra Liberals | Giulia | Jones | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Kearsley | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Kikkert | |
Canberra Progressives | Robert | Knight | By genuinely engaging those who I seek to represent, and taking a values based leadership style within my community. |
Liberal Democrats | Matthew | Knight | |
Canberra Liberals | Kacey | Lam | |
Canberra Liberals | Nicole | Lawder | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Lee | |
Independent | Fuxin | Li | As an independent candidate, I will be not tied up by any party ideologies and restrictions. I will be able to represent and advocate first and foremost for my constituents and community. In particular, I will: make myself accessible to all the constituents and listen to their concerns and views through all available channels such as telephone, email, social media and meetings, so to understand their issues and concerns. consider issues from the perspectives of my constituents and community, supporting with research and analysis of the issues and consultation with the stakeholders. present an independent voice to ACT Legislative Assembly with proposals and solutions that meet the needs of the constituents and community. |
ACT Greens | Tim | Liersch | If elected, I plan to represent my constituents by making myself as available as possible to listen to and receive information from people across Ginninderra, with a particular emphasis on the views of individuals over organisations. I will make myself available by phone, email, and video at advertised intervals. I will operate on the basis that there is always new information that could come to light which can sway a government decision. |
Canberra Progressives | Stephen | Lin | If elected, I will get to know community groups and meet their representatives and members, and harness their current concerns and priorities for my future Bill proposals and law reform recommendations. I will maintain open communication channels with the public, represent their voices on various issues, be their referral hub to identify best mechanism to resolve their concerns, and follow up with the relevant agencies for better solution. I will also participate in various parliamentary committees and examine pressing issues in detail, and contribute to law reforms needed in our electorate and wider ACT. I will work with the constituents for improved social and cultural environment. |
ACT Labor | Greg | Lloyd | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Long | |
Belco Party | Angela | Lount | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Jill | ||
Labour DLP | Ian | McClure | |
Labour DLP | Helen | McClure | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Milligan | |
ACT Greens | Katt | Millner | I will always work to improve social, racial and climate justice within our community. I will always prioritise the needs of Ginninderra when pushing for action on climate change, and better access to public transport, housing and education. I will seek to continue the work of others in building an inclusive and supportive community in the ACT, striving to provide high quality and accessible physical and mental health care for all. |
Canberra Liberals | Krishna | Nadimpalli | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sok Kheng | Ngep | |
ACT Labor | Maddy | Northam | |
ACT Greens | Laura | Nuttall | I intend to remain fully accessible to all constituents through mobile and email contact, ideally in addition office hours in a local South-side electoral office (this policy is being championed by the Greens). I will advocate for my constituents first and foremost, and be critical regarding vested interests. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Mark | O'Connor | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Alix | O'Hara | Australian Climate Change Justice Party has a strong progressive agenda in climate change justice: mitigation of the impending economic, and social stratification impacts of climate change, as well as environmental challenges. This is exemplified through our United Solar Policy, bringing a solar unit and battery to every rooftop in Canberra, or otherwise upgrades of existing systems, or providing equivalent shares in solar wind farms. While the free market still makes the transition to clean energy prohibitively expensive for those who’d most benefit from solar power, the impacts will be to crime and other corollaries of poverty and the chronic stress it imposes. |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Matthew | Ogilvie | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Adrian | Olley | |
ACT Labor | Suzanne | Orr | |
Independent | Bruce | Paine | Listen, and carefully consider matter from the perspective of the whole community, before supporting an approach that benefits as much of the community as feasible while avoiding detrimental impacts particularly on people in need. Regularly hold open meetings with constituents and their representative organisations; regularly meet with peak bodies, regularly meet with other MLAs irrespective of their Party affiliation (or not) particularly those representing Kurrajong. |
Canberra Liberals | Mark | Parton | |
ACT Labor | Marisa | Paterson | I am inspired by the people, businesses, environment and community that is Murrumbidgee, and I plan to be an inspiring leader. This electorate has been my home for my adult life. I came here knowing no-one, and now I wouldn't live anywhere else. I am proud to bring my children up in this community. I will be a responsive and consultative representative. Embracing the diversity of views and values in our community, I will seek to listen, understand and make decisions with transparency and integrity that are in the best interests of Murrumbidgee residents. |
Canberra Liberals | Patrick | Pentony | |
Independent | Lee | Perren-Leveridge | |
ACT Labor | Michael | Pettersson | |
ACT Labor | Georgia | Phillips | |
David Pollard Independent | David | Pollard | A thriving Canberra is good for everyone, but my priority above all else is the people of Yerrabi. I intend to focus on local issues, people, business, entertainment, environment, education, sport, health, and safety. I will set the gold standard for what an Independent Crossbench can achieve for their electorate so that in 2024, every electorate wants to elect their own Independent. I will have a local presence like an electoral office, where I will be available to all constituents. I will continue to work with and promote the Community Councils as a conduit for community voice. |
David Pollard Independent Party | Stephanie | Pollard | |
Australian Federation Party | Jason | Potter | Our party is committed to implementing community sourced policies and plans. We seek to listen through meeting with individuals and groups and conducting extensive surveys to discover what the community wants. We will never vote against the majority view of the electorate we represent. This means our party comes second and the residents of our electorates come first. It is time to return representative democracy to the ACT. |
ACT Labor | Gordon | Ramsay | I will continue to listen to my constituents about what is important to them – from local municipal issues to big-picture policy questions – by making myself available at community events, weekend stalls at shopping centres, by contacting my office, or over social media. I will aim to get things fixed for you, make services better, and continue to be your voice in the running of the ACT so that is a great place to live, work, play and raise a family. |
ACT Greens | Shane | Rattenbury | I will seek to deliver the ideas outlined by myself and my party during the election campaign, and address issues that arise by listening to community views and looking for the solutions that are fair, equitable and sustainable. I will promote and implement improved community engagement in decision making, particularly through the use of deliberative democracy, and attend a broad range of community events, meetings and discussions to make sure I am available and connected to the community. |
Canberra Liberals | Ignatius | Rozario | |
Animal Justice Party | Serrin | Rutledge-Prior | |
Australian Federation Party | Scott | Sandford | |
Canberra Liberals | Amardeep | Singh | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Oliver | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Julie | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Robyn | Soxsmith | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jonathan | Stavridis | |
ACT Labor | Chris | Steel | |
Belco Party | Bill | Stefaniac | |
Canberra Progressives | Mike | Stelzig | By genuinely listening to my constituents and communicating with them in an open and transparent way and by making true democracy available to them. I work for the electorate; they don't work for me. |
ACT Labor | Rachel | Stephen-Smith | As a Member for Kurrajong, I have a strong record of engaging with the community, including through mobile offices throughout my four years in the Assembly. My office is responsive to constituent issues and I regularly attend community meetings and meet with individual constituents and representative groups. Just as importantly, I represent my constituents by pursuing outcomes that reflect the progressive values of my electorate - from secure local jobs to disability inclusion to self-determination for Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander peoples. If I'm re-elected, I'll continue to be a genuine, strong and progressive voice for the heart of Canberra. |
Labour DLP | Bernie | Strang | |
Canberra Liberals | Sarah | Suine | |
Canberra Progressives | Peta | Swarbrick | I plan to represent my constituents by ensuring that I seek a range of views, encourage participation in community dialogue across my constituency and seeking feedback about issues and priorities that effect my electorate. I plan to employ deliberative processes within my own electorate to ensure I am listening to my constituents closely so I can make the best decisions on their behalf. I am a very hands on, face to face person, and that is how I plan to stay connected with what my electorate wants, and needs. I plan to talk once, and listen twice. |
Belco Party | Alan | Tutt | |
Canberra Liberals | Jacob | Vadakkedathu | |
ACT Greens | Rebecca | Vassarotti | I plan to listen, be accessible and be connected to my local community. I commit to being transparent about how I am making decisions and be accountable back to the community who have put faith in me as their political representative. I commit to responding to evidence and ensuring that the positions I support are in the best interests of all our community members, ensuring that those who are most vulnerable are not left behind. I commit to ensuring I fight against those who seek to buy influence or favourable policy that serves private interests rather than the community. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Peter | Veenstra | |
Canberra Liberals | Andrew | Wall | |
ACT Labor | Taimus | Werner-Gibbings | |
Independent | Brendan | Whyte | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Bruce | Willett | |
Canberra Progressives | Bethany | Williams | Yerrabi is one of the fastest growing electorates in the ACT. But the infrastructure is not keeping pace with the growth, and the Yerrabi community are getting frustrated. Planning for roads lags suburb growth, causing gridlock and a massive time cost. We need to address school numbers and ensure that kids are getting the best education possible. We need a hospital in Gungahlin. The police station needs an upgrade. We need to make sure our emergency services are properly resourced. And Giralang needs shops! So, if elected, I will be pushing and prodding the government to make these things happen. |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Robyn | Williams | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Gordon | Yeatman | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Scott | Young |
Party | First Name | Family Name | Promote good government |
ACT Labor | Judy | Anderson | I believe in transparency and accountability by government and the best way to achieve these means is through effective scrutiny of government decisions through Assembly processes, including questioning, committees and reporting. I will fully support independent scrutiny processes are maintained, supported recommendations are acted on, including from the Auditor General and the Independent Commission Against Corruption. I fully support and will advocate for participative and deliberative democracy including in relation to complex and sometimes contentious matters. I will be actively alert to the pervasive influence of vested interests, to ensure my representation of the community and their interest are foremost. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Joy | Angel | |
ACT Greens | Merlin | Baker | |
ACT Labor | Andrew | Barr | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Greg | Baynham | |
ACT Labor | Yvette | Berry | |
Canberra Progressives | Tim | Bohm | |
ACT Greens | Adriana | Boisen | |
ACT Greens | Andrew | Braddock | The ACT Greens are proud to have led the way in increasing transparency of the political donations in the Territory, reducing the threshold and increasing the frequency of reporting and we already go beyond what the law requires. However, the ACT Greens do not believe that, on balance, real time disclosure of every single donation of any sum serves to improve democracy. In particular, the administrative imposition of such reporting would pose a barrier to entry to small political parties and independents who do not have the capacity to do such reporting. Additionally, in a city like Canberra, with many public servants and academics, we have a large number of citizens who legitimately fear reprisal for publicly supporting a political party or cause. We of course will continue to work to improve the donations system. |
Animal Justice Party | Bernie | Brennan | |
ACT Greens | Michael | Brewer | The ACT Greens are proud to have led the way in increasing transparency of political donations in the Territory, reducing the threshold and increasing the frequency of reporting and we already go beyond what the law requires. For example, we do not accept donations from developers, and we have a committee whose role is to examine any offer of a donation above $1000 for potential conflict of interest or perceived conflict. This committee has rejected a substantial number of donations over the years. However, the ACT Greens do not believe that, on balance, real time disclosure of every single donation of any sum serves to improve democracy. In particular, the administrative imposition of such reporting would pose a barrier to entry to small political parties and independents who do not have the capacity to do such reporting. Additionally, in a city like Canberra, with many public servants and academics, we have a large number of citizens who legitimately fear reprisal for publicly supporting a political party or cause. We of course will continue to work to improve the donations system. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Geoff | Buckmaster | |
ACT Labor | Joy | Burch | |
Canberra Liberals | Candice | Burch | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Rohan | Byrnes | |
Canberra Liberals | Peter | Cain | |
Independent | Fiona | Carrick | I will promote good government by being responsive to stakeholders and strengthening community consultation to include the communities views to reach a common understanding of the issues and options to implement solutions. I will require the development of transparent and accountable business cases for significant decisions, for example light rail, SPIRE and the Woden CIT to determine the problem, the policy objectives and the options to achieve the best result for the community. |
Canberra Liberals | Leanne | Castley | |
ACT Labor | Tara | Cheyne | Encourage and work to have as much information as possible available, accessible and easy to find across different media Provide regular updates or reports on implementation of policies, programs and election commitments Explain the how and why of parliamentary and Government processes and decisions Respond in a timely and candid way to constituent concerns or queries |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Andrew | Clapham | |
ACT Greens | Jo | Clay | The ACT Greens are commifted to continuous and open disclosure for a better democracy. The ACT Greens were instrumental in establishing the new ACT lntegrity Commission and the ban on property developer donations. We are pr6ud to have led the way in increasing transparency of political donations in the Territory, reducing the threshold and increasing the frequency of reporting and we already go beyond what the law requires. For example, we do not accept donations from developers, and we have a committee whose role is to examine any offer of a donation above $'1000 for potential conflict of interest or perceived conflict. This committee has rejected a substantial number of ' donations over the years. However, the ACT Greens do not believe that, on balance, real time disclosure of every single donation of any sum serves to improve democracy. ln particular, the administrative imposition of such reporting would pose a barrier to entry to small political parties and independents who do not have the capacity to do such reporting. Additionally, in a city like Canberra, with many public servants and academics, we have a large number of citizens who legitimately fear reprisal for publicly supporting a political party or cause. We of course will continue to work to improve the donations system. On a personal note, I'm available to constituents via email, Facebook, telephone, at public forums and via my participation in many Canberra groups. Community exchanges are essential to find out what issues are affecting people and how I can assist. |
Canberra Liberals | Ed | Cocks | |
ACT Labor | Bec | Cody | |
Canberra Liberals | Alistair | Coe | |
Independent | Helen | Cross | |
Independent | Mignonne | Cullen | |
Independent | Marilena | Damiano | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Daniels | |
ACT Greens | Emma | Davidson | I will: Host skill-building workshops and provide support to community groups on advocacy, understanding the political process, and writing effective submissions and grant applications. Push for resourcing and support for communities to proactively develop community initiatives and plans, and for those plans to be appropriately considered by government and responded to in a timely and respectful manner. Work to promote greater transparency in Cabinet decisions, as well as active disclosure of data, analysis, research and other information of public interest by Government agencies, with protections for individual privacy. |
ACT Greens | Johnathan | Davis | |
ACT Labor | Cathy | Day | |
Liberal Democrats | Dominic | De Luca | |
Animal Justice Party | Yana | del Valle | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Oksana | Demetrios | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Andrew | Demetrios | |
ACT Labor | Tim | Dobson | - Employ deliberative democracy where possible, to maximise the community's say in governance. - Support the ACT government's planning review to ensure we have a planning system that responds to Canberra's growth and builds a city that is sustainable and leaves no Canberran behind. |
Animal Justice Party | Lara | Drew | |
Animal Justice Party | Carolyne | Drew | |
Belco Party | Vijay | Dubey | |
ACT Labor | Sue | Ducker | |
ACT Greens | Sue | Ellerman | |
Animal Justice Party | Jannah | Fahiz | |
Canberra Progressives | Therese | Faulkner | I will seek to introduce a Compact or Agreement between all MLAs (as a collective) and the people of the ACT which sets out on a page the vision, mission and actions we will take to promote good government and strengthen our responsiveness, accountability and transparency. This will be a publicly launched document, developed through a process of public consultation, with performance measured and reported annually. |
ACT Labor | Tom | Fischer | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Forde | - Respond to and address constituent matters in a timely manner; - Seek feedback on decision making through frequent surveys and town halls; - Engage the community through the work of committees; - Support the work of the integrity commission; -Commit to passing information/feedback/complaints from the community into the relevant parts of government; - Explain my own decision making on issues through various forms. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sophia | Forner | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Richard | Forner | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Paul | Gabriel | |
ACT Labor | Mick | Gentleman | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Mark | Gilmayer | |
ACT Greens | Tjanara | Goreng Goreng | If elected, I will use my networks, knowledge and ability to build collaborative relationship to undertake these measures to promote good government and strengthen the responsiveness, accountability and transparency of government in the ACT. As a member of the ACT Greens I am proud that my elected colleagues have led the way in increasing transparency of political donations in the Territory, reducing the threshold and increasing the frequency of reporting and we already go beyond what the law requires. For example, we do not accept donations from developers, and we have a committee whose role is to examine any offer of a donation above $1000 for potential conflict of interest or perceived conflict. |
Liberal Democrats | Jacob | Gowor | |
Canberra Liberals | Rattesh | Gumber | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Gunning | |
ACT Labor | Deepak-Raj | Gupta | |
Animal Justice Party | Edmund | Handby | |
Canberra Liberals | Jeremy | Hanson | |
ACT Greens | Mainul | Haque | The ACT Greens have a proud history of promoting good government and increasing accountability and transparency. On that vein I will advocate for stronger participatory budget processes, inviting interested organisations and individuals to provide their input. I would also work to ensure policy development is underpinned by appropriate and relevant consultation and decision-making processes as well as the decisions are transparent. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Haydon | |
Labour DLP | Olivia | Helmore | |
Belco Party | Chic | Henry | |
Canberra Liberals | Jane | Hiatt | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jackson | Hillman | |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Alvin | Hopper | If elected he will take a keen interest in examining proposed laws. With no house of review as a check on executive power, many ACT laws are pushed through without proper scrutiny. |
Animal Justice Party | Francine | Horne | |
Australian Federation Party | Mohammad Munir | Hussain | |
ACT Labor | Jacob | Ingram | |
Liberal Democrats | Guy | Jakeman | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Johnson | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Petar | Johnson | |
Canberra Liberals | Giulia | Jones | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Kearsley | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Kikkert | |
Canberra Progressives | Robert | Knight | I will seek to establish a culture and behaviors which put the Canberra community as a broad collective, front and centre in the Legislative Assemblys dealings. I will seek to develop genuine community engagement mechanisms which truly give a democratic voice to the people. |
Liberal Democrats | Matthew | Knight | |
Canberra Liberals | Kacey | Lam | |
Canberra Liberals | Nicole | Lawder | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Lee | |
Independent | Fuxin | Li | I am aware of the legislations and frameworks at territory and national levels that are in place to ensure good governance, performance, accountability and transparency of government, as well as the ACT governments practice of Open Government. If elected, I will examine the measures currently in place to ensure they are adequately safeguarding our democratic system and strengthening the responsiveness, accountability and transparency of government, for instance, reporting of donations, public access to governance resources and information. communicate and consult with the constituents and community regarding issues and policies. be responsive to stakeholders and community views of issues and solutions. |
ACT Greens | Tim | Liersch | The Greens are proud to have led the way in increasing transparency of political donations in the ACT, reducing the threshold and increasing the frequency of reporting and we already go beyond what the law requires. For example, we do not accept donations from developers, and we have a committee whose role is to examine any offer of a donation above $1000 for potential or perceived conflict of interest. This committee has rejected a substantial number of donations over the years. However, the Greens do not believe that, on balance, real time disclosure of every single donation of any sum serves to improve democracy. In particular, the administrative imposition of such reporting would pose a barrier to entry to small political parties and independents who do not have the capacity to do such reporting. Additionally, in a city like Canberra, with many public servants and academics, we have a large number of citizens who legitimately fear reprisal for publicly supporting a political party or cause, even if they do so in an entirely personal capacity. I will of course continue to work to improve the donations system and seek ways to improve donations transparency. Recognising that commonwealth laws currently constrain the ability of the ACT to make meaningful change in this area, I will collaborate with Federal Greens MPs and Senators to make the ACTs laws enforceable once again. |
Canberra Progressives | Stephen | Lin | I will learn fast and contribute in policy making widely, keep the government accountable for any policy and administrative mistakes. |
ACT Labor | Greg | Lloyd | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Long | |
Belco Party | Angela | Lount | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Jill | ||
Labour DLP | Ian | McClure | |
Labour DLP | Helen | McClure | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Milligan | |
ACT Greens | Katt | Millner | The ACT Greens support improving donations disclosure and transparency in the ACT. The Greens do not accept any corporate donations and examine any donation over $1000 from individuals to ensure we do not have any real or perceived conflicts of interest. We were integral in establishing the bon on donations from property developers and passing the ACT truth in political advertising laws. I will continue to fight for: A ban on donations from businesses profiting from gambling Improving government consultation with the community, including reporting back the results of community engagement and the impact it had on government decision making. |
Canberra Liberals | Krishna | Nadimpalli | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sok Kheng | Ngep | |
ACT Labor | Maddy | Northam | |
ACT Greens | Laura | Nuttall | I plan to be more active about consulting constituents by making myself easily accessible and engaging in outreach on social media. I will consult key bodies regarding policy suggestions, and be open and honest about who I engage with and why. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Mark | O'Connor | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Alix | O'Hara | I just heard from Shane Rattenbury that he couldn’t entirely block the mandate for non-renewable gas rollout to new Canberra suburbs, because gas lobbyists were calling every member of parliament to protect their interests. So why wasn’t this in media headlines? I don’t yet know much yet about standard transparency protocols, but I have an intense sense of justice and I would be leaning on every business and media connection that I have made in my startup journey to howl this stuff from the rooftops. I can at least start by making it known here. For example, did you know that Federal government is still incentivizing exploratory oil drilling via the R&D tax incentive? |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Matthew | Ogilvie | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Adrian | Olley | |
ACT Labor | Suzanne | Orr | |
Independent | Bruce | Paine | Actively seek out meeting(s) with all citizens and groups potentially affected by an issue before the Assembly. Consciously weigh up competing considerations from a wh0le of community perspective, and be explicit regarding my reasons for taking a particular position. Decide issues based on evidence, rather than based o the Party position. Abide by the intent, not just the letter, of all legislation relevant to good government. Encourage other MLAs to follow the above, and call out obvious examples of poor practice. |
Canberra Liberals | Mark | Parton | |
ACT Labor | Marisa | Paterson | I would seek to contribute to a culture in the Legislative Assembly that promotes good government practices, particularly in respect to integrity, transparency and accountability in decisions that are made. - I will promote and support an evidence based policy agenda that also recognizes the needs and complex workings of the community. - I undertake to be a highly consultative and accessible representative to ensure good governance and representativeness. - accountability, commitment and honesty are leadership qualities that I value highly and would seek to undertake as a representative for the people of Murrumbidgee to ensure good government. |
Canberra Liberals | Patrick | Pentony | |
Independent | Lee | Perren-Leveridge | |
ACT Labor | Michael | Pettersson | |
ACT Labor | Georgia | Phillips | |
David Pollard Independent | David | Pollard | - Prevent politicians from censoring reasonable debate on official channels, especially social media. - Strengthen the Integrity Commission with resourcing and legislation. - In my campaign I have implemented a service desk style ticketing system, which tracks correspondence and highlights responsiveness. I intend to use the same system as an MLA and will lobby to implement it at the Legislative Assembly for all MLAs. - Improve and support constructive legislation from both the government and opposition of the day, to motivate the opposition to contribute to good government |
David Pollard Independent Party | Stephanie | Pollard | |
Australian Federation Party | Jason | Potter | I will listen to the residents of Brindabella and take their needs and aspirations into the parliament and implement them. For example, residents in Brindabella have talked with me about the traffic jam that occurs on McBryde Cres in Wanniassa when three schools and a childcare centre have students picked up all at the same time. If elected, we will work with the schools and the childcare centre to fix this. I will make sure our party only chooses candidates of good character and integrity. |
ACT Labor | Gordon | Ramsay | I am, and will continue to be, fully engaged with transparency measures of government including freedom of information and integrity processes and the quarterly publication of my ministerial diary, if I am fortunate enough to be reelected and appointed to a portfolio role. I will continue to respond as quickly as I can to any issue raised with me and to advocate with colleagues to get the outcomes my constituents are seeking. |
ACT Greens | Shane | Rattenbury | Accountability and transparency have been a focus of my work in the Assembly. I introduced new Freedom of Information laws in 2016, which included a new push element, requiring government to proactively publish documents and reports. I also led the development of the ACT Integrity Commission, comitting to it during the last election, then chairing the Committee that designed the key features of the legislation. We have made our Parliamentary Agreements publicly available and reported regularly on the implementation of those Agreements. This is a unique approach in Australian politics for power-sharing governments. |
Canberra Liberals | Ignatius | Rozario | |
Animal Justice Party | Serrin | Rutledge-Prior | |
Australian Federation Party | Scott | Sandford | |
Canberra Liberals | Amardeep | Singh | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Oliver | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Julie | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Robyn | Soxsmith | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jonathan | Stavridis | |
ACT Labor | Chris | Steel | |
Belco Party | Bill | Stefaniac | |
Canberra Progressives | Mike | Stelzig | I will push for implementation of a full transparency law where commercial-in-confidence (except for national security matters) no longer exists. Canberrans have a right to know about all activities politicians undertake in the name of the people. |
ACT Labor | Rachel | Stephen-Smith | Promote deliberative democracy whre appropriate, recognising that transparency in these processes is vital, as demonstrated through the citizens' jury on motor accident insurance. Ensure the government reports back on community consultation in a timely and transparent way. Support the ACT Planning Review to deliver a planning system that enables population growth while protecting Canberras character and building a city that is liveable, sustainable, resilient, and diverse. Continue to work with the Human Rights Commission and stakeholders to create a more transparent and restorative child protection system. Support Legislative Assembly committees to examine comples issues in the interests of the |
Labour DLP | Bernie | Strang | |
Canberra Liberals | Sarah | Suine | |
Canberra Progressives | Peta | Swarbrick | Good government is one that gains the trust of its constituents. I would vigorously support the work done by CAPaD and ACTCOSS in 2018 on importance of trust and how deliberative democracy frameworks can promote better government, transparency and accountability. I stand on a platform of evidence based policy making as well as ethics and empowerment, so I am keen to consider recommendations of expert groups like CAPaD and ACTCOSS if elected. |
Belco Party | Alan | Tutt | |
Canberra Liberals | Jacob | Vadakkedathu | |
ACT Greens | Rebecca | Vassarotti | I am a strong supporter of open government, integrity measures and measures that improve transparency and responsiveness. I am proud to be part of the ACT Greens who have championed measures including establishing an integrity commission, strengthening freedom of information laws and banning developer donations. I also strongly support the introduction of measures that promote participative democratic process and consultative measures. There is more work to do in these areas and I would relish an opportunity to work collaboratively with community to further improve responsiveness, accountability and transparency of our Government. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Peter | Veenstra | |
Canberra Liberals | Andrew | Wall | |
ACT Labor | Taimus | Werner-Gibbings | |
Independent | Brendan | Whyte | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Bruce | Willett | |
Canberra Progressives | Bethany | Williams | I plan to be a representative of not just the people in my own electorate, but of all the people of Canberra. While I will make sure that I fight for the things that matter to my electorate, I also want to be a representative that holds the government of the day to account across the board. I want to know where the money is being spent. I want transparency about the deals that the government makes with large developers. I want to understand why the government is so reliant on rates and land tax and push for a decrease in both. |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Robyn | Williams | CAP is a truly local party, and it is wholly independent of any other political party. We are always happy to cooperate with other organisations, but we will never sacrifice our party’s autonomy. I am keen on protecting the Griffin-Mahoney vision for Canberra and I am strongly opposed to the West Basin project. This development threatens to be the thin end of the wedge. If it proceeds it will set a precendent for other infill and development along the foreshore of Lake Burley Griffin. |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Gordon | Yeatman | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Scott | Young |
Party | First Name | Family Name | Improve constituents participation |
ACT Labor | Judy | Anderson | I will continue to connect and listen to the community. I represent them in matters that are important to them and ensure the public officials take their views into active consideration in designing policies and legislation. I believe active engagement with the community is far more effective than consultation and working closely with the community to help facilitate finding better ways to deliver to the community in government. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Joy | Angel | |
ACT Greens | Merlin | Baker | |
ACT Labor | Andrew | Barr | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Greg | Baynham | |
ACT Labor | Yvette | Berry | |
Canberra Progressives | Tim | Bohm | |
ACT Greens | Adriana | Boisen | |
ACT Greens | Andrew | Braddock | I would advocate for the increasing the use of participatory budget setting and citizens juries in the ACT. Community consultation must be also meaningful and help prior to a decision been make by government; therefore I would hold the government to account for any decision made contrary to the communitys views. |
Animal Justice Party | Bernie | Brennan | |
ACT Greens | Michael | Brewer | As an MLA, I will work for my community, not for corporate interests or donors. I believe MLAs should be available for their constituents to reach out to, and the work Im most looking forward to, and I think is most important, is the ground-level, every day help constituents may need accessing government services. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Geoff | Buckmaster | |
ACT Labor | Joy | Burch | |
Canberra Liberals | Candice | Burch | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Rohan | Byrnes | |
Canberra Liberals | Peter | Cain | |
Independent | Fiona | Carrick | I will ensure community members and groups are informed with clear information about the issues associated with the development of policy. I will work towards on-going dialogue to capture all of the considerations involved in assuring that stakeholder interests are addressed and reflected in policy initiatives. |
Canberra Liberals | Leanne | Castley | |
ACT Labor | Tara | Cheyne | Proactively share information and work to make information easier to find Respond candidly to questions or concerns Highlight, promote and encourage participation in parliamentary or Government inquiries or consultations, and, where possible, work to make it easier and simpler to participate Support deliberative democracy processes where appropriate |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Andrew | Clapham | |
ACT Greens | Jo | Clay | COVID-1g restrictions are increasing online engagement through video calls, Facebook Live, community surveys and messaging. I'll use my entrepreneurlat and communication skills to expand these channels after restrictions are lifted. They bring grassroots and participatory democracy to a broader group. They give the community a new voice. |
Canberra Liberals | Ed | Cocks | |
ACT Labor | Bec | Cody | |
Canberra Liberals | Alistair | Coe | |
Independent | Helen | Cross | |
Independent | Mignonne | Cullen | |
Independent | Marilena | Damiano | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Daniels | |
ACT Greens | Emma | Davidson | In addition to information on the ACT Greens website explaining my activities and voting in the Assembly, I will hold regular community meetings throughout Murrumbidgee to seek input from residents, answer their questions, and hear from speakers with expertise on complex issues. |
ACT Greens | Johnathan | Davis | |
ACT Labor | Cathy | Day | |
Liberal Democrats | Dominic | De Luca | |
Animal Justice Party | Yana | del Valle | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Oksana | Demetrios | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Andrew | Demetrios | |
ACT Labor | Tim | Dobson | - Apply Asset Based Community Development principles in any engagement with the community. - Facilitate greater involvement of community members who are traditionally left out of community consultation: public housing tenants, migrants and refugees, people with disabilities and their carers, single parents, people with mental health issues, unemployed workers and young people. |
Animal Justice Party | Lara | Drew | |
Animal Justice Party | Carolyne | Drew | |
Belco Party | Vijay | Dubey | |
ACT Labor | Sue | Ducker | |
ACT Greens | Sue | Ellerman | |
Animal Justice Party | Jannah | Fahiz | |
Canberra Progressives | Therese | Faulkner | I will be proactive in contacting constituents about policy issues and decisions affecting the community instead of waiting for reactions. Methods for doing this will include: attending relevant community council meetings, holding virtual town hall meetings, letterboxing, and conducting nano-surveys via appropriate technology. |
ACT Labor | Tom | Fischer | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Forde | - Use surveys, mobile offices and town halls to seek feedback on policy in bot development and execution; - Actively involve the community in the committee process; - Participate in the Tuggeranong Community Council - Share any and all relevant government documentation with the community through an accessible means. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sophia | Forner | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Richard | Forner | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Paul | Gabriel | |
ACT Labor | Mick | Gentleman | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Mark | Gilmayer | |
ACT Greens | Tjanara | Goreng Goreng | If I am elected to the ACT Legislative Assembly, I will undertake these measures to promote and improve informed participation by my constituents in ACT policy development and decision making. I am a local member of a large extended First Nations community and I utilise particular ways of communication through social media, |
Liberal Democrats | Jacob | Gowor | |
Canberra Liberals | Rattesh | Gumber | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Gunning | |
ACT Labor | Deepak-Raj | Gupta | |
Animal Justice Party | Edmund | Handby | |
Canberra Liberals | Jeremy | Hanson | |
ACT Greens | Mainul | Haque | If elected, I will listen actively, consulting with the community through ongoing, open, honest and transparent dialogue to help me understand and advocate for the ‘burning issues’ or ‘concerns’ of my constituents. I will represent the average Canberran who wants this city and its communities to thrive and prosper. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Haydon | |
Labour DLP | Olivia | Helmore | |
Belco Party | Chic | Henry | |
Canberra Liberals | Jane | Hiatt | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jackson | Hillman | |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Alvin | Hopper | Canberrans need have more say in vital government matters. At present, decisions are taken behind closed doors, followed by merely nominal public consultation. We must stop this unhealthy process. We must jealously protect our wonderful bush land and our invaluable urban green spaces. CAP strongly opposes the government’s plans to develop the West Basin of Lake Burley Griffin and build apartment blocks along the shoreline. By supporting the project The Greens have forsaken their own environmental credentials. Prompt effective action is essential to protect our lake. Canberra’s runaway development must be regulated. As an MLA I will promote community participation in ACT affairs. |
Animal Justice Party | Francine | Horne | |
Australian Federation Party | Mohammad Munir | Hussain | |
ACT Labor | Jacob | Ingram | |
Liberal Democrats | Guy | Jakeman | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Johnson | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Petar | Johnson | |
Canberra Liberals | Giulia | Jones | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Kearsley | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Kikkert | |
Canberra Progressives | Robert | Knight | I will investigate mechanisms and procedures to improve public accountability and genuine community engagement. I will seek to establish citizens juries, public referenda, community councils and other initiatives which give the public a say on how were governed. |
Liberal Democrats | Matthew | Knight | |
Canberra Liberals | Kacey | Lam | |
Canberra Liberals | Nicole | Lawder | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Lee | |
Independent | Fuxin | Li | facilitate dissemination of information about government services and policies in the electorate, so to enhance understanding of the government services policies, and improve their involvement in policy development and decision making. |
ACT Greens | Tim | Liersch | I will work to expand the capacity of the community councils by seeking the provision of improved support mechanisms to engage with their community districts on broader matters that affect their communities. These will be politically independent and include reformed consultation processes on planning decisions. |
Canberra Progressives | Stephen | Lin | I will encourage community groups to participate in policy debates and make submissions whenever possible. I will inform and encourage residents from multicultural backgrounds to contribute into policy development and enrich our community. I will promote programs to advance the opportunities for disadvantage groups. I will inspire and guide children and young people to embrace our democratic value and acquire skills and pursue public roles to enhance our democratic structure and composition of the society. |
ACT Labor | Greg | Lloyd | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Long | |
Belco Party | Angela | Lount | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Jill | ||
Labour DLP | Ian | McClure | |
Labour DLP | Helen | McClure | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Milligan | |
ACT Greens | Katt | Millner | I will strive to achieve: Proactive and inclusive community consultation by the government for policy development and implementation Participatory democratic mechanisms to prioritise the spending of funds Clear communication of how the government as acted on the feedback of the community |
Canberra Liberals | Krishna | Nadimpalli | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sok Kheng | Ngep | |
ACT Labor | Maddy | Northam | |
ACT Greens | Laura | Nuttall | I will engage in regular social media outreach, be available in electoral office/s, and endeavour to conduct mobile offices and catch ups to keep in touch with constituents. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Mark | O'Connor | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Alix | O'Hara | There are – or should be – two levels of local government. There are housekeeping matters serving community interests. These include school funding, public transport, civic planning, minimizing urban infill and ensuring availability of community amenities. These should include support to give every member of society every opportunity to live their best life and offer their best back, |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Matthew | Ogilvie | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Adrian | Olley | |
ACT Labor | Suzanne | Orr | |
Independent | Bruce | Paine | Require whoever forms government to explain emerging issues and potential decisions in ways that are understandable and accessible by all constituents and that cover both the short to longer-term impacts. Meet with constituents to discuss emerging issues and potential decisions. Ensure that decisions by government are taken transparently including to hold government accountable. |
Canberra Liberals | Mark | Parton | |
ACT Labor | Marisa | Paterson | To promote and improve informed participation by constituents I will: - create a supportive culture and environment that welcomes diversity in views and perspectives - facilitate community and stakeholder engagement processes locally - promote communication and dialogue around decisions that are made |
Canberra Liberals | Patrick | Pentony | |
Independent | Lee | Perren-Leveridge | |
ACT Labor | Michael | Pettersson | |
ACT Labor | Georgia | Phillips | |
David Pollard Independent | David | Pollard | - I will establish public working groups. Interested constituents will have an opportunity to directly develop policy to be presented as private members bills. - I will vote against issues that have had inadequate, insincere, or deceptive community consultation. - I will attend and offer an Assembly update at Community Council meetings. |
David Pollard Independent Party | Stephanie | Pollard | |
Australian Federation Party | Jason | Potter | I will hold an open community meeting every month, that any resident can attend in person or via Zoom where issues can be raised with me that need to be addressed and I will then take those issues and raise them with the relevant minister or department. I will meet with any resident who seeks to have a meeting with me on any issue that concerns them. |
ACT Labor | Gordon | Ramsay | I have, and will continue to, welcome everyones input into how the ACT is run, continuing my track record of taking the issues that you raise with me into decision-making processes. From footpaths to restorative justice, intersection upgrades to arts funding, and everything else, Im here to serve. |
ACT Greens | Shane | Rattenbury | Aside from the above, deliver the Greens Neighbourhood Democracy program. We know that when people come together to discuss their vision for the place they call home, great things emerge. This fund will allow the members of every suburb to come together to determine how to spend an average annual budget of $100,000. |
Canberra Liberals | Ignatius | Rozario | |
Animal Justice Party | Serrin | Rutledge-Prior | |
Australian Federation Party | Scott | Sandford | |
Canberra Liberals | Amardeep | Singh | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Oliver | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Julie | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Robyn | Soxsmith | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jonathan | Stavridis | |
ACT Labor | Chris | Steel | |
Belco Party | Bill | Stefaniac | |
Canberra Progressives | Mike | Stelzig | I will push to legislate for a citizens assembly so that Canberrans can have an active role in making decisions that affect them. If the government is not open to a citizens assembly, I will make myself available publicly to hear feedback from my constituents which I will pass onto the government for actioning. |
ACT Labor | Rachel | Stephen-Smith | Use deliberative processes and explore new engagement opportunities to ensure diverse voices are heard, as demonstrated through the Caring for Carers and Disability Justice Strategies. Work with community councils, residents groups and constituents to make it easier fo kurrajong residents have a say in decisions that matter to them. |
Labour DLP | Bernie | Strang | |
Canberra Liberals | Sarah | Suine | |
Canberra Progressives | Peta | Swarbrick | Promote Your Say to a wider audience and increase engagement Promote Voice of Participants type events for each process Publicize Citizens Reviews and gain greater engagement Fund community engagement teams in every community (established and emerging) to support engagement and deliberative process participation Learn from Interstate and International Best Practice |
Belco Party | Alan | Tutt | |
Canberra Liberals | Jacob | Vadakkedathu | |
ACT Greens | Rebecca | Vassarotti | Continue the work to improve community consultation in planning decisions; Continue to work on political donations reform; Support work to introduce participatory democracy measures in government decision making Statement. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Peter | Veenstra | |
Canberra Liberals | Andrew | Wall | |
ACT Labor | Taimus | Werner-Gibbings | |
Independent | Brendan | Whyte | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Bruce | Willett | |
Canberra Progressives | Bethany | Williams | I want to make sure all constituents have a say, not just the ones with the loudest voices. I want to be accessible to my constituents and give them more opportunities to make their voices heard. I want to engage with them though social media, through my office and through hosting participatory events and by getting our more in my community. I want to staff my office with spokespeople from diverse sectors of the community (CALD, people with disability, First Nations People) so that people from these diverse groups feel like they are being represented, and to help inform policy ad decision making. |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Robyn | Williams | It is important to have community involvement in significant political decisions. Above all, this involvement must be real and effective – not merely nominal, as so often happens. We need to make Canberra a better place for everyone. In general Canberra is prosperous, but anyone can fall on hard times. Many people find life a struggle for one reason or another. CAP doesn’t have a solution to all of society’s problems, but we seek to serve all Canberrans to the best of our ability. |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Gordon | Yeatman | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Scott | Young |
Party | First Name | Family Name | Democratic Commitment |
ACT Labor | Judy | Anderson | Y |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Joy | Angel | |
ACT Greens | Merlin | Baker | |
ACT Labor | Andrew | Barr | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Greg | Baynham | |
ACT Labor | Yvette | Berry | |
Canberra Progressives | Tim | Bohm | |
ACT Greens | Adriana | Boisen | |
ACT Greens | Andrew | Braddock | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Animal Justice Party | Bernie | Brennan | |
ACT Greens | Michael | Brewer | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Geoff | Buckmaster | |
ACT Labor | Joy | Burch | |
Canberra Liberals | Candice | Burch | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Rohan | Byrnes | |
Canberra Liberals | Peter | Cain | |
Independent | Fiona | Carrick | Y |
Canberra Liberals | Leanne | Castley | |
ACT Labor | Tara | Cheyne | Y |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Andrew | Clapham | |
ACT Greens | Jo | Clay | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Canberra Liberals | Ed | Cocks | |
ACT Labor | Bec | Cody | |
Canberra Liberals | Alistair | Coe | |
Independent | Helen | Cross | |
Independent | Mignonne | Cullen | |
Independent | Marilena | Damiano | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Daniels | |
ACT Greens | Emma | Davidson | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
ACT Greens | Johnathan | Davis | |
ACT Labor | Cathy | Day | |
Liberal Democrats | Dominic | De Luca | |
Animal Justice Party | Yana | del Valle | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Oksana | Demetrios | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Andrew | Demetrios | |
ACT Labor | Tim | Dobson | Y |
Animal Justice Party | Lara | Drew | |
Animal Justice Party | Carolyne | Drew | |
Belco Party | Vijay | Dubey | |
ACT Labor | Sue | Ducker | |
ACT Greens | Sue | Ellerman | |
Animal Justice Party | Jannah | Fahiz | |
Canberra Progressives | Therese | Faulkner | Y |
ACT Labor | Tom | Fischer | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Forde | Y |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sophia | Forner | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Richard | Forner | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Paul | Gabriel | |
ACT Labor | Mick | Gentleman | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Mark | Gilmayer | |
ACT Greens | Tjanara | Goreng Goreng | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Liberal Democrats | Jacob | Gowor | |
Canberra Liberals | Rattesh | Gumber | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Gunning | |
ACT Labor | Deepak-Raj | Gupta | |
Animal Justice Party | Edmund | Handby | |
Canberra Liberals | Jeremy | Hanson | |
ACT Greens | Mainul | Haque | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability." |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Haydon | |
Labour DLP | Olivia | Helmore | |
Belco Party | Chic | Henry | |
Canberra Liberals | Jane | Hiatt | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jackson | Hillman | |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Alvin | Hopper | None supplied |
Animal Justice Party | Francine | Horne | |
Australian Federation Party | Mohammad Munir | Hussain | |
ACT Labor | Jacob | Ingram | |
Liberal Democrats | Guy | Jakeman | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Johnson | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Petar | Johnson | |
Canberra Liberals | Giulia | Jones | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Kearsley | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Kikkert | |
Canberra Progressives | Robert | Knight | Y |
Liberal Democrats | Matthew | Knight | |
Canberra Liberals | Kacey | Lam | |
Canberra Liberals | Nicole | Lawder | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Lee | |
Independent | Fuxin | Li | Y |
ACT Greens | Tim | Liersch | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Canberra Progressives | Stephen | Lin | Not made. |
ACT Labor | Greg | Lloyd | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Long | |
Belco Party | Angela | Lount | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Jill | ||
Labour DLP | Ian | McClure | |
Labour DLP | Helen | McClure | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Milligan | |
ACT Greens | Katt | Millner | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Canberra Liberals | Krishna | Nadimpalli | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sok Kheng | Ngep | |
ACT Labor | Maddy | Northam | |
ACT Greens | Laura | Nuttall | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Mark | O'Connor | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Alix | O'Hara | Y |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Matthew | Ogilvie | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Adrian | Olley | |
ACT Labor | Suzanne | Orr | |
Independent | Bruce | Paine | Y |
Canberra Liberals | Mark | Parton | |
ACT Labor | Marisa | Paterson | Y |
Canberra Liberals | Patrick | Pentony | |
Independent | Lee | Perren-Leveridge | |
ACT Labor | Michael | Pettersson | |
ACT Labor | Georgia | Phillips | |
David Pollard Independent | David | Pollard | Y |
David Pollard Independent Party | Stephanie | Pollard | |
Australian Federation Party | Jason | Potter | Y |
ACT Labor | Gordon | Ramsay | Y |
ACT Greens | Shane | Rattenbury | Y |
Canberra Liberals | Ignatius | Rozario | |
Animal Justice Party | Serrin | Rutledge-Prior | |
Australian Federation Party | Scott | Sandford | |
Canberra Liberals | Amardeep | Singh | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Oliver | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Julie | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Robyn | Soxsmith | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jonathan | Stavridis | |
ACT Labor | Chris | Steel | |
Belco Party | Bill | Stefaniac | |
Canberra Progressives | Mike | Stelzig | Y |
ACT Labor | Rachel | Stephen-Smith | Y |
Labour DLP | Bernie | Strang | |
Canberra Liberals | Sarah | Suine | |
Canberra Progressives | Peta | Swarbrick | Y |
Belco Party | Alan | Tutt | |
Canberra Liberals | Jacob | Vadakkedathu | |
ACT Greens | Rebecca | Vassarotti | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Peter | Veenstra | |
Canberra Liberals | Andrew | Wall | |
ACT Labor | Taimus | Werner-Gibbings | |
Independent | Brendan | Whyte | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Bruce | Willett | |
Canberra Progressives | Bethany | Williams | Y |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Robyn | Williams | None supplied. |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Gordon | Yeatman | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Scott | Young |
Party | First Name | Family Name | Skills and experience for being an MLA |
ACT Labor | Judy | Anderson | When it comes to getting things done, I have delivered: - For families, I’ve lived in inner Canberra raising my children and working in the community for nearly 30 years. - In healthcare I’ve been a frontline nurse and driven better conditions of nurses. - In public policy I’ve championed research, lowered carbon emissions and brought investment to Canberra. - In business I continue to work tirelessly on boards and leadership roles creating positive change, including jobs in technology, health and energy. I believe right now, more than ever with COVID, we need representatives in the Legislative Assembly that have a wide range of experience to bring fresh thinking and perspectives to get things done. Canberra experience matters. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Joy | Angel | |
ACT Greens | Merlin | Baker | |
ACT Labor | Andrew | Barr | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Greg | Baynham | |
ACT Labor | Yvette | Berry | |
Canberra Progressives | Tim | Bohm | |
ACT Greens | Adriana | Boisen | |
ACT Greens | Andrew | Braddock | I am not a career politician or party hack. As a father with a young family and also as a carer, I get the daily juggle in life. I am the product of a public-school education looking to build a better future. I am also active in the community, having worked as secretary of the Gungahlin Community Council, and deputy chairman of my local primary school board. I also have the life experience and interpersonal skills to help me communicate and relate to constituents of various backgrounds, cultures, beliefs and perspectives. |
Animal Justice Party | Bernie | Brennan | |
ACT Greens | Michael | Brewer | I am proud to have served the student community during 2018 and 2019 as a Queer Representative and then Secretary on Residents' Committees. I have also served on the ACT Greens' Board since 2019. If elected, I will be a strong voice for young people across Canberra. We have historically been disenfranchised, and we need representatives to speak out to ensure we aren't the first generation to be worse off than our parents'. We have unique needs for healthcare, education, and housing, and having a young voice in the Assembly will help to address them. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Geoff | Buckmaster | |
ACT Labor | Joy | Burch | |
Canberra Liberals | Candice | Burch | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Rohan | Byrnes | |
Canberra Liberals | Peter | Cain | |
Independent | Fiona | Carrick | I am a local having lived in Woden for over 50 years. I studied a Bachelor of Commerce at ANU and Horticulture at the former Weston CIT. My working life has primarily been in finance and transport infrastructure. For nearly 4 years I have been an advocate for the community as President of the Woden Valley Community Council. We have had some great wins for the community, including a commitment to a new CIT in Woden. I understand planning and how it underpins how we balance jobs, public spaces, community facilities and the density of housing around our shopping hubs to ensure we can live, work and play locally. That we have a sense of identity and belonging, that everyone is included. |
Canberra Liberals | Leanne | Castley | |
ACT Labor | Tara | Cheyne | Before being elected, I was a Director in the APS but my passion was working with the Belconnen community. I served across a range of community roles, including on the Belconnen Community Council and Belconnen Arts Centre Board, as well as authoring a blog which promoted Canberra and Belconnen. As an MLA, I've helped thousands of residents, held hundreds of mobile offices, delivered on election commitments, and been an open, regular communicator. I've served on 13 committees (deputy chair of six and chair of two). Despite being a backbencher, I introduced legislation which passed with tripartisan support. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Andrew | Clapham | |
ACT Greens | Jo | Clay | I'm author of The Carbon Diet, a project in which I've cut my carbon footprint by 77%. I'm a practising artist and writer. I'm CEO and patented co-founder of recycling company, Send and Shred. As a climate change activist, l'm seriously worried about our future. But l've seen for myself that we can take real action when business, community and government all work together. I've worked in the private, government and non-profit sectors and I hold degrees in Creative Arts and Laws (Honours). A lifetime resident of Canberra, I live in Belconnen with my partner, my daughter and my two dogs. |
Canberra Liberals | Ed | Cocks | |
ACT Labor | Bec | Cody | |
Canberra Liberals | Alistair | Coe | |
Independent | Helen | Cross | |
Independent | Mignonne | Cullen | |
Independent | Marilena | Damiano | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Daniels | |
ACT Greens | Emma | Davidson | Working with people at risk in our community and in the community sector has given me insight to the interconnections between policy areas, and the complexity of people's lives. I value people's lived experience when considering policy changes, and I have experience in raising the voices of those most at risk in public policy conversations. I have advocated on public health, public education, access to community space, women's rights, and other issues in Canberra for many years, particularly on the southside. I have sought to raise the voices of those affected by change more than my own. |
ACT Greens | Johnathan | Davis | |
ACT Labor | Cathy | Day | |
Liberal Democrats | Dominic | De Luca | |
Animal Justice Party | Yana | del Valle | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Oksana | Demetrios | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Andrew | Demetrios | |
ACT Labor | Tim | Dobson | I've worked in the Learning Support Unit at Mawson Primary, and in Wollongong I helped start Green Connect - a social enterprise that trains youth, refugees and long-term unemployed people in environmentally sustainable jobs. As a teacher, I know how to listen to the needs of parents and students, and through my work I've supported those in our society who are often the first to be left behind. My work has created jobs and supported people from childhood to adulthood to get set up for fulfilling lives. |
Animal Justice Party | Lara | Drew | |
Animal Justice Party | Carolyne | Drew | |
Belco Party | Vijay | Dubey | |
ACT Labor | Sue | Ducker | |
ACT Greens | Sue | Ellerman | |
Animal Justice Party | Jannah | Fahiz | |
Canberra Progressives | Therese | Faulkner | I worked in the Australian Public Service for 30 years, commencing as an 18 year old school-leaver, and have worked in the private sector for the past 6 years. I went to university as a mature-age student and gained a Graduate Diploma in public policy from the ANU. I grew up in Canberra and raised my three daughters here. I have been an active participant in the arts and sport in the ACT and understand the Canberra community well through my diverse family and friends. I have a sound understanding of the role and responsibilities of being an elected representative. |
ACT Labor | Tom | Fischer | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Forde | We are lucky to live in a democracy, where anyone can seek public office. Skills and experience are less important than commitment and dedication to the community. Anyone truly seeking to represent and improve their community is already a good candidate. I grew up in Tuggeranong, attended local schools, graduated from ANU with an Asian Studies degree, majoring in Chinses politics. I also have a master’s degree from the ANU. I’ve worked in higher education, as a consultation on international aid, as an industrial representative for both white collar and blue collar workers. I understand how government works. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sophia | Forner | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Richard | Forner | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Paul | Gabriel | |
ACT Labor | Mick | Gentleman | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Mark | Gilmayer | |
ACT Greens | Tjanara | Goreng Goreng | I am academic University lecturer, a career passion since 1994 at six Australian Universities where I have been a lecturer, Senior lecturer and Assistant Professor, retiring from full time teaching at the University of Canberra in 2014. Since then I have attained my PhD from ANU in Sacred Leadership and began a Transformational Leadership company focusing on Indigenous and western ways of doing transformational leadership mentoring with executives and designing and running transformational leadership programs in government and non-government agencies in Australia with three Indigenous and non-Indigenous colleagues. I am a certified practitioner of Self Managing Leadership from the Oxford Leadership Academy and The Leadership Circle (TLC) which I utilised in my mentoring practice. |
Liberal Democrats | Jacob | Gowor | |
Canberra Liberals | Rattesh | Gumber | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Gunning | |
ACT Labor | Deepak-Raj | Gupta | |
Animal Justice Party | Edmund | Handby | |
Canberra Liberals | Jeremy | Hanson | |
ACT Greens | Mainul | Haque | An economist and public servant, I am also a father, husband and community worker. Following my education in Bangladesh, Malaysia, Canada and Australia, I settled in Canberra in 1993, becoming a local person serving local needs. For example, as President of the Canberra Muslim Community, I negotiated and managed the multi-million dollar Gungahlin Mosque project. I serve on the boards of the ACT Multicultural Advisory Council, Gold Creek Homestead Advisory Panel, Canberra Refugee Action Campaign, and Gungahlin Community Council. My skills and experiences enable me to communicate and relate to constituents from all backgrounds, irrespective of cultures, beliefs and perspectives. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Haydon | |
Labour DLP | Olivia | Helmore | |
Belco Party | Chic | Henry | |
Canberra Liberals | Jane | Hiatt | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jackson | Hillman | |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Alvin | Hopper | Alvin moved to Canberra in 1986, and he lives in Dickson. He is a lawyer and a retired public servant. Alvin’s work included drafting legislation. He has PhD in law from the University of Canberra. Alvin is actively involved in his church. He is a keen member of the Welsh Society of Canberra, and has a long-standing interest in the beautiful Welsh language. He is a bridge player, and for exercise he enjoys walking along our hill trails. |
Animal Justice Party | Francine | Horne | |
Australian Federation Party | Mohammad Munir | Hussain | |
ACT Labor | Jacob | Ingram | |
Liberal Democrats | Guy | Jakeman | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Johnson | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Petar | Johnson | |
Canberra Liberals | Giulia | Jones | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Kearsley | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Kikkert | |
Canberra Progressives | Robert | Knight | I have 21 years of service in the Australian Defence Force, with over 13 years in leadership and management positions. I also have 3 years' experience as a middle manager in the Australian Public Service and more than 12 months experience in private enterprise. I am an excellent communicator, strategic thinker, and hold tertiary qualifications in transport & logistics, as well as urban planning. |
Liberal Democrats | Matthew | Knight | |
Canberra Liberals | Kacey | Lam | |
Canberra Liberals | Nicole | Lawder | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Lee | |
Independent | Fuxin | Li | I have lived in Canberra for 19 years and in Yerrabi for 17 years. I understand the issues Canberrans and people living in Yerrabi have. I am here to listen to the community and stand for the community. I did my PhD in Education at Monash University and have been researching and working in education and cultural area for more than 27 years. I value Australia's multiculturalism and multilingualism. I believe we can do better in strengthening the diversified and harmonious society and in realizing social and economic benefits with the multicultural and multilingual resources in our community. |
ACT Greens | Tim | Liersch | I am an analyst, professionally capable of interrogating information to identify problems and expose solutions. Currently working in the public sector, I have a deep and personal commitment to working with truths. I am particularly well positioned to make difficult decisions based on complex information in a way that serves the public good. |
Canberra Progressives | Stephen | Lin | I have been admitted to practise law in Queensland since 2001 and worked mainly in community legal services. I held Principal License for or managed several of such legal services, including Central Queensland Community Legal Centre and Queensland Advocacy Inc. I have also worked as disability advocate in Queensland and ACT, promoting mental health and disability service into multicultural communities. I have keen interests in community service, public facilities for children, and overall wellbeing for the disadvantaged groups. I have also contributed my skills in Community Radio programs and multicultural projects development. |
ACT Labor | Greg | Lloyd | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Long | |
Belco Party | Angela | Lount | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Jill | ||
Labour DLP | Ian | McClure | |
Labour DLP | Helen | McClure | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Milligan | |
ACT Greens | Katt | Millner | I am a recent graduate with a Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics and a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in human rights. As a young queer woman, I have an understanding of a group which are systematically under-represented in politics. I have grown up with a brother with a disability, and have worked as a tutor with children from difficult backgrounds and a wide range of learning difficulties. My experience for being an MLA is my ability to bring these perspectives into the Assembly. |
Canberra Liberals | Krishna | Nadimpalli | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sok Kheng | Ngep | |
ACT Labor | Maddy | Northam | |
ACT Greens | Laura | Nuttall | I am currently completing a Bachelors in Asian Studies and Politics, Philosophy and Economics at the Australian National University. I have lived and worked around my electorate, and am thoroughly invested in the welfare of my community. I have a strong focus on ethics and social justice, which is hugely relevant to the issues faced by much of our community. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Mark | O'Connor | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Alix | O'Hara | Political leadership is meant to serve two functions: society housekeeping, and to steer us to a better future. The latter requires capacity for innovation underpinning a greater eye for coming challenges, than dedication to administration of outdated thinking. We are in times of unprecedented and accelerating change concerning climate change, technology, and economic influences. The majors are too slow to notice and have neglected real leadership for too long. Community needs are important, but innovative future-focussed thinking is critical. A vote for the majors is a vote wasted. Break the Duopoly. Vote for the minors, for fresh thinking and leadership. |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Matthew | Ogilvie | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Adrian | Olley | |
ACT Labor | Suzanne | Orr | |
Independent | Bruce | Paine | As a former member of the Australian Public Service, I regard myself as socially progressive, but financially responsible. I am very aware of the need for government to support public services, while ensuring that rates and taxes are affordable for the community over the long term. I have generally lived in Kurrajong since the 1970s, helped raise two children who benefitted from the ACT's public education system, and have experienced Parents and other people living in Aged Care. I was a Board member of Pedal Power ACT for several years. I enjoy Canberra's outdoor environment. |
Canberra Liberals | Mark | Parton | |
ACT Labor | Marisa | Paterson | I currently work at the Australian National University as a leading social policy researcher. I have spent the last 20 years working on a broad range of complex social and mental health issues, in both a professional and volunteer capacity. The part of my job that I excel at is listening and understanding people and complex situations, and navigating evidenced based policy solutions. I am an experienced leader and with strong communication and consultation skills. I will bring new, fresh ideas to the Assembly and be a strong advocate for the people of Murrumbidgee. |
Canberra Liberals | Patrick | Pentony | |
Independent | Lee | Perren-Leveridge | |
ACT Labor | Michael | Pettersson | |
ACT Labor | Georgia | Phillips | |
David Pollard Independent | David | Pollard | I work in my family software development business performing a range of duties, including software development, project management, contract negotiation and management, operations management, communications, and client relationships. I have a Bachelor of Engineering (Software Engineering) from University of Canberra. I practice Asset Based Community Development with the Crace Community Association (President), Gungahlin Community Council (Treasurer) and my school P&C (President). I have represented Gungahlin in democratic processes such as the Better Suburbs participatory budgeting forum. I contribute to submissions on government consultations, and development applications. Born and bred here, I have strong ties and networks in communities around Canberra. |
David Pollard Independent Party | Stephanie | Pollard | |
Australian Federation Party | Jason | Potter | I grew up in a large family and I now have a large family of my own. I have spent my working life helping others and I see the opportunity that politics provides to make an important contribution to our ACT Community. I have been a community leader, youth worker, manager of national and international projects in education and international aid and CEO of a Registered Training College. I have invested time in learning as well, including a master's degree in leadership and further Post Graduate study in Psychotherapy. |
ACT Labor | Gordon | Ramsay | After a 20 year career as a local community sector leader and advocate, I have been privileged to represent the people of Ginninderra since 2016 and be a Minister in the Government. I have worked not only to ensure Canberra can be a place where everyone belongs, everyone is valued, and everyone has the opportunity to participate but also in a number of challenging and important portfolio areas including making renting fairer, improving building quality, stronger social inclusion for seniors, more funding for the arts, and more employment for veterans, and addressing gambling harm, elder abuse and organised crime. |
ACT Greens | Shane | Rattenbury | When I was first elected, I said I wanted to ensure Canberra would be a city our children would thank us for. I continue to hold that motivation, determined to ensure the place we call home is environmentally sustainable, and is fair and equitable, both for today and for future generations. I have lived in Canberra since starting high school in the 80's, have worked in the public service and not-for-profit sector, have worked overseas, and have proudly represented my electorate since 2008. My family all live in Canberra, and I am deeply committed to this city. |
Canberra Liberals | Ignatius | Rozario | |
Animal Justice Party | Serrin | Rutledge-Prior | |
Australian Federation Party | Scott | Sandford | |
Canberra Liberals | Amardeep | Singh | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Oliver | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Julie | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Robyn | Soxsmith | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jonathan | Stavridis | |
ACT Labor | Chris | Steel | |
Belco Party | Bill | Stefaniac | |
Canberra Progressives | Mike | Stelzig | I worked for the Commonwealth for 11 years, six as a policy and five years as an internal auditor. I've been employed with the ACT Government for two years. Prior to joining the public service, I was employed in various roles in the private industry from management to senior executive. I have an insight into what makes government tick, how decisions are made and why they are made. |
ACT Labor | Rachel | Stephen-Smith | After more than 20 years working in public policy and volunteering in my community, I was elected to the Assembly in 2016. As a local member, I've listened to people and worked to deliver positive outcomes for the inner north and south. I have also served as Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs; Children, Youth and Families; Disability; Community Services; Multicultural Affairs; Employment and Workpsace Safety; Government Services and Procurement; Urban Renewal; and Health. It has been a privilege to serve the community in portfolios that make a difference in the lives of Canberra's workers and families. |
Labour DLP | Bernie | Strang | |
Canberra Liberals | Sarah | Suine | |
Canberra Progressives | Peta | Swarbrick | I would be a great MLA because I am a passionate Canberran with broad life, and work experience. I care deeply about the well being my community and our environment, and I want to every Canberran to have a voice. I have many skills, acquired over a lifetime of lived and business experience. I have expertise in developing strong relationships, strategic decision making, risk management and team dynamics. I have large community networks, and I am passionate about empowering all communities to build stronger connections and be active in participants in designing their solutions best practice, evidence based solutions. |
Belco Party | Alan | Tutt | |
Canberra Liberals | Jacob | Vadakkedathu | |
ACT Greens | Rebecca | Vassarotti | I am a Canberra native, long-term Kurrajong resident, Mum of three school-aged kids, and engaged member of my community. I have dedicated my professional life to reduce poverty, disadvantage and discrimination across our community. I bring a range of professional and volunteer experiences including leadership roles in our local community sector, volunteer roles on a range of not-for-profit board and committees and serving as a community member of the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal. These have fostered skills including community engagement, a commitment to evidence-based policy and a deep commitment to participatory democracy and people centred leadership. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Peter | Veenstra | |
Canberra Liberals | Andrew | Wall | |
ACT Labor | Taimus | Werner-Gibbings | |
Independent | Brendan | Whyte | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Bruce | Willett | |
Canberra Progressives | Bethany | Williams | My skills and experience to be an MLA stem from my real-life experience being a member of the Canberra community. I am a Canberra mother who has worked in the Australian Public Service for years and has contributed to the community through starting the Canberra Nippers program. My strengths are my persistence, my compassion, my willingness to ask the hard questions and pursue answers. I am not a career politician. I just want to make sure the government does the right thing by the community. I want to ensure political integrity and transparency in government. |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Robyn | Williams | I am Robyn Williams and I am pleased to be a candidate in Kurrajong for the Community Action Party (CAP). I am honoured to be CAP’s vice-president. I worked in museums and archaeology in New Zealand and New South Wales, including time in Griffith, NSW, which like Canberra, was planned by Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahoney. |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Gordon | Yeatman | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Scott | Young |
Party | First Name | Family Name | Skills and experience for ministry |
ACT Labor | Judy | Anderson | I have worked in and around government, including the ACT Government for many years, so I have extensive experience in how government works, including policy development and legislative process. In these roles, I have delivered better government services, including in health, technology policy, bringing investment to Canberra and creating new jobs and offering new training and education opportunities. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Joy | Angel | |
ACT Greens | Merlin | Baker | |
ACT Labor | Andrew | Barr | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Greg | Baynham | |
ACT Labor | Yvette | Berry | |
Canberra Progressives | Tim | Bohm | |
ACT Greens | Adriana | Boisen | |
ACT Greens | Andrew | Braddock | As an environmental engineer, I know how to make our city more sustainable. I have a professional understanding of the municipal systems that support Canberra's households including water, waste water, and traffic design. As a public servant, I also have hands on experience in developing policy and crafting legislation. |
Animal Justice Party | Bernie | Brennan | |
ACT Greens | Michael | Brewer | I am a political science student, so I have an intimate understanding of how government, the Assembly, and the bureaucracy operates. At 20 years old, I will bring a long-term perspective to any ministry position I hold, a perspective which I think is severely lacking in the current political class. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Geoff | Buckmaster | |
ACT Labor | Joy | Burch | |
Canberra Liberals | Candice | Burch | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Rohan | Byrnes | |
Canberra Liberals | Peter | Cain | |
Independent | Fiona | Carrick | I have a strong understanding of the social, economic and environmental needs of our community. I support open and transparent strategic planning in consultation with the community to provide guidance and confidence to both the public and private sector to invest in our community. My public sector and finance background provides me with a strong understanding of public budgeting and the machinery of government. |
Canberra Liberals | Leanne | Castley | |
ACT Labor | Tara | Cheyne | To best get results for my constituents, I've dedicated my first term to voraciously learning the how and why of Government - whether it's through an extensive committee inquiry or by joining a ranger out in the field. I've led large, diverse teams, have an MBA, and work hard. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Andrew | Clapham | |
ACT Greens | Jo | Clay | l'm a lawyer and communicator by profession. I've written and delivered programs, policy and legislation for the ACT and Federal governments. l've worked with ACT community groups and lobby groups. I have media experience. I run my own budgets and businesses. I have a general understanding of how to get things done. |
Canberra Liberals | Ed | Cocks | |
ACT Labor | Bec | Cody | |
Canberra Liberals | Alistair | Coe | |
Independent | Helen | Cross | |
Independent | Mignonne | Cullen | |
Independent | Marilena | Damiano | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Daniels | |
ACT Greens | Emma | Davidson | I have experience working in Commonwealth public service, small business, and community sector. I have worked in policy development, fair trade and environmentally sustainable retail, software development, social research and advocacy. A friend recently said to me "Emma, you've lived 76 lives!" and well... she's not wrong! Diversity of experiences is a strength. |
ACT Greens | Johnathan | Davis | |
ACT Labor | Cathy | Day | |
Liberal Democrats | Dominic | De Luca | |
Animal Justice Party | Yana | del Valle | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Oksana | Demetrios | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Andrew | Demetrios | |
ACT Labor | Tim | Dobson | I am not a career politician, but I have been politically active for the past twenty years. My background in Economics has given me the understanding and tools to deal with policy ideas and financial problems, and my frontline work with students and families has ensured I have an acute understand of the impact those big decisions have on ordinary community members. |
Animal Justice Party | Lara | Drew | |
Animal Justice Party | Carolyne | Drew | |
Belco Party | Vijay | Dubey | |
ACT Labor | Sue | Ducker | |
ACT Greens | Sue | Ellerman | |
Animal Justice Party | Jannah | Fahiz | |
Canberra Progressives | Therese | Faulkner | As a former Senior Executive Service officer, I led large programs of work, with complex budgets and staffing. I worked with ministers and their advisers, and know what works well, and what actions and behaviours to avoid. I know it takes hard work to make things happen – talk is cheap! |
ACT Labor | Tom | Fischer | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Forde | If I was ever fortunate enough to become a minister, I would bring my analytical skills, as well as my commitment to bettering our community, to the table. Above all, I would listen to and be guided by expert advice in formulating and executing policy. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sophia | Forner | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Richard | Forner | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Paul | Gabriel | |
ACT Labor | Mick | Gentleman | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Mark | Gilmayer | |
ACT Greens | Tjanara | Goreng Goreng | I am a therapist, social worker and community development designer and program designer by training, and I have completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Management from Melbourne Business School and a Master of Social Administration, majoring in community development, population health specifically addiction. I have written, designed and delivered programs, policy |
Liberal Democrats | Jacob | Gowor | |
Canberra Liberals | Rattesh | Gumber | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Gunning | |
ACT Labor | Deepak-Raj | Gupta | |
Animal Justice Party | Edmund | Handby | |
Canberra Liberals | Jeremy | Hanson | |
ACT Greens | Mainul | Haque | I have extensive experience in policy development and implementation and am experienced in managing large organisations. The challenges I have faced allow me to empathise with the sufferings of others, a quality that would benefit the ministry. I would also bring diversity as well as inclusiveness in the government. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Haydon | |
Labour DLP | Olivia | Helmore | |
Belco Party | Chic | Henry | |
Canberra Liberals | Jane | Hiatt | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jackson | Hillman | |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Alvin | Hopper | |
Animal Justice Party | Francine | Horne | |
Australian Federation Party | Mohammad Munir | Hussain | |
ACT Labor | Jacob | Ingram | |
Liberal Democrats | Guy | Jakeman | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Johnson | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Petar | Johnson | |
Canberra Liberals | Giulia | Jones | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Kearsley | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Kikkert | |
Canberra Progressives | Robert | Knight | I have proven strategic thinking, and stakeholder engagement skills, including the marshalling of expertise in the development of policy and operational aims. |
Liberal Democrats | Matthew | Knight | |
Canberra Liberals | Kacey | Lam | |
Canberra Liberals | Nicole | Lawder | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Lee | |
Independent | Fuxin | Li | I have worked in various leadership roles in the past 19 years at local and national levels. This enriched my experience in working with government agencies, politicians, community organizations, non-profits and the private sector. It helped me to build up my skills in working with people from different backgrounds and to enhance abilities in considering issues from different perspectives and at different levels. |
ACT Greens | Tim | Liersch | |
Canberra Progressives | Stephen | Lin | |
ACT Labor | Greg | Lloyd | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Long | |
Belco Party | Angela | Lount | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Jill | ||
Labour DLP | Ian | McClure | |
Labour DLP | Helen | McClure | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Milligan | |
ACT Greens | Katt | Millner | blank in statement |
Canberra Liberals | Krishna | Nadimpalli | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sok Kheng | Ngep | |
ACT Labor | Maddy | Northam | |
ACT Greens | Laura | Nuttall | I have passion and commitment to represent my community, and am a strong believer in evidence-based approaches to policy making. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Mark | O'Connor | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Alix | O'Hara | My professional skillsets are enterprise level project management, leadership both of teams, and to open entire business categories. I specialize in innovation to bring several paradigm shifting technologies to market and hold several patents internationally. In general, I rapidly adapt to different technologies and landscapes, e.g. web administration to website and application development |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Matthew | Ogilvie | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Adrian | Olley | |
ACT Labor | Suzanne | Orr | |
Independent | Bruce | Paine | Skills and experience in: providing advice on matters including taxation competition policy, Federal-State financial relations; liaising with the private sector, not for profits, and community organisations; and considering issue from a whole of community perspective. However, as an Independent, I would not accept a role in the Ministry, but would cast an experienced eye over Ministers' decisions. |
Canberra Liberals | Mark | Parton | |
ACT Labor | Marisa | Paterson | My research career has instilled in me an evidence based approach to policy development and implementation. Further to this, I have a quest to understand and seek informed, innovative solutions to society's complex problems. This is based in the fundamental understanding that to promote change and growth, you have to bring people with you. |
Canberra Liberals | Patrick | Pentony | |
Independent | Lee | Perren-Leveridge | |
ACT Labor | Michael | Pettersson | |
ACT Labor | Georgia | Phillips | |
David Pollard Independent | David | Pollard | I commit to remaining Independent from the ministry. I believe an Independent should remain on the crossbench and vote on each issue on the merits. An Independent brings scrutiny and improves both sides of politics, but they cannot do that when compromised by a cabinet agreement. |
David Pollard Independent Party | Stephanie | Pollard | |
Australian Federation Party | Jason | Potter | Local Community Leader and Advocate A good listener who believes in making sure every person's voice is heard National Manager of Vocational Education for large Private Training Institution Manager of 3500 Volunteers across Australia and NZ for International Aid NGO Father, Husband, Uncle and avid Sports fan |
ACT Labor | Gordon | Ramsay | I believe everything comes from good listening - through conversations with people about the things that matter and meaningful consultation. With a long background in the community sector and as a lawyer, I fight for social justice and inclusion with a view to policy and legislation that puts people first. |
ACT Greens | Shane | Rattenbury | As a Minister since 2012, I have held a range of portfolios, working to bring good governance, transparency and fair decision making to the role. As a Greens Minister, I have demonstrated an ability to work collaboratively to form a multiparty government, ensuring stable government while delivering on the platform of my party. |
Canberra Liberals | Ignatius | Rozario | |
Animal Justice Party | Serrin | Rutledge-Prior | |
Australian Federation Party | Scott | Sandford | |
Canberra Liberals | Amardeep | Singh | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Oliver | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Julie | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Robyn | Soxsmith | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jonathan | Stavridis | |
ACT Labor | Chris | Steel | |
Belco Party | Bill | Stefaniac | |
Canberra Progressives | Mike | Stelzig | I have proven strategic thinking, and stakeholder engagement skills, including identification of, and problem solving skills. |
ACT Labor | Rachel | Stephen-Smith | As Minister for Health, I have seen our public servants and healthcare workers at their best in responding to COVID-19 and have worked hard to support them in protecting ACT residents. I've sought to listen to all sectors of our community and communicate clearly in an environment of great uncertainty. |
Labour DLP | Bernie | Strang | |
Canberra Liberals | Sarah | Suine | |
Canberra Progressives | Peta | Swarbrick | Attaining a Dip Ed in Community Services(Com Dev)has made me an avid proponent of Asset (Strengths) Based Community Development,. Thus giving me the skills to work closely within our wonderfully diverse Canberra community to identify innovative solutions that meet community needs. Employing evidence, providing transparency and being accountable to the Community whilst having the skills to manage competing interests in order to deliver the best policy, is key to being an effective Minister. |
Belco Party | Alan | Tutt | |
Canberra Liberals | Jacob | Vadakkedathu | |
ACT Greens | Rebecca | Vassarotti | I have been extremely fortunate to have had a diverse range of professional roles across a number of sectors which provides an understanding of the complexity of many issues. I am committed to understanding different perspectives and ensuring that evidence is a key driver of decision makers. My work in areas of disadvantage equip me to ensure that politics serve people. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Peter | Veenstra | |
Canberra Liberals | Andrew | Wall | |
ACT Labor | Taimus | Werner-Gibbings | |
Independent | Brendan | Whyte | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Bruce | Willett | |
Canberra Progressives | Bethany | Williams | A role in the ministry would be an incredible honour and responsibility, however, I would prefer to be honest and say that I would not immediately possess the skills and experience to take on such a role. What would make me suitable for a role in the ministry would be to be elected to the Legislative Assembly first, and spend several years listening and learning about issues of importance, particularly in a ministry where I might be able to make the most difference. |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Robyn | Williams | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Gordon | Yeatman | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Scott | Young |
Party | First Name | Family Name | Representing my constituents |
ACT Labor | Judy | Anderson | I believe the best way to create positive change is to engage closely with the community to understand their problems and work with them to develop creative solutions. This includes listening to a variety of views and actively bringing communities together to share perspectives, generate a deeper understanding and actively encourage collaboration for developing outcomes with the community. With extensive experience in a wide range of settings: community, business and government, I will be a highly effective representative of the community by relentlessly championing their needs because I have a deep understanding of what effective government looks like, and a strong appetite to continuously improve the delivery of government services. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Joy | Angel | |
ACT Greens | Merlin | Baker | |
ACT Labor | Andrew | Barr | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Greg | Baynham | |
ACT Labor | Yvette | Berry | |
Canberra Progressives | Tim | Bohm | |
ACT Greens | Adriana | Boisen | |
ACT Greens | Andrew | Braddock | With integrity, transparency and zeal. I am committed to putting the Yerrabi community first. That means putting the community and the environment we depend on ahead of big business, corporate interests and lobbyists. I will make myself readily available to all constituents, and actively seek out a diverse range of community views, even if contrarian to my own. I will attend all Community Council meetings that I possibly can. |
Animal Justice Party | Bernie | Brennan | |
ACT Greens | Michael | Brewer | I am scared for my future, and we must act now to save our planet. I believe that climate and social justice are intimately linked, and I will act to ensure the climate is considered when implementing all policies. We need housing that is sensitive to our changing environment, we need healthcare which considers future extremes like the bushfires we experienced last summer, and we need to transition our public transport away from fossil fuels to electric, hydrogen, and active options. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Geoff | Buckmaster | |
ACT Labor | Joy | Burch | |
Canberra Liberals | Candice | Burch | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Rohan | Byrnes | |
Canberra Liberals | Peter | Cain | |
Independent | Fiona | Carrick | I am standing as a candidate to bring a strong independent voice to the Legislative Assembly that is issues based and not aligned with party ideology and politics. I will continue to advocate for: planning for the people, not developers; and transparency and accountability in decision making. I will work with community organisations to identify problems and options to rectify them. I will apply planning principles to the options to ensure the proposed solutions meet the needs of the community. I am a viable alternative to the major parties because I will investigate issues and consider the merits of proposals in the context of the community. |
Canberra Liberals | Leanne | Castley | |
ACT Labor | Tara | Cheyne | As an MLA, I've prided myself on being available and accessible – and I will continue that. In addition to the multiple channels where constituents can reach me (email, social media, phoning and meetings), I proactively reach out to constituents, such as through regular mobile offices, volunteering at many fetes and community events and meetings, running numerous petitions, and engaging (not just broadcasting) through social media. In this way, I can best understand what's important, effectively pursue outcomes, and get results on the things that matter. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Andrew | Clapham | |
ACT Greens | Jo | Clay | I will seek a fairer and greener future for Ginninderra, Canberra, Australia and the planet. As we move beyond the summer climate change smoke and fire crisis and the current COVlD-19 crisis, I will use my political voice and practical experience to apply what we have learned. I will promote strong action on climate change and better adaptation to keep our houses, public spaces and city liveable in a changing climate. I will support public transport, education and health that is accessible for all. I will help communities and businesses work together to build a fairer and greener system. |
Canberra Liberals | Ed | Cocks | |
ACT Labor | Bec | Cody | |
Canberra Liberals | Alistair | Coe | |
Independent | Helen | Cross | |
Independent | Mignonne | Cullen | |
Independent | Marilena | Damiano | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Daniels | |
ACT Greens | Emma | Davidson | All policies underpinning ACT Greens decision-making in the ACT Legislative Assembly are developed in consultation with community groups and Canberra residents, and published on the ACT Greens website. Where an issue is complex or existing policy is unclear on the right approach, I will consult with all stakeholders, with the aim of finding a solution that best meets the needs of residents and our planet. ACT Greens do not accept corporate donations. I will push for greater transparency on donations, and corporate donations to all political parties to be banned.* |
ACT Greens | Johnathan | Davis | |
ACT Labor | Cathy | Day | |
Liberal Democrats | Dominic | De Luca | |
Animal Justice Party | Yana | del Valle | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Oksana | Demetrios | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Andrew | Demetrios | |
ACT Labor | Tim | Dobson | I want to support community organisers who are from the constituency, to initiate and maintain ongoing engagement with the broader population. Alongside them, I will facilitate participatory environments that opens an ongoing dialogue rather than merely consulting over issues. |
Animal Justice Party | Lara | Drew | |
Animal Justice Party | Carolyne | Drew | |
Belco Party | Vijay | Dubey | |
ACT Labor | Sue | Ducker | |
ACT Greens | Sue | Ellerman | |
Animal Justice Party | Jannah | Fahiz | |
Canberra Progressives | Therese | Faulkner | I plan to be a genuine representative of my constituents by staying grounded – having conversations with real people about their challenges and the impact of government actions on them and their families. I will also draw from advice and experiences of established community organisations covering a diversity of constituents, to ensure a well-rounded view of the issues, challenges and impacts from a range of perspectives. |
ACT Labor | Tom | Fischer | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Forde | I will always be present and available in the community to remain available to my constituents. I will do this through regular and frequent mobile offices across Tuggeranong. I will seek the view of the community on the policy questions before me, both through face to face meetings and also surveys. While I will not promise to be a perfect reflection of the will of the community, I will always form my decision with their views in mind, and then explain the rationale for my decision to them. I will be accountable for my actions to my constituents. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sophia | Forner | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Richard | Forner | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Paul | Gabriel | |
ACT Labor | Mick | Gentleman | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Mark | Gilmayer | |
ACT Greens | Tjanara | Goreng Goreng | blank in statement |
Liberal Democrats | Jacob | Gowor | |
Canberra Liberals | Rattesh | Gumber | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Gunning | |
ACT Labor | Deepak-Raj | Gupta | |
Animal Justice Party | Edmund | Handby | |
Canberra Liberals | Jeremy | Hanson | |
ACT Greens | Mainul | Haque | I will support “policies based on the needs of our community, not the greed of a few.” In Yerrabi this means we will: • plant many more trees • build a multipurpose community centre and revitalise Yerrabi Pond. These two initiatives will create jobs, support our local small businesses and will bring families and communities together • expand Gunghalin CIT campus to provide opportunities for all ages. • improve cycle paths and road infrastructures to reduce traffic congestion and better connect our suburbs • support sustainable development for Gungahlin • support female only swimming sessions in all public pools in Canberra • enhance efforts to address domestic violence, social isolation and mental health challenges, including in multicultural communities • establish a community garden in Gungahlin. These are policies based on need rather than greed. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Haydon | |
Labour DLP | Olivia | Helmore | |
Belco Party | Chic | Henry | |
Canberra Liberals | Jane | Hiatt | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jackson | Hillman | |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Alvin | Hopper | CAP is determined to improve the way Canberra is run. CAP stands for more community involvement, and transparency, in government. Our aim is to improve life in the ACT for everyone. We safeguard our distinct identity, but we are always ready to cooperate with others in the interests of good government. CAP will serve Canberra well – vote for us! |
Animal Justice Party | Francine | Horne | |
Australian Federation Party | Mohammad Munir | Hussain | |
ACT Labor | Jacob | Ingram | |
Liberal Democrats | Guy | Jakeman | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Johnson | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Petar | Johnson | |
Canberra Liberals | Giulia | Jones | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Kearsley | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Kikkert | |
Canberra Progressives | Robert | Knight | By genuinely engaging those who I seek to represent, and taking a values based leadership style within my community. |
Liberal Democrats | Matthew | Knight | |
Canberra Liberals | Kacey | Lam | |
Canberra Liberals | Nicole | Lawder | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Lee | |
Independent | Fuxin | Li | As an independent candidate, I will be not tied up by any party ideologies and restrictions. I will be able to represent and advocate first and foremost for my constituents and community. In particular, I will: make myself accessible to all the constituents and listen to their concerns and views through all available channels such as telephone, email, social media and meetings, so to understand their issues and concerns. consider issues from the perspectives of my constituents and community, supporting with research and analysis of the issues and consultation with the stakeholders. present an independent voice to ACT Legislative Assembly with proposals and solutions that meet the needs of the constituents and community. |
ACT Greens | Tim | Liersch | If elected, I plan to represent my constituents by making myself as available as possible to listen to and receive information from people across Ginninderra, with a particular emphasis on the views of individuals over organisations. I will make myself available by phone, email, and video at advertised intervals. I will operate on the basis that there is always new information that could come to light which can sway a government decision. |
Canberra Progressives | Stephen | Lin | If elected, I will get to know community groups and meet their representatives and members, and harness their current concerns and priorities for my future Bill proposals and law reform recommendations. I will maintain open communication channels with the public, represent their voices on various issues, be their referral hub to identify best mechanism to resolve their concerns, and follow up with the relevant agencies for better solution. I will also participate in various parliamentary committees and examine pressing issues in detail, and contribute to law reforms needed in our electorate and wider ACT. I will work with the constituents for improved social and cultural environment. |
ACT Labor | Greg | Lloyd | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Long | |
Belco Party | Angela | Lount | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Jill | ||
Labour DLP | Ian | McClure | |
Labour DLP | Helen | McClure | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Milligan | |
ACT Greens | Katt | Millner | I will always work to improve social, racial and climate justice within our community. I will always prioritise the needs of Ginninderra when pushing for action on climate change, and better access to public transport, housing and education. I will seek to continue the work of others in building an inclusive and supportive community in the ACT, striving to provide high quality and accessible physical and mental health care for all. |
Canberra Liberals | Krishna | Nadimpalli | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sok Kheng | Ngep | |
ACT Labor | Maddy | Northam | |
ACT Greens | Laura | Nuttall | I intend to remain fully accessible to all constituents through mobile and email contact, ideally in addition office hours in a local South-side electoral office (this policy is being championed by the Greens). I will advocate for my constituents first and foremost, and be critical regarding vested interests. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Mark | O'Connor | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Alix | O'Hara | Australian Climate Change Justice Party has a strong progressive agenda in climate change justice: mitigation of the impending economic, and social stratification impacts of climate change, as well as environmental challenges. This is exemplified through our United Solar Policy, bringing a solar unit and battery to every rooftop in Canberra, or otherwise upgrades of existing systems, or providing equivalent shares in solar wind farms. While the free market still makes the transition to clean energy prohibitively expensive for those who’d most benefit from solar power, the impacts will be to crime and other corollaries of poverty and the chronic stress it imposes. |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Matthew | Ogilvie | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Adrian | Olley | |
ACT Labor | Suzanne | Orr | |
Independent | Bruce | Paine | Listen, and carefully consider matter from the perspective of the whole community, before supporting an approach that benefits as much of the community as feasible while avoiding detrimental impacts particularly on people in need. Regularly hold open meetings with constituents and their representative organisations; regularly meet with peak bodies, regularly meet with other MLAs irrespective of their Party affiliation (or not) particularly those representing Kurrajong. |
Canberra Liberals | Mark | Parton | |
ACT Labor | Marisa | Paterson | I am inspired by the people, businesses, environment and community that is Murrumbidgee, and I plan to be an inspiring leader. This electorate has been my home for my adult life. I came here knowing no-one, and now I wouldn't live anywhere else. I am proud to bring my children up in this community. I will be a responsive and consultative representative. Embracing the diversity of views and values in our community, I will seek to listen, understand and make decisions with transparency and integrity that are in the best interests of Murrumbidgee residents. |
Canberra Liberals | Patrick | Pentony | |
Independent | Lee | Perren-Leveridge | |
ACT Labor | Michael | Pettersson | |
ACT Labor | Georgia | Phillips | |
David Pollard Independent | David | Pollard | A thriving Canberra is good for everyone, but my priority above all else is the people of Yerrabi. I intend to focus on local issues, people, business, entertainment, environment, education, sport, health, and safety. I will set the gold standard for what an Independent Crossbench can achieve for their electorate so that in 2024, every electorate wants to elect their own Independent. I will have a local presence like an electoral office, where I will be available to all constituents. I will continue to work with and promote the Community Councils as a conduit for community voice. |
David Pollard Independent Party | Stephanie | Pollard | |
Australian Federation Party | Jason | Potter | Our party is committed to implementing community sourced policies and plans. We seek to listen through meeting with individuals and groups and conducting extensive surveys to discover what the community wants. We will never vote against the majority view of the electorate we represent. This means our party comes second and the residents of our electorates come first. It is time to return representative democracy to the ACT. |
ACT Labor | Gordon | Ramsay | I will continue to listen to my constituents about what is important to them – from local municipal issues to big-picture policy questions – by making myself available at community events, weekend stalls at shopping centres, by contacting my office, or over social media. I will aim to get things fixed for you, make services better, and continue to be your voice in the running of the ACT so that is a great place to live, work, play and raise a family. |
ACT Greens | Shane | Rattenbury | I will seek to deliver the ideas outlined by myself and my party during the election campaign, and address issues that arise by listening to community views and looking for the solutions that are fair, equitable and sustainable. I will promote and implement improved community engagement in decision making, particularly through the use of deliberative democracy, and attend a broad range of community events, meetings and discussions to make sure I am available and connected to the community. |
Canberra Liberals | Ignatius | Rozario | |
Animal Justice Party | Serrin | Rutledge-Prior | |
Australian Federation Party | Scott | Sandford | |
Canberra Liberals | Amardeep | Singh | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Oliver | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Julie | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Robyn | Soxsmith | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jonathan | Stavridis | |
ACT Labor | Chris | Steel | |
Belco Party | Bill | Stefaniac | |
Canberra Progressives | Mike | Stelzig | By genuinely listening to my constituents and communicating with them in an open and transparent way and by making true democracy available to them. I work for the electorate; they don't work for me. |
ACT Labor | Rachel | Stephen-Smith | As a Member for Kurrajong, I have a strong record of engaging with the community, including through mobile offices throughout my four years in the Assembly. My office is responsive to constituent issues and I regularly attend community meetings and meet with individual constituents and representative groups. Just as importantly, I represent my constituents by pursuing outcomes that reflect the progressive values of my electorate - from secure local jobs to disability inclusion to self-determination for Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander peoples. If I'm re-elected, I'll continue to be a genuine, strong and progressive voice for the heart of Canberra. |
Labour DLP | Bernie | Strang | |
Canberra Liberals | Sarah | Suine | |
Canberra Progressives | Peta | Swarbrick | I plan to represent my constituents by ensuring that I seek a range of views, encourage participation in community dialogue across my constituency and seeking feedback about issues and priorities that effect my electorate. I plan to employ deliberative processes within my own electorate to ensure I am listening to my constituents closely so I can make the best decisions on their behalf. I am a very hands on, face to face person, and that is how I plan to stay connected with what my electorate wants, and needs. I plan to talk once, and listen twice. |
Belco Party | Alan | Tutt | |
Canberra Liberals | Jacob | Vadakkedathu | |
ACT Greens | Rebecca | Vassarotti | I plan to listen, be accessible and be connected to my local community. I commit to being transparent about how I am making decisions and be accountable back to the community who have put faith in me as their political representative. I commit to responding to evidence and ensuring that the positions I support are in the best interests of all our community members, ensuring that those who are most vulnerable are not left behind. I commit to ensuring I fight against those who seek to buy influence or favourable policy that serves private interests rather than the community. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Peter | Veenstra | |
Canberra Liberals | Andrew | Wall | |
ACT Labor | Taimus | Werner-Gibbings | |
Independent | Brendan | Whyte | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Bruce | Willett | |
Canberra Progressives | Bethany | Williams | Yerrabi is one of the fastest growing electorates in the ACT. But the infrastructure is not keeping pace with the growth, and the Yerrabi community are getting frustrated. Planning for roads lags suburb growth, causing gridlock and a massive time cost. We need to address school numbers and ensure that kids are getting the best education possible. We need a hospital in Gungahlin. The police station needs an upgrade. We need to make sure our emergency services are properly resourced. And Giralang needs shops! So, if elected, I will be pushing and prodding the government to make these things happen. |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Robyn | Williams | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Gordon | Yeatman | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Scott | Young |
Party | First Name | Family Name | Promote good government |
ACT Labor | Judy | Anderson | I believe in transparency and accountability by government and the best way to achieve these means is through effective scrutiny of government decisions through Assembly processes, including questioning, committees and reporting. I will fully support independent scrutiny processes are maintained, supported recommendations are acted on, including from the Auditor General and the Independent Commission Against Corruption. I fully support and will advocate for participative and deliberative democracy including in relation to complex and sometimes contentious matters. I will be actively alert to the pervasive influence of vested interests, to ensure my representation of the community and their interest are foremost. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Joy | Angel | |
ACT Greens | Merlin | Baker | |
ACT Labor | Andrew | Barr | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Greg | Baynham | |
ACT Labor | Yvette | Berry | |
Canberra Progressives | Tim | Bohm | |
ACT Greens | Adriana | Boisen | |
ACT Greens | Andrew | Braddock | The ACT Greens are proud to have led the way in increasing transparency of the political donations in the Territory, reducing the threshold and increasing the frequency of reporting and we already go beyond what the law requires. However, the ACT Greens do not believe that, on balance, real time disclosure of every single donation of any sum serves to improve democracy. In particular, the administrative imposition of such reporting would pose a barrier to entry to small political parties and independents who do not have the capacity to do such reporting. Additionally, in a city like Canberra, with many public servants and academics, we have a large number of citizens who legitimately fear reprisal for publicly supporting a political party or cause. We of course will continue to work to improve the donations system. |
Animal Justice Party | Bernie | Brennan | |
ACT Greens | Michael | Brewer | The ACT Greens are proud to have led the way in increasing transparency of political donations in the Territory, reducing the threshold and increasing the frequency of reporting and we already go beyond what the law requires. For example, we do not accept donations from developers, and we have a committee whose role is to examine any offer of a donation above $1000 for potential conflict of interest or perceived conflict. This committee has rejected a substantial number of donations over the years. However, the ACT Greens do not believe that, on balance, real time disclosure of every single donation of any sum serves to improve democracy. In particular, the administrative imposition of such reporting would pose a barrier to entry to small political parties and independents who do not have the capacity to do such reporting. Additionally, in a city like Canberra, with many public servants and academics, we have a large number of citizens who legitimately fear reprisal for publicly supporting a political party or cause. We of course will continue to work to improve the donations system. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Geoff | Buckmaster | |
ACT Labor | Joy | Burch | |
Canberra Liberals | Candice | Burch | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Rohan | Byrnes | |
Canberra Liberals | Peter | Cain | |
Independent | Fiona | Carrick | I will promote good government by being responsive to stakeholders and strengthening community consultation to include the communities views to reach a common understanding of the issues and options to implement solutions. I will require the development of transparent and accountable business cases for significant decisions, for example light rail, SPIRE and the Woden CIT to determine the problem, the policy objectives and the options to achieve the best result for the community. |
Canberra Liberals | Leanne | Castley | |
ACT Labor | Tara | Cheyne | Encourage and work to have as much information as possible available, accessible and easy to find across different media Provide regular updates or reports on implementation of policies, programs and election commitments Explain the how and why of parliamentary and Government processes and decisions Respond in a timely and candid way to constituent concerns or queries |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Andrew | Clapham | |
ACT Greens | Jo | Clay | The ACT Greens are commifted to continuous and open disclosure for a better democracy. The ACT Greens were instrumental in establishing the new ACT lntegrity Commission and the ban on property developer donations. We are pr6ud to have led the way in increasing transparency of political donations in the Territory, reducing the threshold and increasing the frequency of reporting and we already go beyond what the law requires. For example, we do not accept donations from developers, and we have a committee whose role is to examine any offer of a donation above $'1000 for potential conflict of interest or perceived conflict. This committee has rejected a substantial number of ' donations over the years. However, the ACT Greens do not believe that, on balance, real time disclosure of every single donation of any sum serves to improve democracy. ln particular, the administrative imposition of such reporting would pose a barrier to entry to small political parties and independents who do not have the capacity to do such reporting. Additionally, in a city like Canberra, with many public servants and academics, we have a large number of citizens who legitimately fear reprisal for publicly supporting a political party or cause. We of course will continue to work to improve the donations system. On a personal note, I'm available to constituents via email, Facebook, telephone, at public forums and via my participation in many Canberra groups. Community exchanges are essential to find out what issues are affecting people and how I can assist. |
Canberra Liberals | Ed | Cocks | |
ACT Labor | Bec | Cody | |
Canberra Liberals | Alistair | Coe | |
Independent | Helen | Cross | |
Independent | Mignonne | Cullen | |
Independent | Marilena | Damiano | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Daniels | |
ACT Greens | Emma | Davidson | I will: Host skill-building workshops and provide support to community groups on advocacy, understanding the political process, and writing effective submissions and grant applications. Push for resourcing and support for communities to proactively develop community initiatives and plans, and for those plans to be appropriately considered by government and responded to in a timely and respectful manner. Work to promote greater transparency in Cabinet decisions, as well as active disclosure of data, analysis, research and other information of public interest by Government agencies, with protections for individual privacy. |
ACT Greens | Johnathan | Davis | |
ACT Labor | Cathy | Day | |
Liberal Democrats | Dominic | De Luca | |
Animal Justice Party | Yana | del Valle | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Oksana | Demetrios | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Andrew | Demetrios | |
ACT Labor | Tim | Dobson | - Employ deliberative democracy where possible, to maximise the community's say in governance. - Support the ACT government's planning review to ensure we have a planning system that responds to Canberra's growth and builds a city that is sustainable and leaves no Canberran behind. |
Animal Justice Party | Lara | Drew | |
Animal Justice Party | Carolyne | Drew | |
Belco Party | Vijay | Dubey | |
ACT Labor | Sue | Ducker | |
ACT Greens | Sue | Ellerman | |
Animal Justice Party | Jannah | Fahiz | |
Canberra Progressives | Therese | Faulkner | I will seek to introduce a Compact or Agreement between all MLAs (as a collective) and the people of the ACT which sets out on a page the vision, mission and actions we will take to promote good government and strengthen our responsiveness, accountability and transparency. This will be a publicly launched document, developed through a process of public consultation, with performance measured and reported annually. |
ACT Labor | Tom | Fischer | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Forde | - Respond to and address constituent matters in a timely manner; - Seek feedback on decision making through frequent surveys and town halls; - Engage the community through the work of committees; - Support the work of the integrity commission; -Commit to passing information/feedback/complaints from the community into the relevant parts of government; - Explain my own decision making on issues through various forms. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sophia | Forner | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Richard | Forner | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Paul | Gabriel | |
ACT Labor | Mick | Gentleman | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Mark | Gilmayer | |
ACT Greens | Tjanara | Goreng Goreng | If elected, I will use my networks, knowledge and ability to build collaborative relationship to undertake these measures to promote good government and strengthen the responsiveness, accountability and transparency of government in the ACT. As a member of the ACT Greens I am proud that my elected colleagues have led the way in increasing transparency of political donations in the Territory, reducing the threshold and increasing the frequency of reporting and we already go beyond what the law requires. For example, we do not accept donations from developers, and we have a committee whose role is to examine any offer of a donation above $1000 for potential conflict of interest or perceived conflict. |
Liberal Democrats | Jacob | Gowor | |
Canberra Liberals | Rattesh | Gumber | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Gunning | |
ACT Labor | Deepak-Raj | Gupta | |
Animal Justice Party | Edmund | Handby | |
Canberra Liberals | Jeremy | Hanson | |
ACT Greens | Mainul | Haque | The ACT Greens have a proud history of promoting good government and increasing accountability and transparency. On that vein I will advocate for stronger participatory budget processes, inviting interested organisations and individuals to provide their input. I would also work to ensure policy development is underpinned by appropriate and relevant consultation and decision-making processes as well as the decisions are transparent. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Haydon | |
Labour DLP | Olivia | Helmore | |
Belco Party | Chic | Henry | |
Canberra Liberals | Jane | Hiatt | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jackson | Hillman | |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Alvin | Hopper | If elected he will take a keen interest in examining proposed laws. With no house of review as a check on executive power, many ACT laws are pushed through without proper scrutiny. |
Animal Justice Party | Francine | Horne | |
Australian Federation Party | Mohammad Munir | Hussain | |
ACT Labor | Jacob | Ingram | |
Liberal Democrats | Guy | Jakeman | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Johnson | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Petar | Johnson | |
Canberra Liberals | Giulia | Jones | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Kearsley | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Kikkert | |
Canberra Progressives | Robert | Knight | I will seek to establish a culture and behaviors which put the Canberra community as a broad collective, front and centre in the Legislative Assemblys dealings. I will seek to develop genuine community engagement mechanisms which truly give a democratic voice to the people. |
Liberal Democrats | Matthew | Knight | |
Canberra Liberals | Kacey | Lam | |
Canberra Liberals | Nicole | Lawder | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Lee | |
Independent | Fuxin | Li | I am aware of the legislations and frameworks at territory and national levels that are in place to ensure good governance, performance, accountability and transparency of government, as well as the ACT governments practice of Open Government. If elected, I will examine the measures currently in place to ensure they are adequately safeguarding our democratic system and strengthening the responsiveness, accountability and transparency of government, for instance, reporting of donations, public access to governance resources and information. communicate and consult with the constituents and community regarding issues and policies. be responsive to stakeholders and community views of issues and solutions. |
ACT Greens | Tim | Liersch | The Greens are proud to have led the way in increasing transparency of political donations in the ACT, reducing the threshold and increasing the frequency of reporting and we already go beyond what the law requires. For example, we do not accept donations from developers, and we have a committee whose role is to examine any offer of a donation above $1000 for potential or perceived conflict of interest. This committee has rejected a substantial number of donations over the years. However, the Greens do not believe that, on balance, real time disclosure of every single donation of any sum serves to improve democracy. In particular, the administrative imposition of such reporting would pose a barrier to entry to small political parties and independents who do not have the capacity to do such reporting. Additionally, in a city like Canberra, with many public servants and academics, we have a large number of citizens who legitimately fear reprisal for publicly supporting a political party or cause, even if they do so in an entirely personal capacity. I will of course continue to work to improve the donations system and seek ways to improve donations transparency. Recognising that commonwealth laws currently constrain the ability of the ACT to make meaningful change in this area, I will collaborate with Federal Greens MPs and Senators to make the ACTs laws enforceable once again. |
Canberra Progressives | Stephen | Lin | I will learn fast and contribute in policy making widely, keep the government accountable for any policy and administrative mistakes. |
ACT Labor | Greg | Lloyd | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Long | |
Belco Party | Angela | Lount | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Jill | ||
Labour DLP | Ian | McClure | |
Labour DLP | Helen | McClure | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Milligan | |
ACT Greens | Katt | Millner | The ACT Greens support improving donations disclosure and transparency in the ACT. The Greens do not accept any corporate donations and examine any donation over $1000 from individuals to ensure we do not have any real or perceived conflicts of interest. We were integral in establishing the bon on donations from property developers and passing the ACT truth in political advertising laws. I will continue to fight for: A ban on donations from businesses profiting from gambling Improving government consultation with the community, including reporting back the results of community engagement and the impact it had on government decision making. |
Canberra Liberals | Krishna | Nadimpalli | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sok Kheng | Ngep | |
ACT Labor | Maddy | Northam | |
ACT Greens | Laura | Nuttall | I plan to be more active about consulting constituents by making myself easily accessible and engaging in outreach on social media. I will consult key bodies regarding policy suggestions, and be open and honest about who I engage with and why. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Mark | O'Connor | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Alix | O'Hara | I just heard from Shane Rattenbury that he couldn’t entirely block the mandate for non-renewable gas rollout to new Canberra suburbs, because gas lobbyists were calling every member of parliament to protect their interests. So why wasn’t this in media headlines? I don’t yet know much yet about standard transparency protocols, but I have an intense sense of justice and I would be leaning on every business and media connection that I have made in my startup journey to howl this stuff from the rooftops. I can at least start by making it known here. For example, did you know that Federal government is still incentivizing exploratory oil drilling via the R&D tax incentive? |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Matthew | Ogilvie | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Adrian | Olley | |
ACT Labor | Suzanne | Orr | |
Independent | Bruce | Paine | Actively seek out meeting(s) with all citizens and groups potentially affected by an issue before the Assembly. Consciously weigh up competing considerations from a wh0le of community perspective, and be explicit regarding my reasons for taking a particular position. Decide issues based on evidence, rather than based o the Party position. Abide by the intent, not just the letter, of all legislation relevant to good government. Encourage other MLAs to follow the above, and call out obvious examples of poor practice. |
Canberra Liberals | Mark | Parton | |
ACT Labor | Marisa | Paterson | I would seek to contribute to a culture in the Legislative Assembly that promotes good government practices, particularly in respect to integrity, transparency and accountability in decisions that are made. - I will promote and support an evidence based policy agenda that also recognizes the needs and complex workings of the community. - I undertake to be a highly consultative and accessible representative to ensure good governance and representativeness. - accountability, commitment and honesty are leadership qualities that I value highly and would seek to undertake as a representative for the people of Murrumbidgee to ensure good government. |
Canberra Liberals | Patrick | Pentony | |
Independent | Lee | Perren-Leveridge | |
ACT Labor | Michael | Pettersson | |
ACT Labor | Georgia | Phillips | |
David Pollard Independent | David | Pollard | - Prevent politicians from censoring reasonable debate on official channels, especially social media. - Strengthen the Integrity Commission with resourcing and legislation. - In my campaign I have implemented a service desk style ticketing system, which tracks correspondence and highlights responsiveness. I intend to use the same system as an MLA and will lobby to implement it at the Legislative Assembly for all MLAs. - Improve and support constructive legislation from both the government and opposition of the day, to motivate the opposition to contribute to good government |
David Pollard Independent Party | Stephanie | Pollard | |
Australian Federation Party | Jason | Potter | I will listen to the residents of Brindabella and take their needs and aspirations into the parliament and implement them. For example, residents in Brindabella have talked with me about the traffic jam that occurs on McBryde Cres in Wanniassa when three schools and a childcare centre have students picked up all at the same time. If elected, we will work with the schools and the childcare centre to fix this. I will make sure our party only chooses candidates of good character and integrity. |
ACT Labor | Gordon | Ramsay | I am, and will continue to be, fully engaged with transparency measures of government including freedom of information and integrity processes and the quarterly publication of my ministerial diary, if I am fortunate enough to be reelected and appointed to a portfolio role. I will continue to respond as quickly as I can to any issue raised with me and to advocate with colleagues to get the outcomes my constituents are seeking. |
ACT Greens | Shane | Rattenbury | Accountability and transparency have been a focus of my work in the Assembly. I introduced new Freedom of Information laws in 2016, which included a new push element, requiring government to proactively publish documents and reports. I also led the development of the ACT Integrity Commission, comitting to it during the last election, then chairing the Committee that designed the key features of the legislation. We have made our Parliamentary Agreements publicly available and reported regularly on the implementation of those Agreements. This is a unique approach in Australian politics for power-sharing governments. |
Canberra Liberals | Ignatius | Rozario | |
Animal Justice Party | Serrin | Rutledge-Prior | |
Australian Federation Party | Scott | Sandford | |
Canberra Liberals | Amardeep | Singh | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Oliver | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Julie | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Robyn | Soxsmith | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jonathan | Stavridis | |
ACT Labor | Chris | Steel | |
Belco Party | Bill | Stefaniac | |
Canberra Progressives | Mike | Stelzig | I will push for implementation of a full transparency law where commercial-in-confidence (except for national security matters) no longer exists. Canberrans have a right to know about all activities politicians undertake in the name of the people. |
ACT Labor | Rachel | Stephen-Smith | Promote deliberative democracy whre appropriate, recognising that transparency in these processes is vital, as demonstrated through the citizens' jury on motor accident insurance. Ensure the government reports back on community consultation in a timely and transparent way. Support the ACT Planning Review to deliver a planning system that enables population growth while protecting Canberras character and building a city that is liveable, sustainable, resilient, and diverse. Continue to work with the Human Rights Commission and stakeholders to create a more transparent and restorative child protection system. Support Legislative Assembly committees to examine comples issues in the interests of the |
Labour DLP | Bernie | Strang | |
Canberra Liberals | Sarah | Suine | |
Canberra Progressives | Peta | Swarbrick | Good government is one that gains the trust of its constituents. I would vigorously support the work done by CAPaD and ACTCOSS in 2018 on importance of trust and how deliberative democracy frameworks can promote better government, transparency and accountability. I stand on a platform of evidence based policy making as well as ethics and empowerment, so I am keen to consider recommendations of expert groups like CAPaD and ACTCOSS if elected. |
Belco Party | Alan | Tutt | |
Canberra Liberals | Jacob | Vadakkedathu | |
ACT Greens | Rebecca | Vassarotti | I am a strong supporter of open government, integrity measures and measures that improve transparency and responsiveness. I am proud to be part of the ACT Greens who have championed measures including establishing an integrity commission, strengthening freedom of information laws and banning developer donations. I also strongly support the introduction of measures that promote participative democratic process and consultative measures. There is more work to do in these areas and I would relish an opportunity to work collaboratively with community to further improve responsiveness, accountability and transparency of our Government. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Peter | Veenstra | |
Canberra Liberals | Andrew | Wall | |
ACT Labor | Taimus | Werner-Gibbings | |
Independent | Brendan | Whyte | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Bruce | Willett | |
Canberra Progressives | Bethany | Williams | I plan to be a representative of not just the people in my own electorate, but of all the people of Canberra. While I will make sure that I fight for the things that matter to my electorate, I also want to be a representative that holds the government of the day to account across the board. I want to know where the money is being spent. I want transparency about the deals that the government makes with large developers. I want to understand why the government is so reliant on rates and land tax and push for a decrease in both. |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Robyn | Williams | CAP is a truly local party, and it is wholly independent of any other political party. We are always happy to cooperate with other organisations, but we will never sacrifice our party’s autonomy. I am keen on protecting the Griffin-Mahoney vision for Canberra and I am strongly opposed to the West Basin project. This development threatens to be the thin end of the wedge. If it proceeds it will set a precendent for other infill and development along the foreshore of Lake Burley Griffin. |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Gordon | Yeatman | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Scott | Young |
Party | First Name | Family Name | Improve constituents participation |
ACT Labor | Judy | Anderson | I will continue to connect and listen to the community. I represent them in matters that are important to them and ensure the public officials take their views into active consideration in designing policies and legislation. I believe active engagement with the community is far more effective than consultation and working closely with the community to help facilitate finding better ways to deliver to the community in government. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Joy | Angel | |
ACT Greens | Merlin | Baker | |
ACT Labor | Andrew | Barr | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Greg | Baynham | |
ACT Labor | Yvette | Berry | |
Canberra Progressives | Tim | Bohm | |
ACT Greens | Adriana | Boisen | |
ACT Greens | Andrew | Braddock | I would advocate for the increasing the use of participatory budget setting and citizens juries in the ACT. Community consultation must be also meaningful and help prior to a decision been make by government; therefore I would hold the government to account for any decision made contrary to the communitys views. |
Animal Justice Party | Bernie | Brennan | |
ACT Greens | Michael | Brewer | As an MLA, I will work for my community, not for corporate interests or donors. I believe MLAs should be available for their constituents to reach out to, and the work Im most looking forward to, and I think is most important, is the ground-level, every day help constituents may need accessing government services. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Geoff | Buckmaster | |
ACT Labor | Joy | Burch | |
Canberra Liberals | Candice | Burch | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Rohan | Byrnes | |
Canberra Liberals | Peter | Cain | |
Independent | Fiona | Carrick | I will ensure community members and groups are informed with clear information about the issues associated with the development of policy. I will work towards on-going dialogue to capture all of the considerations involved in assuring that stakeholder interests are addressed and reflected in policy initiatives. |
Canberra Liberals | Leanne | Castley | |
ACT Labor | Tara | Cheyne | Proactively share information and work to make information easier to find Respond candidly to questions or concerns Highlight, promote and encourage participation in parliamentary or Government inquiries or consultations, and, where possible, work to make it easier and simpler to participate Support deliberative democracy processes where appropriate |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Andrew | Clapham | |
ACT Greens | Jo | Clay | COVID-1g restrictions are increasing online engagement through video calls, Facebook Live, community surveys and messaging. I'll use my entrepreneurlat and communication skills to expand these channels after restrictions are lifted. They bring grassroots and participatory democracy to a broader group. They give the community a new voice. |
Canberra Liberals | Ed | Cocks | |
ACT Labor | Bec | Cody | |
Canberra Liberals | Alistair | Coe | |
Independent | Helen | Cross | |
Independent | Mignonne | Cullen | |
Independent | Marilena | Damiano | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Daniels | |
ACT Greens | Emma | Davidson | In addition to information on the ACT Greens website explaining my activities and voting in the Assembly, I will hold regular community meetings throughout Murrumbidgee to seek input from residents, answer their questions, and hear from speakers with expertise on complex issues. |
ACT Greens | Johnathan | Davis | |
ACT Labor | Cathy | Day | |
Liberal Democrats | Dominic | De Luca | |
Animal Justice Party | Yana | del Valle | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Oksana | Demetrios | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Andrew | Demetrios | |
ACT Labor | Tim | Dobson | - Apply Asset Based Community Development principles in any engagement with the community. - Facilitate greater involvement of community members who are traditionally left out of community consultation: public housing tenants, migrants and refugees, people with disabilities and their carers, single parents, people with mental health issues, unemployed workers and young people. |
Animal Justice Party | Lara | Drew | |
Animal Justice Party | Carolyne | Drew | |
Belco Party | Vijay | Dubey | |
ACT Labor | Sue | Ducker | |
ACT Greens | Sue | Ellerman | |
Animal Justice Party | Jannah | Fahiz | |
Canberra Progressives | Therese | Faulkner | I will be proactive in contacting constituents about policy issues and decisions affecting the community instead of waiting for reactions. Methods for doing this will include: attending relevant community council meetings, holding virtual town hall meetings, letterboxing, and conducting nano-surveys via appropriate technology. |
ACT Labor | Tom | Fischer | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Forde | - Use surveys, mobile offices and town halls to seek feedback on policy in bot development and execution; - Actively involve the community in the committee process; - Participate in the Tuggeranong Community Council - Share any and all relevant government documentation with the community through an accessible means. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sophia | Forner | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Richard | Forner | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Paul | Gabriel | |
ACT Labor | Mick | Gentleman | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Mark | Gilmayer | |
ACT Greens | Tjanara | Goreng Goreng | If I am elected to the ACT Legislative Assembly, I will undertake these measures to promote and improve informed participation by my constituents in ACT policy development and decision making. I am a local member of a large extended First Nations community and I utilise particular ways of communication through social media, |
Liberal Democrats | Jacob | Gowor | |
Canberra Liberals | Rattesh | Gumber | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Gunning | |
ACT Labor | Deepak-Raj | Gupta | |
Animal Justice Party | Edmund | Handby | |
Canberra Liberals | Jeremy | Hanson | |
ACT Greens | Mainul | Haque | If elected, I will listen actively, consulting with the community through ongoing, open, honest and transparent dialogue to help me understand and advocate for the ‘burning issues’ or ‘concerns’ of my constituents. I will represent the average Canberran who wants this city and its communities to thrive and prosper. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Haydon | |
Labour DLP | Olivia | Helmore | |
Belco Party | Chic | Henry | |
Canberra Liberals | Jane | Hiatt | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jackson | Hillman | |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Alvin | Hopper | Canberrans need have more say in vital government matters. At present, decisions are taken behind closed doors, followed by merely nominal public consultation. We must stop this unhealthy process. We must jealously protect our wonderful bush land and our invaluable urban green spaces. CAP strongly opposes the government’s plans to develop the West Basin of Lake Burley Griffin and build apartment blocks along the shoreline. By supporting the project The Greens have forsaken their own environmental credentials. Prompt effective action is essential to protect our lake. Canberra’s runaway development must be regulated. As an MLA I will promote community participation in ACT affairs. |
Animal Justice Party | Francine | Horne | |
Australian Federation Party | Mohammad Munir | Hussain | |
ACT Labor | Jacob | Ingram | |
Liberal Democrats | Guy | Jakeman | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Johnson | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Petar | Johnson | |
Canberra Liberals | Giulia | Jones | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Kearsley | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Kikkert | |
Canberra Progressives | Robert | Knight | I will investigate mechanisms and procedures to improve public accountability and genuine community engagement. I will seek to establish citizens juries, public referenda, community councils and other initiatives which give the public a say on how were governed. |
Liberal Democrats | Matthew | Knight | |
Canberra Liberals | Kacey | Lam | |
Canberra Liberals | Nicole | Lawder | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Lee | |
Independent | Fuxin | Li | facilitate dissemination of information about government services and policies in the electorate, so to enhance understanding of the government services policies, and improve their involvement in policy development and decision making. |
ACT Greens | Tim | Liersch | I will work to expand the capacity of the community councils by seeking the provision of improved support mechanisms to engage with their community districts on broader matters that affect their communities. These will be politically independent and include reformed consultation processes on planning decisions. |
Canberra Progressives | Stephen | Lin | I will encourage community groups to participate in policy debates and make submissions whenever possible. I will inform and encourage residents from multicultural backgrounds to contribute into policy development and enrich our community. I will promote programs to advance the opportunities for disadvantage groups. I will inspire and guide children and young people to embrace our democratic value and acquire skills and pursue public roles to enhance our democratic structure and composition of the society. |
ACT Labor | Greg | Lloyd | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Long | |
Belco Party | Angela | Lount | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Jill | ||
Labour DLP | Ian | McClure | |
Labour DLP | Helen | McClure | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Milligan | |
ACT Greens | Katt | Millner | I will strive to achieve: Proactive and inclusive community consultation by the government for policy development and implementation Participatory democratic mechanisms to prioritise the spending of funds Clear communication of how the government as acted on the feedback of the community |
Canberra Liberals | Krishna | Nadimpalli | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sok Kheng | Ngep | |
ACT Labor | Maddy | Northam | |
ACT Greens | Laura | Nuttall | I will engage in regular social media outreach, be available in electoral office/s, and endeavour to conduct mobile offices and catch ups to keep in touch with constituents. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Mark | O'Connor | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Alix | O'Hara | There are – or should be – two levels of local government. There are housekeeping matters serving community interests. These include school funding, public transport, civic planning, minimizing urban infill and ensuring availability of community amenities. These should include support to give every member of society every opportunity to live their best life and offer their best back, |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Matthew | Ogilvie | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Adrian | Olley | |
ACT Labor | Suzanne | Orr | |
Independent | Bruce | Paine | Require whoever forms government to explain emerging issues and potential decisions in ways that are understandable and accessible by all constituents and that cover both the short to longer-term impacts. Meet with constituents to discuss emerging issues and potential decisions. Ensure that decisions by government are taken transparently including to hold government accountable. |
Canberra Liberals | Mark | Parton | |
ACT Labor | Marisa | Paterson | To promote and improve informed participation by constituents I will: - create a supportive culture and environment that welcomes diversity in views and perspectives - facilitate community and stakeholder engagement processes locally - promote communication and dialogue around decisions that are made |
Canberra Liberals | Patrick | Pentony | |
Independent | Lee | Perren-Leveridge | |
ACT Labor | Michael | Pettersson | |
ACT Labor | Georgia | Phillips | |
David Pollard Independent | David | Pollard | - I will establish public working groups. Interested constituents will have an opportunity to directly develop policy to be presented as private members bills. - I will vote against issues that have had inadequate, insincere, or deceptive community consultation. - I will attend and offer an Assembly update at Community Council meetings. |
David Pollard Independent Party | Stephanie | Pollard | |
Australian Federation Party | Jason | Potter | I will hold an open community meeting every month, that any resident can attend in person or via Zoom where issues can be raised with me that need to be addressed and I will then take those issues and raise them with the relevant minister or department. I will meet with any resident who seeks to have a meeting with me on any issue that concerns them. |
ACT Labor | Gordon | Ramsay | I have, and will continue to, welcome everyones input into how the ACT is run, continuing my track record of taking the issues that you raise with me into decision-making processes. From footpaths to restorative justice, intersection upgrades to arts funding, and everything else, Im here to serve. |
ACT Greens | Shane | Rattenbury | Aside from the above, deliver the Greens Neighbourhood Democracy program. We know that when people come together to discuss their vision for the place they call home, great things emerge. This fund will allow the members of every suburb to come together to determine how to spend an average annual budget of $100,000. |
Canberra Liberals | Ignatius | Rozario | |
Animal Justice Party | Serrin | Rutledge-Prior | |
Australian Federation Party | Scott | Sandford | |
Canberra Liberals | Amardeep | Singh | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Oliver | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Julie | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Robyn | Soxsmith | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jonathan | Stavridis | |
ACT Labor | Chris | Steel | |
Belco Party | Bill | Stefaniac | |
Canberra Progressives | Mike | Stelzig | I will push to legislate for a citizens assembly so that Canberrans can have an active role in making decisions that affect them. If the government is not open to a citizens assembly, I will make myself available publicly to hear feedback from my constituents which I will pass onto the government for actioning. |
ACT Labor | Rachel | Stephen-Smith | Use deliberative processes and explore new engagement opportunities to ensure diverse voices are heard, as demonstrated through the Caring for Carers and Disability Justice Strategies. Work with community councils, residents groups and constituents to make it easier fo kurrajong residents have a say in decisions that matter to them. |
Labour DLP | Bernie | Strang | |
Canberra Liberals | Sarah | Suine | |
Canberra Progressives | Peta | Swarbrick | Promote Your Say to a wider audience and increase engagement Promote Voice of Participants type events for each process Publicize Citizens Reviews and gain greater engagement Fund community engagement teams in every community (established and emerging) to support engagement and deliberative process participation Learn from Interstate and International Best Practice |
Belco Party | Alan | Tutt | |
Canberra Liberals | Jacob | Vadakkedathu | |
ACT Greens | Rebecca | Vassarotti | Continue the work to improve community consultation in planning decisions; Continue to work on political donations reform; Support work to introduce participatory democracy measures in government decision making Statement. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Peter | Veenstra | |
Canberra Liberals | Andrew | Wall | |
ACT Labor | Taimus | Werner-Gibbings | |
Independent | Brendan | Whyte | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Bruce | Willett | |
Canberra Progressives | Bethany | Williams | I want to make sure all constituents have a say, not just the ones with the loudest voices. I want to be accessible to my constituents and give them more opportunities to make their voices heard. I want to engage with them though social media, through my office and through hosting participatory events and by getting our more in my community. I want to staff my office with spokespeople from diverse sectors of the community (CALD, people with disability, First Nations People) so that people from these diverse groups feel like they are being represented, and to help inform policy ad decision making. |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Robyn | Williams | It is important to have community involvement in significant political decisions. Above all, this involvement must be real and effective – not merely nominal, as so often happens. We need to make Canberra a better place for everyone. In general Canberra is prosperous, but anyone can fall on hard times. Many people find life a struggle for one reason or another. CAP doesn’t have a solution to all of society’s problems, but we seek to serve all Canberrans to the best of our ability. |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Gordon | Yeatman | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Scott | Young |
Party | First Name | Family Name | Democratic Commitment |
ACT Labor | Judy | Anderson | Y |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Joy | Angel | |
ACT Greens | Merlin | Baker | |
ACT Labor | Andrew | Barr | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Greg | Baynham | |
ACT Labor | Yvette | Berry | |
Canberra Progressives | Tim | Bohm | |
ACT Greens | Adriana | Boisen | |
ACT Greens | Andrew | Braddock | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Animal Justice Party | Bernie | Brennan | |
ACT Greens | Michael | Brewer | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Geoff | Buckmaster | |
ACT Labor | Joy | Burch | |
Canberra Liberals | Candice | Burch | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Rohan | Byrnes | |
Canberra Liberals | Peter | Cain | |
Independent | Fiona | Carrick | Y |
Canberra Liberals | Leanne | Castley | |
ACT Labor | Tara | Cheyne | Y |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Andrew | Clapham | |
ACT Greens | Jo | Clay | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Canberra Liberals | Ed | Cocks | |
ACT Labor | Bec | Cody | |
Canberra Liberals | Alistair | Coe | |
Independent | Helen | Cross | |
Independent | Mignonne | Cullen | |
Independent | Marilena | Damiano | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Daniels | |
ACT Greens | Emma | Davidson | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
ACT Greens | Johnathan | Davis | |
ACT Labor | Cathy | Day | |
Liberal Democrats | Dominic | De Luca | |
Animal Justice Party | Yana | del Valle | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Oksana | Demetrios | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Andrew | Demetrios | |
ACT Labor | Tim | Dobson | Y |
Animal Justice Party | Lara | Drew | |
Animal Justice Party | Carolyne | Drew | |
Belco Party | Vijay | Dubey | |
ACT Labor | Sue | Ducker | |
ACT Greens | Sue | Ellerman | |
Animal Justice Party | Jannah | Fahiz | |
Canberra Progressives | Therese | Faulkner | Y |
ACT Labor | Tom | Fischer | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Forde | Y |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sophia | Forner | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Richard | Forner | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Paul | Gabriel | |
ACT Labor | Mick | Gentleman | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Mark | Gilmayer | |
ACT Greens | Tjanara | Goreng Goreng | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Liberal Democrats | Jacob | Gowor | |
Canberra Liberals | Rattesh | Gumber | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Gunning | |
ACT Labor | Deepak-Raj | Gupta | |
Animal Justice Party | Edmund | Handby | |
Canberra Liberals | Jeremy | Hanson | |
ACT Greens | Mainul | Haque | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability." |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Haydon | |
Labour DLP | Olivia | Helmore | |
Belco Party | Chic | Henry | |
Canberra Liberals | Jane | Hiatt | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jackson | Hillman | |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Alvin | Hopper | None supplied |
Animal Justice Party | Francine | Horne | |
Australian Federation Party | Mohammad Munir | Hussain | |
ACT Labor | Jacob | Ingram | |
Liberal Democrats | Guy | Jakeman | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Johnson | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Petar | Johnson | |
Canberra Liberals | Giulia | Jones | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Kearsley | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Kikkert | |
Canberra Progressives | Robert | Knight | Y |
Liberal Democrats | Matthew | Knight | |
Canberra Liberals | Kacey | Lam | |
Canberra Liberals | Nicole | Lawder | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Lee | |
Independent | Fuxin | Li | Y |
ACT Greens | Tim | Liersch | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Canberra Progressives | Stephen | Lin | Not made. |
ACT Labor | Greg | Lloyd | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Long | |
Belco Party | Angela | Lount | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Jill | ||
Labour DLP | Ian | McClure | |
Labour DLP | Helen | McClure | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Milligan | |
ACT Greens | Katt | Millner | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Canberra Liberals | Krishna | Nadimpalli | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sok Kheng | Ngep | |
ACT Labor | Maddy | Northam | |
ACT Greens | Laura | Nuttall | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Mark | O'Connor | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Alix | O'Hara | Y |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Matthew | Ogilvie | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Adrian | Olley | |
ACT Labor | Suzanne | Orr | |
Independent | Bruce | Paine | Y |
Canberra Liberals | Mark | Parton | |
ACT Labor | Marisa | Paterson | Y |
Canberra Liberals | Patrick | Pentony | |
Independent | Lee | Perren-Leveridge | |
ACT Labor | Michael | Pettersson | |
ACT Labor | Georgia | Phillips | |
David Pollard Independent | David | Pollard | Y |
David Pollard Independent Party | Stephanie | Pollard | |
Australian Federation Party | Jason | Potter | Y |
ACT Labor | Gordon | Ramsay | Y |
ACT Greens | Shane | Rattenbury | Y |
Canberra Liberals | Ignatius | Rozario | |
Animal Justice Party | Serrin | Rutledge-Prior | |
Australian Federation Party | Scott | Sandford | |
Canberra Liberals | Amardeep | Singh | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Oliver | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Julie | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Robyn | Soxsmith | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jonathan | Stavridis | |
ACT Labor | Chris | Steel | |
Belco Party | Bill | Stefaniac | |
Canberra Progressives | Mike | Stelzig | Y |
ACT Labor | Rachel | Stephen-Smith | Y |
Labour DLP | Bernie | Strang | |
Canberra Liberals | Sarah | Suine | |
Canberra Progressives | Peta | Swarbrick | Y |
Belco Party | Alan | Tutt | |
Canberra Liberals | Jacob | Vadakkedathu | |
ACT Greens | Rebecca | Vassarotti | Y + "note: Under the rules of the ACT Greens, individual candidates and MLAs are not permitted to receive donations or gifts in their capacity as a party representative, so this will be a nil disclosure for all Greens candidates. All donations received and disclosed by the ACT Greens as a party will be done in accordance with both party rules and the intent of the ACT's laws despite their non- enforceability. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Peter | Veenstra | |
Canberra Liberals | Andrew | Wall | |
ACT Labor | Taimus | Werner-Gibbings | |
Independent | Brendan | Whyte | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Bruce | Willett | |
Canberra Progressives | Bethany | Williams | Y |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Robyn | Williams | None supplied. |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Gordon | Yeatman | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Scott | Young |
Party | First Name | Family Name | Skills and experience for being an MLA |
ACT Labor | Judy | Anderson | When it comes to getting things done, I have delivered: - For families, I’ve lived in inner Canberra raising my children and working in the community for nearly 30 years. - In healthcare I’ve been a frontline nurse and driven better conditions of nurses. - In public policy I’ve championed research, lowered carbon emissions and brought investment to Canberra. - In business I continue to work tirelessly on boards and leadership roles creating positive change, including jobs in technology, health and energy. I believe right now, more than ever with COVID, we need representatives in the Legislative Assembly that have a wide range of experience to bring fresh thinking and perspectives to get things done. Canberra experience matters. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Joy | Angel | |
ACT Greens | Merlin | Baker | |
ACT Labor | Andrew | Barr | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Greg | Baynham | |
ACT Labor | Yvette | Berry | |
Canberra Progressives | Tim | Bohm | |
ACT Greens | Adriana | Boisen | |
ACT Greens | Andrew | Braddock | I am not a career politician or party hack. As a father with a young family and also as a carer, I get the daily juggle in life. I am the product of a public-school education looking to build a better future. I am also active in the community, having worked as secretary of the Gungahlin Community Council, and deputy chairman of my local primary school board. I also have the life experience and interpersonal skills to help me communicate and relate to constituents of various backgrounds, cultures, beliefs and perspectives. |
Animal Justice Party | Bernie | Brennan | |
ACT Greens | Michael | Brewer | I am proud to have served the student community during 2018 and 2019 as a Queer Representative and then Secretary on Residents' Committees. I have also served on the ACT Greens' Board since 2019. If elected, I will be a strong voice for young people across Canberra. We have historically been disenfranchised, and we need representatives to speak out to ensure we aren't the first generation to be worse off than our parents'. We have unique needs for healthcare, education, and housing, and having a young voice in the Assembly will help to address them. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Geoff | Buckmaster | |
ACT Labor | Joy | Burch | |
Canberra Liberals | Candice | Burch | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Rohan | Byrnes | |
Canberra Liberals | Peter | Cain | |
Independent | Fiona | Carrick | I am a local having lived in Woden for over 50 years. I studied a Bachelor of Commerce at ANU and Horticulture at the former Weston CIT. My working life has primarily been in finance and transport infrastructure. For nearly 4 years I have been an advocate for the community as President of the Woden Valley Community Council. We have had some great wins for the community, including a commitment to a new CIT in Woden. I understand planning and how it underpins how we balance jobs, public spaces, community facilities and the density of housing around our shopping hubs to ensure we can live, work and play locally. That we have a sense of identity and belonging, that everyone is included. |
Canberra Liberals | Leanne | Castley | |
ACT Labor | Tara | Cheyne | Before being elected, I was a Director in the APS but my passion was working with the Belconnen community. I served across a range of community roles, including on the Belconnen Community Council and Belconnen Arts Centre Board, as well as authoring a blog which promoted Canberra and Belconnen. As an MLA, I've helped thousands of residents, held hundreds of mobile offices, delivered on election commitments, and been an open, regular communicator. I've served on 13 committees (deputy chair of six and chair of two). Despite being a backbencher, I introduced legislation which passed with tripartisan support. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Andrew | Clapham | |
ACT Greens | Jo | Clay | I'm author of The Carbon Diet, a project in which I've cut my carbon footprint by 77%. I'm a practising artist and writer. I'm CEO and patented co-founder of recycling company, Send and Shred. As a climate change activist, l'm seriously worried about our future. But l've seen for myself that we can take real action when business, community and government all work together. I've worked in the private, government and non-profit sectors and I hold degrees in Creative Arts and Laws (Honours). A lifetime resident of Canberra, I live in Belconnen with my partner, my daughter and my two dogs. |
Canberra Liberals | Ed | Cocks | |
ACT Labor | Bec | Cody | |
Canberra Liberals | Alistair | Coe | |
Independent | Helen | Cross | |
Independent | Mignonne | Cullen | |
Independent | Marilena | Damiano | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Daniels | |
ACT Greens | Emma | Davidson | Working with people at risk in our community and in the community sector has given me insight to the interconnections between policy areas, and the complexity of people's lives. I value people's lived experience when considering policy changes, and I have experience in raising the voices of those most at risk in public policy conversations. I have advocated on public health, public education, access to community space, women's rights, and other issues in Canberra for many years, particularly on the southside. I have sought to raise the voices of those affected by change more than my own. |
ACT Greens | Johnathan | Davis | |
ACT Labor | Cathy | Day | |
Liberal Democrats | Dominic | De Luca | |
Animal Justice Party | Yana | del Valle | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Oksana | Demetrios | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Andrew | Demetrios | |
ACT Labor | Tim | Dobson | I've worked in the Learning Support Unit at Mawson Primary, and in Wollongong I helped start Green Connect - a social enterprise that trains youth, refugees and long-term unemployed people in environmentally sustainable jobs. As a teacher, I know how to listen to the needs of parents and students, and through my work I've supported those in our society who are often the first to be left behind. My work has created jobs and supported people from childhood to adulthood to get set up for fulfilling lives. |
Animal Justice Party | Lara | Drew | |
Animal Justice Party | Carolyne | Drew | |
Belco Party | Vijay | Dubey | |
ACT Labor | Sue | Ducker | |
ACT Greens | Sue | Ellerman | |
Animal Justice Party | Jannah | Fahiz | |
Canberra Progressives | Therese | Faulkner | I worked in the Australian Public Service for 30 years, commencing as an 18 year old school-leaver, and have worked in the private sector for the past 6 years. I went to university as a mature-age student and gained a Graduate Diploma in public policy from the ANU. I grew up in Canberra and raised my three daughters here. I have been an active participant in the arts and sport in the ACT and understand the Canberra community well through my diverse family and friends. I have a sound understanding of the role and responsibilities of being an elected representative. |
ACT Labor | Tom | Fischer | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Forde | We are lucky to live in a democracy, where anyone can seek public office. Skills and experience are less important than commitment and dedication to the community. Anyone truly seeking to represent and improve their community is already a good candidate. I grew up in Tuggeranong, attended local schools, graduated from ANU with an Asian Studies degree, majoring in Chinses politics. I also have a master’s degree from the ANU. I’ve worked in higher education, as a consultation on international aid, as an industrial representative for both white collar and blue collar workers. I understand how government works. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sophia | Forner | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Richard | Forner | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Paul | Gabriel | |
ACT Labor | Mick | Gentleman | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Mark | Gilmayer | |
ACT Greens | Tjanara | Goreng Goreng | I am academic University lecturer, a career passion since 1994 at six Australian Universities where I have been a lecturer, Senior lecturer and Assistant Professor, retiring from full time teaching at the University of Canberra in 2014. Since then I have attained my PhD from ANU in Sacred Leadership and began a Transformational Leadership company focusing on Indigenous and western ways of doing transformational leadership mentoring with executives and designing and running transformational leadership programs in government and non-government agencies in Australia with three Indigenous and non-Indigenous colleagues. I am a certified practitioner of Self Managing Leadership from the Oxford Leadership Academy and The Leadership Circle (TLC) which I utilised in my mentoring practice. |
Liberal Democrats | Jacob | Gowor | |
Canberra Liberals | Rattesh | Gumber | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Gunning | |
ACT Labor | Deepak-Raj | Gupta | |
Animal Justice Party | Edmund | Handby | |
Canberra Liberals | Jeremy | Hanson | |
ACT Greens | Mainul | Haque | An economist and public servant, I am also a father, husband and community worker. Following my education in Bangladesh, Malaysia, Canada and Australia, I settled in Canberra in 1993, becoming a local person serving local needs. For example, as President of the Canberra Muslim Community, I negotiated and managed the multi-million dollar Gungahlin Mosque project. I serve on the boards of the ACT Multicultural Advisory Council, Gold Creek Homestead Advisory Panel, Canberra Refugee Action Campaign, and Gungahlin Community Council. My skills and experiences enable me to communicate and relate to constituents from all backgrounds, irrespective of cultures, beliefs and perspectives. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Haydon | |
Labour DLP | Olivia | Helmore | |
Belco Party | Chic | Henry | |
Canberra Liberals | Jane | Hiatt | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jackson | Hillman | |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Alvin | Hopper | Alvin moved to Canberra in 1986, and he lives in Dickson. He is a lawyer and a retired public servant. Alvin’s work included drafting legislation. He has PhD in law from the University of Canberra. Alvin is actively involved in his church. He is a keen member of the Welsh Society of Canberra, and has a long-standing interest in the beautiful Welsh language. He is a bridge player, and for exercise he enjoys walking along our hill trails. |
Animal Justice Party | Francine | Horne | |
Australian Federation Party | Mohammad Munir | Hussain | |
ACT Labor | Jacob | Ingram | |
Liberal Democrats | Guy | Jakeman | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Johnson | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Petar | Johnson | |
Canberra Liberals | Giulia | Jones | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Kearsley | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Kikkert | |
Canberra Progressives | Robert | Knight | I have 21 years of service in the Australian Defence Force, with over 13 years in leadership and management positions. I also have 3 years' experience as a middle manager in the Australian Public Service and more than 12 months experience in private enterprise. I am an excellent communicator, strategic thinker, and hold tertiary qualifications in transport & logistics, as well as urban planning. |
Liberal Democrats | Matthew | Knight | |
Canberra Liberals | Kacey | Lam | |
Canberra Liberals | Nicole | Lawder | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Lee | |
Independent | Fuxin | Li | I have lived in Canberra for 19 years and in Yerrabi for 17 years. I understand the issues Canberrans and people living in Yerrabi have. I am here to listen to the community and stand for the community. I did my PhD in Education at Monash University and have been researching and working in education and cultural area for more than 27 years. I value Australia's multiculturalism and multilingualism. I believe we can do better in strengthening the diversified and harmonious society and in realizing social and economic benefits with the multicultural and multilingual resources in our community. |
ACT Greens | Tim | Liersch | I am an analyst, professionally capable of interrogating information to identify problems and expose solutions. Currently working in the public sector, I have a deep and personal commitment to working with truths. I am particularly well positioned to make difficult decisions based on complex information in a way that serves the public good. |
Canberra Progressives | Stephen | Lin | I have been admitted to practise law in Queensland since 2001 and worked mainly in community legal services. I held Principal License for or managed several of such legal services, including Central Queensland Community Legal Centre and Queensland Advocacy Inc. I have also worked as disability advocate in Queensland and ACT, promoting mental health and disability service into multicultural communities. I have keen interests in community service, public facilities for children, and overall wellbeing for the disadvantaged groups. I have also contributed my skills in Community Radio programs and multicultural projects development. |
ACT Labor | Greg | Lloyd | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Long | |
Belco Party | Angela | Lount | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Jill | ||
Labour DLP | Ian | McClure | |
Labour DLP | Helen | McClure | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Milligan | |
ACT Greens | Katt | Millner | I am a recent graduate with a Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics and a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in human rights. As a young queer woman, I have an understanding of a group which are systematically under-represented in politics. I have grown up with a brother with a disability, and have worked as a tutor with children from difficult backgrounds and a wide range of learning difficulties. My experience for being an MLA is my ability to bring these perspectives into the Assembly. |
Canberra Liberals | Krishna | Nadimpalli | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sok Kheng | Ngep | |
ACT Labor | Maddy | Northam | |
ACT Greens | Laura | Nuttall | I am currently completing a Bachelors in Asian Studies and Politics, Philosophy and Economics at the Australian National University. I have lived and worked around my electorate, and am thoroughly invested in the welfare of my community. I have a strong focus on ethics and social justice, which is hugely relevant to the issues faced by much of our community. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Mark | O'Connor | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Alix | O'Hara | Political leadership is meant to serve two functions: society housekeeping, and to steer us to a better future. The latter requires capacity for innovation underpinning a greater eye for coming challenges, than dedication to administration of outdated thinking. We are in times of unprecedented and accelerating change concerning climate change, technology, and economic influences. The majors are too slow to notice and have neglected real leadership for too long. Community needs are important, but innovative future-focussed thinking is critical. A vote for the majors is a vote wasted. Break the Duopoly. Vote for the minors, for fresh thinking and leadership. |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Matthew | Ogilvie | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Adrian | Olley | |
ACT Labor | Suzanne | Orr | |
Independent | Bruce | Paine | As a former member of the Australian Public Service, I regard myself as socially progressive, but financially responsible. I am very aware of the need for government to support public services, while ensuring that rates and taxes are affordable for the community over the long term. I have generally lived in Kurrajong since the 1970s, helped raise two children who benefitted from the ACT's public education system, and have experienced Parents and other people living in Aged Care. I was a Board member of Pedal Power ACT for several years. I enjoy Canberra's outdoor environment. |
Canberra Liberals | Mark | Parton | |
ACT Labor | Marisa | Paterson | I currently work at the Australian National University as a leading social policy researcher. I have spent the last 20 years working on a broad range of complex social and mental health issues, in both a professional and volunteer capacity. The part of my job that I excel at is listening and understanding people and complex situations, and navigating evidenced based policy solutions. I am an experienced leader and with strong communication and consultation skills. I will bring new, fresh ideas to the Assembly and be a strong advocate for the people of Murrumbidgee. |
Canberra Liberals | Patrick | Pentony | |
Independent | Lee | Perren-Leveridge | |
ACT Labor | Michael | Pettersson | |
ACT Labor | Georgia | Phillips | |
David Pollard Independent | David | Pollard | I work in my family software development business performing a range of duties, including software development, project management, contract negotiation and management, operations management, communications, and client relationships. I have a Bachelor of Engineering (Software Engineering) from University of Canberra. I practice Asset Based Community Development with the Crace Community Association (President), Gungahlin Community Council (Treasurer) and my school P&C (President). I have represented Gungahlin in democratic processes such as the Better Suburbs participatory budgeting forum. I contribute to submissions on government consultations, and development applications. Born and bred here, I have strong ties and networks in communities around Canberra. |
David Pollard Independent Party | Stephanie | Pollard | |
Australian Federation Party | Jason | Potter | I grew up in a large family and I now have a large family of my own. I have spent my working life helping others and I see the opportunity that politics provides to make an important contribution to our ACT Community. I have been a community leader, youth worker, manager of national and international projects in education and international aid and CEO of a Registered Training College. I have invested time in learning as well, including a master's degree in leadership and further Post Graduate study in Psychotherapy. |
ACT Labor | Gordon | Ramsay | After a 20 year career as a local community sector leader and advocate, I have been privileged to represent the people of Ginninderra since 2016 and be a Minister in the Government. I have worked not only to ensure Canberra can be a place where everyone belongs, everyone is valued, and everyone has the opportunity to participate but also in a number of challenging and important portfolio areas including making renting fairer, improving building quality, stronger social inclusion for seniors, more funding for the arts, and more employment for veterans, and addressing gambling harm, elder abuse and organised crime. |
ACT Greens | Shane | Rattenbury | When I was first elected, I said I wanted to ensure Canberra would be a city our children would thank us for. I continue to hold that motivation, determined to ensure the place we call home is environmentally sustainable, and is fair and equitable, both for today and for future generations. I have lived in Canberra since starting high school in the 80's, have worked in the public service and not-for-profit sector, have worked overseas, and have proudly represented my electorate since 2008. My family all live in Canberra, and I am deeply committed to this city. |
Canberra Liberals | Ignatius | Rozario | |
Animal Justice Party | Serrin | Rutledge-Prior | |
Australian Federation Party | Scott | Sandford | |
Canberra Liberals | Amardeep | Singh | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Oliver | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Julie | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Robyn | Soxsmith | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jonathan | Stavridis | |
ACT Labor | Chris | Steel | |
Belco Party | Bill | Stefaniac | |
Canberra Progressives | Mike | Stelzig | I worked for the Commonwealth for 11 years, six as a policy and five years as an internal auditor. I've been employed with the ACT Government for two years. Prior to joining the public service, I was employed in various roles in the private industry from management to senior executive. I have an insight into what makes government tick, how decisions are made and why they are made. |
ACT Labor | Rachel | Stephen-Smith | After more than 20 years working in public policy and volunteering in my community, I was elected to the Assembly in 2016. As a local member, I've listened to people and worked to deliver positive outcomes for the inner north and south. I have also served as Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs; Children, Youth and Families; Disability; Community Services; Multicultural Affairs; Employment and Workpsace Safety; Government Services and Procurement; Urban Renewal; and Health. It has been a privilege to serve the community in portfolios that make a difference in the lives of Canberra's workers and families. |
Labour DLP | Bernie | Strang | |
Canberra Liberals | Sarah | Suine | |
Canberra Progressives | Peta | Swarbrick | I would be a great MLA because I am a passionate Canberran with broad life, and work experience. I care deeply about the well being my community and our environment, and I want to every Canberran to have a voice. I have many skills, acquired over a lifetime of lived and business experience. I have expertise in developing strong relationships, strategic decision making, risk management and team dynamics. I have large community networks, and I am passionate about empowering all communities to build stronger connections and be active in participants in designing their solutions best practice, evidence based solutions. |
Belco Party | Alan | Tutt | |
Canberra Liberals | Jacob | Vadakkedathu | |
ACT Greens | Rebecca | Vassarotti | I am a Canberra native, long-term Kurrajong resident, Mum of three school-aged kids, and engaged member of my community. I have dedicated my professional life to reduce poverty, disadvantage and discrimination across our community. I bring a range of professional and volunteer experiences including leadership roles in our local community sector, volunteer roles on a range of not-for-profit board and committees and serving as a community member of the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal. These have fostered skills including community engagement, a commitment to evidence-based policy and a deep commitment to participatory democracy and people centred leadership. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Peter | Veenstra | |
Canberra Liberals | Andrew | Wall | |
ACT Labor | Taimus | Werner-Gibbings | |
Independent | Brendan | Whyte | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Bruce | Willett | |
Canberra Progressives | Bethany | Williams | My skills and experience to be an MLA stem from my real-life experience being a member of the Canberra community. I am a Canberra mother who has worked in the Australian Public Service for years and has contributed to the community through starting the Canberra Nippers program. My strengths are my persistence, my compassion, my willingness to ask the hard questions and pursue answers. I am not a career politician. I just want to make sure the government does the right thing by the community. I want to ensure political integrity and transparency in government. |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Robyn | Williams | I am Robyn Williams and I am pleased to be a candidate in Kurrajong for the Community Action Party (CAP). I am honoured to be CAP’s vice-president. I worked in museums and archaeology in New Zealand and New South Wales, including time in Griffith, NSW, which like Canberra, was planned by Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahoney. |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Gordon | Yeatman | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Scott | Young |
Party | First Name | Family Name | Skills and experience for ministry |
ACT Labor | Judy | Anderson | I have worked in and around government, including the ACT Government for many years, so I have extensive experience in how government works, including policy development and legislative process. In these roles, I have delivered better government services, including in health, technology policy, bringing investment to Canberra and creating new jobs and offering new training and education opportunities. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Joy | Angel | |
ACT Greens | Merlin | Baker | |
ACT Labor | Andrew | Barr | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Greg | Baynham | |
ACT Labor | Yvette | Berry | |
Canberra Progressives | Tim | Bohm | |
ACT Greens | Adriana | Boisen | |
ACT Greens | Andrew | Braddock | As an environmental engineer, I know how to make our city more sustainable. I have a professional understanding of the municipal systems that support Canberra's households including water, waste water, and traffic design. As a public servant, I also have hands on experience in developing policy and crafting legislation. |
Animal Justice Party | Bernie | Brennan | |
ACT Greens | Michael | Brewer | I am a political science student, so I have an intimate understanding of how government, the Assembly, and the bureaucracy operates. At 20 years old, I will bring a long-term perspective to any ministry position I hold, a perspective which I think is severely lacking in the current political class. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Geoff | Buckmaster | |
ACT Labor | Joy | Burch | |
Canberra Liberals | Candice | Burch | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Rohan | Byrnes | |
Canberra Liberals | Peter | Cain | |
Independent | Fiona | Carrick | I have a strong understanding of the social, economic and environmental needs of our community. I support open and transparent strategic planning in consultation with the community to provide guidance and confidence to both the public and private sector to invest in our community. My public sector and finance background provides me with a strong understanding of public budgeting and the machinery of government. |
Canberra Liberals | Leanne | Castley | |
ACT Labor | Tara | Cheyne | To best get results for my constituents, I've dedicated my first term to voraciously learning the how and why of Government - whether it's through an extensive committee inquiry or by joining a ranger out in the field. I've led large, diverse teams, have an MBA, and work hard. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Andrew | Clapham | |
ACT Greens | Jo | Clay | l'm a lawyer and communicator by profession. I've written and delivered programs, policy and legislation for the ACT and Federal governments. l've worked with ACT community groups and lobby groups. I have media experience. I run my own budgets and businesses. I have a general understanding of how to get things done. |
Canberra Liberals | Ed | Cocks | |
ACT Labor | Bec | Cody | |
Canberra Liberals | Alistair | Coe | |
Independent | Helen | Cross | |
Independent | Mignonne | Cullen | |
Independent | Marilena | Damiano | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Daniels | |
ACT Greens | Emma | Davidson | I have experience working in Commonwealth public service, small business, and community sector. I have worked in policy development, fair trade and environmentally sustainable retail, software development, social research and advocacy. A friend recently said to me "Emma, you've lived 76 lives!" and well... she's not wrong! Diversity of experiences is a strength. |
ACT Greens | Johnathan | Davis | |
ACT Labor | Cathy | Day | |
Liberal Democrats | Dominic | De Luca | |
Animal Justice Party | Yana | del Valle | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Oksana | Demetrios | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Andrew | Demetrios | |
ACT Labor | Tim | Dobson | I am not a career politician, but I have been politically active for the past twenty years. My background in Economics has given me the understanding and tools to deal with policy ideas and financial problems, and my frontline work with students and families has ensured I have an acute understand of the impact those big decisions have on ordinary community members. |
Animal Justice Party | Lara | Drew | |
Animal Justice Party | Carolyne | Drew | |
Belco Party | Vijay | Dubey | |
ACT Labor | Sue | Ducker | |
ACT Greens | Sue | Ellerman | |
Animal Justice Party | Jannah | Fahiz | |
Canberra Progressives | Therese | Faulkner | As a former Senior Executive Service officer, I led large programs of work, with complex budgets and staffing. I worked with ministers and their advisers, and know what works well, and what actions and behaviours to avoid. I know it takes hard work to make things happen – talk is cheap! |
ACT Labor | Tom | Fischer | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Forde | If I was ever fortunate enough to become a minister, I would bring my analytical skills, as well as my commitment to bettering our community, to the table. Above all, I would listen to and be guided by expert advice in formulating and executing policy. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sophia | Forner | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Richard | Forner | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Paul | Gabriel | |
ACT Labor | Mick | Gentleman | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Mark | Gilmayer | |
ACT Greens | Tjanara | Goreng Goreng | I am a therapist, social worker and community development designer and program designer by training, and I have completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Management from Melbourne Business School and a Master of Social Administration, majoring in community development, population health specifically addiction. I have written, designed and delivered programs, policy |
Liberal Democrats | Jacob | Gowor | |
Canberra Liberals | Rattesh | Gumber | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Gunning | |
ACT Labor | Deepak-Raj | Gupta | |
Animal Justice Party | Edmund | Handby | |
Canberra Liberals | Jeremy | Hanson | |
ACT Greens | Mainul | Haque | I have extensive experience in policy development and implementation and am experienced in managing large organisations. The challenges I have faced allow me to empathise with the sufferings of others, a quality that would benefit the ministry. I would also bring diversity as well as inclusiveness in the government. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Haydon | |
Labour DLP | Olivia | Helmore | |
Belco Party | Chic | Henry | |
Canberra Liberals | Jane | Hiatt | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jackson | Hillman | |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Alvin | Hopper | |
Animal Justice Party | Francine | Horne | |
Australian Federation Party | Mohammad Munir | Hussain | |
ACT Labor | Jacob | Ingram | |
Liberal Democrats | Guy | Jakeman | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Johnson | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Petar | Johnson | |
Canberra Liberals | Giulia | Jones | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Kearsley | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Kikkert | |
Canberra Progressives | Robert | Knight | I have proven strategic thinking, and stakeholder engagement skills, including the marshalling of expertise in the development of policy and operational aims. |
Liberal Democrats | Matthew | Knight | |
Canberra Liberals | Kacey | Lam | |
Canberra Liberals | Nicole | Lawder | |
Canberra Liberals | Elizabeth | Lee | |
Independent | Fuxin | Li | I have worked in various leadership roles in the past 19 years at local and national levels. This enriched my experience in working with government agencies, politicians, community organizations, non-profits and the private sector. It helped me to build up my skills in working with people from different backgrounds and to enhance abilities in considering issues from different perspectives and at different levels. |
ACT Greens | Tim | Liersch | |
Canberra Progressives | Stephen | Lin | |
ACT Labor | Greg | Lloyd | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Long | |
Belco Party | Angela | Lount | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Jill | ||
Labour DLP | Ian | McClure | |
Labour DLP | Helen | McClure | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Milligan | |
ACT Greens | Katt | Millner | blank in statement |
Canberra Liberals | Krishna | Nadimpalli | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sok Kheng | Ngep | |
ACT Labor | Maddy | Northam | |
ACT Greens | Laura | Nuttall | I have passion and commitment to represent my community, and am a strong believer in evidence-based approaches to policy making. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Mark | O'Connor | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Alix | O'Hara | My professional skillsets are enterprise level project management, leadership both of teams, and to open entire business categories. I specialize in innovation to bring several paradigm shifting technologies to market and hold several patents internationally. In general, I rapidly adapt to different technologies and landscapes, e.g. web administration to website and application development |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Matthew | Ogilvie | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Adrian | Olley | |
ACT Labor | Suzanne | Orr | |
Independent | Bruce | Paine | Skills and experience in: providing advice on matters including taxation competition policy, Federal-State financial relations; liaising with the private sector, not for profits, and community organisations; and considering issue from a whole of community perspective. However, as an Independent, I would not accept a role in the Ministry, but would cast an experienced eye over Ministers' decisions. |
Canberra Liberals | Mark | Parton | |
ACT Labor | Marisa | Paterson | My research career has instilled in me an evidence based approach to policy development and implementation. Further to this, I have a quest to understand and seek informed, innovative solutions to society's complex problems. This is based in the fundamental understanding that to promote change and growth, you have to bring people with you. |
Canberra Liberals | Patrick | Pentony | |
Independent | Lee | Perren-Leveridge | |
ACT Labor | Michael | Pettersson | |
ACT Labor | Georgia | Phillips | |
David Pollard Independent | David | Pollard | I commit to remaining Independent from the ministry. I believe an Independent should remain on the crossbench and vote on each issue on the merits. An Independent brings scrutiny and improves both sides of politics, but they cannot do that when compromised by a cabinet agreement. |
David Pollard Independent Party | Stephanie | Pollard | |
Australian Federation Party | Jason | Potter | Local Community Leader and Advocate A good listener who believes in making sure every person's voice is heard National Manager of Vocational Education for large Private Training Institution Manager of 3500 Volunteers across Australia and NZ for International Aid NGO Father, Husband, Uncle and avid Sports fan |
ACT Labor | Gordon | Ramsay | I believe everything comes from good listening - through conversations with people about the things that matter and meaningful consultation. With a long background in the community sector and as a lawyer, I fight for social justice and inclusion with a view to policy and legislation that puts people first. |
ACT Greens | Shane | Rattenbury | As a Minister since 2012, I have held a range of portfolios, working to bring good governance, transparency and fair decision making to the role. As a Greens Minister, I have demonstrated an ability to work collaboratively to form a multiparty government, ensuring stable government while delivering on the platform of my party. |
Canberra Liberals | Ignatius | Rozario | |
Animal Justice Party | Serrin | Rutledge-Prior | |
Australian Federation Party | Scott | Sandford | |
Canberra Liberals | Amardeep | Singh | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Oliver | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Julie | Smith | |
Animal Justice Party | Robyn | Soxsmith | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jonathan | Stavridis | |
ACT Labor | Chris | Steel | |
Belco Party | Bill | Stefaniac | |
Canberra Progressives | Mike | Stelzig | I have proven strategic thinking, and stakeholder engagement skills, including identification of, and problem solving skills. |
ACT Labor | Rachel | Stephen-Smith | As Minister for Health, I have seen our public servants and healthcare workers at their best in responding to COVID-19 and have worked hard to support them in protecting ACT residents. I've sought to listen to all sectors of our community and communicate clearly in an environment of great uncertainty. |
Labour DLP | Bernie | Strang | |
Canberra Liberals | Sarah | Suine | |
Canberra Progressives | Peta | Swarbrick | Attaining a Dip Ed in Community Services(Com Dev)has made me an avid proponent of Asset (Strengths) Based Community Development,. Thus giving me the skills to work closely within our wonderfully diverse Canberra community to identify innovative solutions that meet community needs. Employing evidence, providing transparency and being accountable to the Community whilst having the skills to manage competing interests in order to deliver the best policy, is key to being an effective Minister. |
Belco Party | Alan | Tutt | |
Canberra Liberals | Jacob | Vadakkedathu | |
ACT Greens | Rebecca | Vassarotti | I have been extremely fortunate to have had a diverse range of professional roles across a number of sectors which provides an understanding of the complexity of many issues. I am committed to understanding different perspectives and ensuring that evidence is a key driver of decision makers. My work in areas of disadvantage equip me to ensure that politics serve people. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Peter | Veenstra | |
Canberra Liberals | Andrew | Wall | |
ACT Labor | Taimus | Werner-Gibbings | |
Independent | Brendan | Whyte | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Bruce | Willett | |
Canberra Progressives | Bethany | Williams | A role in the ministry would be an incredible honour and responsibility, however, I would prefer to be honest and say that I would not immediately possess the skills and experience to take on such a role. What would make me suitable for a role in the ministry would be to be elected to the Legislative Assembly first, and spend several years listening and learning about issues of importance, particularly in a ministry where I might be able to make the most difference. |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Robyn | Williams | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Gordon | Yeatman | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Scott | Young |
Party | First Name | Family Name | Representing my constituents |
ACT Labor | Judy | Anderson | I believe the best way to create positive change is to engage closely with the community to understand their problems and work with them to develop creative solutions. This includes listening to a variety of views and actively bringing communities together to share perspectives, generate a deeper understanding and actively encourage collaboration for developing outcomes with the community. With extensive experience in a wide range of settings: community, business and government, I will be a highly effective representative of the community by relentlessly championing their needs because I have a deep understanding of what effective government looks like, and a strong appetite to continuously improve the delivery of government services. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Joy | Angel | |
ACT Greens | Merlin | Baker | |
ACT Labor | Andrew | Barr | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Greg | Baynham | |
ACT Labor | Yvette | Berry | |
Canberra Progressives | Tim | Bohm | |
ACT Greens | Adriana | Boisen | |
ACT Greens | Andrew | Braddock | With integrity, transparency and zeal. I am committed to putting the Yerrabi community first. That means putting the community and the environment we depend on ahead of big business, corporate interests and lobbyists. I will make myself readily available to all constituents, and actively seek out a diverse range of community views, even if contrarian to my own. I will attend all Community Council meetings that I possibly can. |
Animal Justice Party | Bernie | Brennan | |
ACT Greens | Michael | Brewer | I am scared for my future, and we must act now to save our planet. I believe that climate and social justice are intimately linked, and I will act to ensure the climate is considered when implementing all policies. We need housing that is sensitive to our changing environment, we need healthcare which considers future extremes like the bushfires we experienced last summer, and we need to transition our public transport away from fossil fuels to electric, hydrogen, and active options. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Geoff | Buckmaster | |
ACT Labor | Joy | Burch | |
Canberra Liberals | Candice | Burch | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Rohan | Byrnes | |
Canberra Liberals | Peter | Cain | |
Independent | Fiona | Carrick | I am standing as a candidate to bring a strong independent voice to the Legislative Assembly that is issues based and not aligned with party ideology and politics. I will continue to advocate for: planning for the people, not developers; and transparency and accountability in decision making. I will work with community organisations to identify problems and options to rectify them. I will apply planning principles to the options to ensure the proposed solutions meet the needs of the community. I am a viable alternative to the major parties because I will investigate issues and consider the merits of proposals in the context of the community. |
Canberra Liberals | Leanne | Castley | |
ACT Labor | Tara | Cheyne | As an MLA, I've prided myself on being available and accessible – and I will continue that. In addition to the multiple channels where constituents can reach me (email, social media, phoning and meetings), I proactively reach out to constituents, such as through regular mobile offices, volunteering at many fetes and community events and meetings, running numerous petitions, and engaging (not just broadcasting) through social media. In this way, I can best understand what's important, effectively pursue outcomes, and get results on the things that matter. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Andrew | Clapham | |
ACT Greens | Jo | Clay | I will seek a fairer and greener future for Ginninderra, Canberra, Australia and the planet. As we move beyond the summer climate change smoke and fire crisis and the current COVlD-19 crisis, I will use my political voice and practical experience to apply what we have learned. I will promote strong action on climate change and better adaptation to keep our houses, public spaces and city liveable in a changing climate. I will support public transport, education and health that is accessible for all. I will help communities and businesses work together to build a fairer and greener system. |
Canberra Liberals | Ed | Cocks | |
ACT Labor | Bec | Cody | |
Canberra Liberals | Alistair | Coe | |
Independent | Helen | Cross | |
Independent | Mignonne | Cullen | |
Independent | Marilena | Damiano | |
Canberra Liberals | James | Daniels | |
ACT Greens | Emma | Davidson | All policies underpinning ACT Greens decision-making in the ACT Legislative Assembly are developed in consultation with community groups and Canberra residents, and published on the ACT Greens website. Where an issue is complex or existing policy is unclear on the right approach, I will consult with all stakeholders, with the aim of finding a solution that best meets the needs of residents and our planet. ACT Greens do not accept corporate donations. I will push for greater transparency on donations, and corporate donations to all political parties to be banned.* |
ACT Greens | Johnathan | Davis | |
ACT Labor | Cathy | Day | |
Liberal Democrats | Dominic | De Luca | |
Animal Justice Party | Yana | del Valle | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Oksana | Demetrios | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Andrew | Demetrios | |
ACT Labor | Tim | Dobson | I want to support community organisers who are from the constituency, to initiate and maintain ongoing engagement with the broader population. Alongside them, I will facilitate participatory environments that opens an ongoing dialogue rather than merely consulting over issues. |
Animal Justice Party | Lara | Drew | |
Animal Justice Party | Carolyne | Drew | |
Belco Party | Vijay | Dubey | |
ACT Labor | Sue | Ducker | |
ACT Greens | Sue | Ellerman | |
Animal Justice Party | Jannah | Fahiz | |
Canberra Progressives | Therese | Faulkner | I plan to be a genuine representative of my constituents by staying grounded – having conversations with real people about their challenges and the impact of government actions on them and their families. I will also draw from advice and experiences of established community organisations covering a diversity of constituents, to ensure a well-rounded view of the issues, challenges and impacts from a range of perspectives. |
ACT Labor | Tom | Fischer | |
ACT Labor | Brendan | Forde | I will always be present and available in the community to remain available to my constituents. I will do this through regular and frequent mobile offices across Tuggeranong. I will seek the view of the community on the policy questions before me, both through face to face meetings and also surveys. While I will not promise to be a perfect reflection of the will of the community, I will always form my decision with their views in mind, and then explain the rationale for my decision to them. I will be accountable for my actions to my constituents. |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Sophia | Forner | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Richard | Forner | |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | Paul | Gabriel | |
ACT Labor | Mick | Gentleman | |
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party (ACT) | Mark | Gilmayer | |
ACT Greens | Tjanara | Goreng Goreng | blank in statement |
Liberal Democrats | Jacob | Gowor | |
Canberra Liberals | Rattesh | Gumber | |
Canberra Liberals | Robert | Gunning | |
ACT Labor | Deepak-Raj | Gupta | |
Animal Justice Party | Edmund | Handby | |
Canberra Liberals | Jeremy | Hanson | |
ACT Greens | Mainul | Haque | I will support “policies based on the needs of our community, not the greed of a few.” In Yerrabi this means we will: • plant many more trees • build a multipurpose community centre and revitalise Yerrabi Pond. These two initiatives will create jobs, support our local small businesses and will bring families and communities together • expand Gunghalin CIT campus to provide opportunities for all ages. • improve cycle paths and road infrastructures to reduce traffic congestion and better connect our suburbs • support sustainable development for Gungahlin • support female only swimming sessions in all public pools in Canberra • enhance efforts to address domestic violence, social isolation and mental health challenges, including in multicultural communities • establish a community garden in Gungahlin. These are policies based on need rather than greed. |
Sustainable Australia (ACT) | John | Haydon | |
Labour DLP | Olivia | Helmore | |
Belco Party | Chic | Henry | |
Canberra Liberals | Jane | Hiatt | |
Australian Climate Change Justice Party | Jackson | Hillman | |
Community Action Party (ACT) | Alvin | Hopper | CAP is determined to improve the way Canberra is run. CAP stands for more community involvement, and transparency, in government. Our aim is to improve life in the ACT for everyone. We safeguard our distinct identity, but we are always ready to cooperate with others in the interests of good gove |